Get rid of the like button

Well, I disagree.

It's not about agreeing with a post. As the OP pointed out, this is a technical forum. People post incorrect information all the time, and there should be a way to flag that. Because people come here to get questions answered, and just skipping over a post because it contains bad information isn't helpful.

I couldn't care less if it hurts somebody's feelings, if they post bad information we shouldn't just all skip over it. Someone that doesn't know better may think it's good information, and screw up their car in the process.
when you put it like that, I agree with you because there are a lot of newbees here who have questions and this site is a nice resource.
I think the X button might make a comeback. Is it possible the Mods are having a laugh?

Shameless self promotion here, but I think a red X requiring a comment/rebuttle/some kind of explanation is best.....but I am not a programmer.
Now that deserves a Red X. :poke::rofl:
The whole point of a forum is discussion. Think about that.

Or if that’s not an option, maybe only make it available to emphasize something you actually write. So you’d have to physically say/type something in response to a post before the button becomes active.

Only place I can see a use for the like button is in the classifieds. We can’t comment on for sale ads so liking something is reasonable in that particular situation.

It stifles discussion otherwise and fosters laziness.
I see the "Like" button as equivalent to a pat on the back, or the phrase, "Couldn't said it better myself."

The "Thanks" button is just what it says, thanks for saying what you did.

Unfortunately, there is only so much that can be said in a conversation, and most people are not going to repeat what others have said unless it is necessary.

Complaining about someone liking a post, is like a slap in the face to the person that gave the "Like," moreso than the red X. The person issuing the "Like" is giving recognition for a job well done.

If you want to have a proper discussion, then post up a topic that has multiple counterpoints, not just one or two.
We’re literally dumbing ourselves down by reducing the use of actual language to communicate.
True, True, True. Young kids today are NOT being taught how to communicate in person at all. They are OK with social media communications, because there are NO concerns for politeness, grammar spelling, punctuation and capital letters. Their official written communication skills are another matter. Dismal would probably be a compliment.
Come to think of it, a lot of people here don't worry about, grammar spelling, punctuation and capital letters. I'm not sure why, because I really try not to post something with those errors in it. I proof each post before I click on "Post Reply". I have always been big on good communication skills. For about 40 years of my adult life, I had no choice.