Got a job interview need advice!



Well-Known Member
May 26, 2009
Reaction score
Long island, New York
I recently graduated with my B.F.A. concentrating in computer graphics. I spent two months looking for jobs and had not one interview. Today I applied for an entry level position as an automotive lube tech. I got called within 6 hours and have an interview setup for tomorrow. Does anyone have any tips for me? I have no experience working in a automotive shop but, have worked a lot on my own cars and other peoples cars which I clearly stated in my cover letter. I am by no means a noobie but by no means an expert.

Should I drive the dart there? do you think that will help get me the job?

The interview is 4pm tomorrow! please help me out I want the job!
Drive the dart there for sure. And ya know what they say...ya gotta "go down" before you can move up! Good luck!
Today I applied for an entry level position as an automotive lube tech. I got called within 6 hours and have an interview setup for tomorrow. Does anyone have any tips for me? I have no experience working in a automotive shop but, have worked a lot on my own cars and other peoples cars which I clearly stated in my cover letter. I am by no means a noobie but by no means an expert.

Should I drive the dart there? do you think that will help get me the job?
The interview is 4pm tomorrow! please help me out I want the job!

I high lited a possible good point. While showing the old ride off as something you can toot your own horn about, (I did it!) also mention that it is just out to "Keep the grease in the bearings, you know, use it or looose it"

BUT make mention that it is not your everyday car. An old car can be seen as unreliable.

Most times, a simple clear answer to the question given is best. Giving more information than needed isn't allways the best idea. It could remove all doubt that you know not what your doing. If so asked, do you know, the answer is of course the truth with a (not to over the top) gung ho/can do/willing to learn answer.

Better to ask directions along the way than take the wrong road to start with.

Dress well, but also, in cloths your willing to trash since getting dirty may be in the cards. Show you care not if they get dirty. I'd play it off as, "Well, now there the new work cloths!"
Smile, be cheery and positive. Remember to address them proper, but yet, like an old freind. Easy to talk to and willing to listen.

This promots a freindly feeling and puts people atease quickly and allows you "IN" quicker.

Thats all I got for this my man. Good luck, knock'em dead kid.
Chances are they are car guys so I would definitely drive the dart.
Not everyone can keep an old car on the road,shows you can turn a wrench.
Good luck I'm sure you will get the job.