Goodbye, Sarah

Robert,I am so sorry for your loss,we are here for you.
RIP Sarah.
You guys you think we could help him out agin tohelp with finle exepensies? (sorry bout the spelling )
Even though I didn't know you, all i can do is shed a tear...for Sarah, and a kind word. God Bless and RIP...I am Truly Sorry for Your Loss.
Thoughts and prayers are with you !!! And you know you need to stay strong as I'm sure that's how she'd want you to be !!
Thanks for sharing heartbreaking news. It can't be easy for you and your family at a time like this. There is hope and comfort though! So your wife is now in a better place where there is no pain or suffering. She'll be waiting in the receiving line when the rest of us show up in heaven.

God bless!

Robert, I just returned home from a trip and saw this thread, and my heart sank. I was so hoping to hear more good news, but God has chosen her for what must be a great purpose. My thoughts and prayers are going out to your family during this time, and also a prayer of thanks to God for sharing her with us during her time here. May God keep you and her in His hands and bring peace to your heart, knowing you did His will and did not falter!! Bless you my friend, you are truly a great man!! Geof
sorry to hear,
people need to enjoy everyday, because you never know whats around the corner.
My family will certainly keep yours in our prayers!
Robert I'm so so sorry. I don't even know what to say other than I'm sorry. I know she's better off but it's still very hard. Your brother (and Sarah's too), Tracy
Sorry for your loss Robert. If you need someone to talk to, I am more than willing to listen.

Robert...I am so terribly sorry to hear that Sarah has passed :angel10:

Both of you fought the "good fight" and should be at peace with your decisions.

Deepest condolences and prayers are on their way for you and your family at this most difficult time :prayer:
I am so sorry every one
Robert be strong at heart.
Rest and relax Sarah.
I am stranger from the outside but I feel for you.
Words cannot express what I,m feeling. My heart hurts for you and your loss.
My condolences and prayers to you Robert and all who knew and loved Sarah. You gave her the greatest gift any husband or friend can give.