General Dollar - Utube videos showing scams



Karma is real and Life is short...
FABO Gold Member
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
North Franklin, CT
Sorry, did not know how to post the subject. But yesterday I was surfing You tube and watched a few videos how Dollar General has a marketing plan that involves ripping off people especially in low- impoverished areas. I personally dont shop at one. But they are like every 7miles apart (or less) near my house. It seems the videos claim Dollar General with it’s understaffed (on purpose) stores, has for example $8.40 for cat litter. But when you ring it up, it says $10.50. You’re in a hurry and you just pay the bill. Or if you complain the cashier tells you we are understaffed and just forgot to change out the shelf sign. But weeks later it’s the same thing. This generates millions of dollars per day extra revenue. If you complain they simply tell you it’s changed in the computer and nothing can be done.

Quite a few states have sued DG for fines upwards of 1 million but they are making millions per day- so it’s business as usual.
I’m sure people on here know people who work there. Any thoughts? I don’t scam but dang- if true…. Those are some smart finance people right there. Sucks for the consumers. Especially ones that cannot afford supermarkets or other retail alternatives.
Thanks for sharing. It disgusts me to see anyone preying upon the impoverished and those less fortunate. Why you gotta kick someone when they're down?
Thanks for sharing. It disgusts me to see anyone preying upon the impoverished and those less fortunate. Why you gotta kick someone when they're down?
What I learned thru the videos is that DG floods the area also preventing better stores from entering the area. A major grocery store will no longer entertain moving to a smaller town because DG and like type stores dominate the market share. I allways wondered why they are so close together. On my road (state highway) there are 5 with in 25 miles.
There are also "penny scam" videos about one or another of those kind of stores, where you find things that are in the computer priced for a penny and they have to sell it to you for that. My wife was watching them but I was not interested enough to figure out how you find them. So many people filling up carts full of stuff they probably don't even want or need, then complaining about being kicked out of the store for doing it.
What I learned thru the videos is that DG floods the area also preventing better stores from entering the area. A major grocery store will no longer entertain moving to a smaller town because DG and like type stores dominate the market share. I allways wondered why they are so close together. On my road (state highway) there are 5 with in 25 miles.

That's a brilliant strategy -- similar to how gas stations try to choke out competition, but at least gas stations tell you to your face that they're ripping you off.
The two Dollar General stores close to me aren't understaffed and the managers have told customers if there is a problem to let them know. I experienced a price differential at both stores and the managers were quick to act to refund the difference. On the other side of the coin, WalMart here in town sucks as far as inventory goes. In this day and age of computerized inventory and ordering, they should be able to keep the shelves semi-stocked. WalMart has sent me surveys and I've responded. I've had "managers, stocking clerks and others" contact me to see what the complaint is. I hear "we will correct this sir" and the next time I go in, it's the same old BS. Example 15W40 oil for diesel engines, out of stock for 3 straight months, this was a total joke. Dollar General had it in stock and was cheaper also.
We shop at DG almost every week.
We pay pretty close attention to the receipts and have only had maybe one or two items ring up wrong in over 15 years.
We also grab all the $5 off $25 coupons most of the other customers leave behind.

Even if all you buy on Saturday is two packages of decent quality toilet paper and one of paper towels, that's almost right at $25 and their prices are already lower than wal-mart.

The real genius of the DG business model is in placing their stores about halfway between most residential areas and the nearest wal-mart.
Why go through the entering/exiting parking hassle and the "wal-mart slog" hassle if you can get most daily necessity items closer and cheaper?

It's almost the return of the walking distance neighborhood "five and dime", but corporate owned.
In my area, you really haven't a choice but to shop at them . They are close , and the prices are much less than local larger chain stores .

I always check my reciept and never been overcharged and almost always the lady will give me a $5.00 off coupon
Interesting stuff right there. Pros and cons of DG. Here in my town, they purchased the property under an another name. The town approved the retail shop and assumed it was going to be something… then once the land use was approved- DG moved in. 6 weeks later- the doors opened. They are based out of Tenn. but I swear they are direct connect to Chy-na. I went down the rabbit hole and saw a lot. Mostly TX and Ohio who pushed back on DG. But NY and NJ are now during them for cash register issues as well.
Yeah, supposedly they want a store every 10mins of travel time here in PA, seems they are well on their way...haven't got ripped off yet...mostly energy drinks, a couple snacks, and some domestic supplies..
Our regional grocer, Publix has a policy of- "if it rings up a different price at the register than what is marked on the shelf- it's free".

I've had that happen about as many times as I've been charged wrong at DG.
Wow. It actually sounds like the government of OH is doing it's job!
Well, Dollar General has enough $$ to sponsor a car in NASCAR Cup Series, so they got plenty to spend
A GREEDY man will never have enough money.
I flew in to Nashville decades ago to interview for breeding manager for the big *** cattle ranch owned by DG owner. Damn glad I did not get the job.
DG takes advantage of poor people and their employees.
They sell cheap sorry stuff in smaller packages!
I refuse to buy there.