gettin stabbed in the neck tomorrow



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Grand Tetons
well at 45 years old the cumulative affects of being young and fearless have definitely come back to haunt me. i have a slipped disc in my neck thats been acting up for the last couple years. at first it was,thought to be carpel tunnel since my left dominant hand was always going numb. well i went thru the surgery, still have the problem, only now the disc is pressing on the nerve so bad i get muscle spazims in my left bicep, constant soreness and random shooting pains in my neck , and forearm. i get no sleep unless i get doped up on allergy medicine. i had tried chiropractic with no success, this was before an MRI detected the disc problem.

well this wednesday i go to a specialist for a cortizone injection between 5th and 6th vertebrae in my neck near the slipped disc to get the nerve swelling to go down and give me relief. a last resort is surgery to remove the disc, and fuse these to bones together. i want surgery as a last resort. but as of now i am happy for wednesday to finally be here so i can get some relief from this, am also cautiously optomistic this will work for me, but also aprehensive at the same time. getting a needle stuck in my neck, even by a specialist who knows what they are doing i am sure is not a pleasant experience. i will try to take my mind to a nice place while i am getting stuck.

wish me luck

(its not that bad, its only one hundred dollars )
best of luck today. Hopefully it works out for the best.
Stating what I know from my experience with similar conditions would read as all negative comments so I'll just say "Best of luck to you" and leave it at that.
I had cervical spine surgery in 04, feel great now, took a little while for all the side effects of the nerve problems to subside. But I promise you it was well worth getting throat cut. Wish the best of luck