Good guy alert!!



Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2012
Reaction score
Candler, NC/Myrtle Beach, SC
I'd like to give a good guy shoutout to @discharger1332 for any of y'all who might buy, sell or swap parts with him in the future. He contacted me almost a month ago after he read an old post I'd made about finding out I had an NOS pair of chrome Direct Connection valve covers that had been factory packed with 2 passenger side covers instead of a drivers side and passenger side! @discharger1332 had discovered he had a pair of NOS chrome valve covers that had 2 drivers side covers, probably packed by the same hung over dude that packed my valve covers on a Monday morning a few decades We PM'd back and forth a few times and I sent him one of mine, and he packed up one of his and sent it back to me. Now we both have a correct pair of never used chrome D-C valve covers! The point of this whole thread is, since there wasn't a For Sale or Wanted thread to post positive feedback from, I just wanted to come here and say that @discharger1332 is a stand up guy that does what he says he will do, and you can do business here with him without worry.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Wow that's great Jackie those are my favorite valve covers last time I saw some NOS ones they were over 300 bucks and I saw some in a box that were 450..Thanks on heads up on good guy...we need em !!! Good looking out @discharger 1332
I'd probably had those valve covers 20 years or more and never knew until I drug em out of the box to put on my new 273 a while back. I looked at them and was like :BangHead: !
I'd probably had those valve covers 20 years or more and never knew until I drug em out of the box to put on my new 273 a while back. I looked at them and was like :BangHead: !
LOL!!! That'd be My luck! That's cool as hell, glad both of You Members were here to undo the packaging SNAFU, enjoy them!!
No kidding! I've gone back and tried to find the post where I made my rant about it and can't find Just one of those things that was meant to be, I guess.

This place is FULL of great people helping each other out, that's what makes it so special. Good job on both of you!

I love the old school DC valve covers. I bought a used pair for my current build.

My favorites too! I had a used set that I bought at a swap meet at some point in time, so I cleaned them up with 000 steel wool and Dawn dishwashing liquid. They looked about brand new, so they're now getting oil splashed on the bottom side by the 273! :)