good advice

''Life's a s**t sandwich. The more bread you got, the less s**t you'll have to eat''.
''A great man knows when to speak out and a wise man knows when to shut up, and a stupid man doesn't know when to do either''.
the toe's you step on today, may be attached to the *** you will have to kiss tomorrow
you'll have cold for 2 weeks if you take something for it
...14 days if you don't.
"If something's hard to, you're probably doing something wrong"
A college commencement speaker told the graduates to have the 5 A's and you'll succeed..

1. Availability (be there for people)
2. Affability (Don't be a dick)
3. Ability (Without it, the rest are moot)
4. Accountability (Take the credit and the blame)
5. Affordability (Don't be out of reach)