Gold Membership fee now go up to $40.00?

I feel the same about that damned politics forum too. It adds nothing positive to the site. I think it should be dumped. It's not even car related.

Personally, I think it's an advantage (and not because I post in there). Car related no, a place to spout off yes.

If it weren't there, inevitably it would be spilling into the general forums creating angst among members and creating a lot more work deleting said threads.
Personally, I think it's an advantage (and not because I post in there). Car related no, a place to spout off yes.

If it weren't there, inevitably it would be spilling into the general forums creating angst among members and creating a lot more work deleting said threads.

Golly gee Beave we caint have that. That would actually give the mods somethin to do. lol
Sorry. I don't get it. It's a choice. Don't want to pay it----Don't.

Yep. That's the bottom line. The $40 charge isn't mandatory. If you like what's going on here and want (or can) donate to the cause, make it happen. Otherwise hang out here and enjoy the ride, free of charge. It doesn't get any better than that! tmm
I feel the same about that damned politics forum too. It adds nothing positive to the site. I think it should be dumped. It's not even car related.

All you have to do is unsubscribe from the politics forum and you wont see it. It only adds something for those who choose it.
All you have to do is unsubscribe from the politics forum and you wont see it. It only adds something for those who choose it.

I did. About a week ago.
Maybe think about stepping up gold member benefits. If the price goes up, you usually get more for your money. As it is now, what are the benefits?

Usually? Where? I've raised the price once in 10 years. Postage has been increased 8 times during that 10 years. What more are you getting for your money there? The decals I send to Gold members are twice the cost today that they were 10 years ago, same decals.

There are lots of ways to improve on this. Lots of people have some good ideas. But you have to listen first and you ain't doin it from what I've seen.

Maybe so. But you don't seem to understand my thinking. I don't want to limit someone who isn't Gold. That wasn't the point of the whole Gold Membership. Like your suggestion that we only allow Gold Members to sell parts. Sorry, I don't want to limit others who maybe cant afford to be a GM.

The reason I set GM up was to recognize people who wanted to contribute to the site. People were offering to contribute and I wanted a simple way to do it and to recognize those good enough to donate to the site.
Usually? Where? I've raised the price once in 10 years. Postage has been increased 8 times during that 10 years. What more are you getting for your money there? The decals I send to Gold members are twice the cost today that they were 10 years ago, same decals.


Ok. I gave input. It bounced off. Again. I am tired of that, so I will simply keep my suggestions to myself from now on.
Maybe so. But you don't seem to understand my thinking. I don't want to limit someone who isn't Gold. That wasn't the point of the whole Gold Membership. Like your suggestion that we only allow Gold Members to sell parts. Sorry, I don't want to limit others who maybe cant afford to be a GM.

The reason I set GM up was to recognize people who wanted to contribute to the site. People were offering to contribute and I wanted a simple way to do it and to recognize those good enough to donate to the site.

Just forget it Joey. You are obviously going to break my post down telling me why you won't/can't take suggestions. Save yourself the trouble. You should have just told me to F off and not had to type.
Just forget it Joey. You are obviously going to break my post down telling me why you won't/can't take suggestions. Save yourself the trouble. You should have just told me to F off and not had to type.

Your reading it all wrong. Of course I am happy to take suggestions. But I have no intention on taking something away from Non gold members. There are other things that have been suggested that the software doesn't allow me to do.

I don't know why your so hostile.
-Unfortunately, due to the increase, I serious doubt that the future of my "Gold membership" may end in I think its June as money is tight and sadly enough, I'll miss it, BUT someone on these forums did it for me as a gift, and I'm not sure who or even why, BUT to that person if your reading this THANK YOU.....

But thats not to say in the future when money is a bit more freely spent, I'll go back to a gold member but I don't see it happening in my nearest future! -HELL, at this point, I'm not sure if had remained the same price, I'd still be able to afford it, so I'll have to make due without it!
Your reading it all wrong. Of course I am happy to take suggestions. But I have no intention on taking something away from Non gold members. There are other things that have been suggested that the software doesn't allow me to do.

I don't know why your so hostile.

I'm not being hostile at all. Did I use all caps? Have I cussed you out? No. I am trying to convey the situation as I see it. All you can do is look at my suggestions literally. All you see is "the software cannot do that". That's a cop out.

The software can be worked around by those things that designed it in the first place. You know? People? There's is a way to do everything. Web sites have a life span unless they change and evolve. Refusing to listen to members with good suggestions will probably shorten that life span. This is coming from someone whose seen more than one model railroad site die just because of this same reason. Lots of valuable, irreplaceable information lost forever.

There's more than one way to do something, yet talking to you about it is like talking to a brick wall. "The software cannot do that", I don't want to limit this and that". It's always something, some reason why you don't want to change anything......and there are some things that need changing. Just because the software isn't capable, doesn't mean it cannot be done. It's like you don't even want to try.

Trust me. If I was hostile, you'd damn well know it. I got no problem telling you or anyone else exactly how I feel. What's the worst you can do to me? Ban me? I can find other things to occupy my time. My point is, you have people outside your mod team that are telling you things can be improved upon. There has been more than me here saying the same thing. You keep thinking within the limitations of the software. There's more to it than that.

It's not like yall have to get involved in hardly anything other than regular site maintenance. Been that way for a while. You not only have software. You have human modware. That's irreplaceable and can do things well above and beyond any software on the planet. You said in this thread that you care about what all members think, gold or not. You're not doing a very good job of proving that.
I could see $40 being a bit of a squeeze for someone on a limited income but for novices like myself who spend more time and money breaking than fixing this place is well worth it.
Gee guys....I hate to sound mean but its 40 bucks. That is not very much money. I cant even walk into the mall without blowing that in the first store.

Its really change in the big picture. For being a bunch of people who own high dollar cars that are sought after around the world I would think 40 once a year is not a big deal.
Gee guys....I hate to sound mean but its 40 bucks. That is not very much money. I cant even walk into the mall with blowing that in the first store.

Its really change in the big picture. For being a bunch of people who own high dollar cars that sought after around the world I would think 40 once a year is a big deal.

Actually, for some, it can be.

But there in lies the rub: if you have other priorities then it doesn't matter if it's $35 or $40. Either way a person with the limited means won't purchase it.

To those who have the means, though, it comes down to choice. Pay the extra five or don't. It's that easy.
But there in lies the rub: if you have other priorities then it doesn't matter if it's $35 or $40. Either way a person with the limited means won't purchase it.

Nor do I want them to. If the extra $5 is unaffordable, I would rather they spent the money on other things. Don't worry, the best of FABO will continue to be available to you.
Gee guys....I hate to sound mean but its 40 bucks. That is not very much money. I cant even walk into the mall without blowing that in the first store.

Its really change in the big picture. For being a bunch of people who own high dollar cars that are sought after around the world I would think 40 once a year is not a big deal.

Sorry but some of us have cars that would not bring much over a grand which is less than what it cost to buy a newer car to drive. Far from high dollar car here.
I think that all of the moderators should get a free gold membership while they are mods. They should get some reward for their service, they have to put up with crap, it is the least that you could do for them... And they benefit the site more than the price of the gold membership...
I think that all of the moderators should get a free gold membership while they are mods. They should get some reward for their service, they have to put up with crap, it is the least that you could do for them... And they benefit the site more than the price of the gold membership...

they basically do. They have full access to the site.