Got a second contract yesterday!!!



Senior Member
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Modesto, CA
While working yesterday I got a phone call to inform me that I have landed another contract to do installs for a fairly large box store in Fayetteville, NC. I was not expecting this to happen but did fill out all paperwork and sent it in a couple months ago. I am very blessed to have landed this additional work. It is only one store but they should be able to boost their appliance sales now that they have met with me and are very satisfied with my recommendations and reviews of my business.
The economy is bad right now but remember that if you want to be successful, you can be!!! I restarted my business here in North Carolina after being burned out of my home in 2008 with no insurance to replace everything we lost in the house fire and losing my job after the house fire. With some power and hand tools and the knowledge and background in my trade, I raised $800.00 and bought an old Chevy Van and pounded the pavement looking for work. It was slow at first but along with taking some free starting your own business courses at the community college, I was able to gain the confidence that I could actually have my own business and be my own boss. It has been very hard and I have been on the losing end of being let go, but through it all I remained determined to get back on my feet and do it without any financial help. I prayed and was very tenacious about soliciting for work and now I have two contracts and am feeling really good that all my hard work is paying off. There have been many out here who have encouraged me and helped me and I am very blessed to have an extended family out here. In short I just wanted to say Thanks to everyone out here who has encouraged me to "keep on keeping on" Remember the American dream is not dead. if you want to be successful, you can.
very nice bro! things are looking up for ya. if you land a 3rd & 4th contract what then? lol

Then I will be looking to train and hire an employee. I can finance another van anytime I want to, I am working by myself right now but if things get better and I need help I will be looking. And the first place I will try to find someone is here if anyone is interested and wants to learn the trade.The pay is very good once you are up and running.
While working yesterday I got a phone call to inform me that I have landed another contract to do installs for a fairly large box store in Fayetteville, NC. I was not expecting this to happen but did fill out all paperwork and sent it in a couple months ago. I am very blessed to have landed this additional work. It is only one store but they should be able to boost their appliance sales now that they have met with me and are very satisfied with my recommendations and reviews of my business.
The economy is bad right now but remember that if you want to be successful, you can be!!! I restarted my business here in North Carolina after being burned out of my home in 2008 with no insurance to replace everything we lost in the house fire and losing my job after the house fire. With some power and hand tools and the knowledge and background in my trade, I raised $800.00 and bought an old Chevy Van and pounded the pavement looking for work. It was slow at first but along with taking some free starting your own business courses at the community college, I was able to gain the confidence that I could actually have my own business and be my own boss. It has been very hard and I have been on the losing end of being let go, but through it all I remained determined to get back on my feet and do it without any financial help. I prayed and was very tenacious about soliciting for work and now I have two contracts and am feeling really good that all my hard work is paying off. There have been many out here who have encouraged me and helped me and I am very blessed to have an extended family out here. In short I just wanted to say Thanks to everyone out here who has encouraged me to "keep on keeping on" Remember the American dream is not dead. if you want to be successful, you can.
Atta boy! NEVER give up. We all (myself included) need assistance from time to time (I was laid off 3 weeks before Christmas in 2005 with two small kids) and had no choice but to collect unemployment. It took me exactly 2 months to find another job that paid enough for us to barely keep our heads above water. I'm still with the same company now 7 years later and bring home more money than the place that let me go.
I hope you end up not being able to sleep at night because you have TOO MANY contracts, and have to hire a bunch of employees. That would be a great problem to have, huh?? LOL

BEST OF LUCK to you!!!

Atta boy! NEVER give up. We all (myself included) need assistance from time to time (I was laid off 3 weeks before Christmas in 2005 with two small kids) and had no choice but to collect unemployment. It took me exactly 2 months to find another job that paid enough for us to barely keep our heads above water. I'm still with the same company now 7 years later and bring home more money than the place that let me go.
I hope you end up not being able to sleep at night because you have TOO MANY contracts, and have to hire a bunch of employees. That would be a great problem to have, huh?? LOL

BEST OF LUCK to you!!!


Thanks George!!!
You, my friend, are the American success story. That's how it's done.

Congratulations, but I'm a little concerned about that Chebbie van!
Well I could not find a Dodge in that low of a price range so I needed something. Hey at least it wasn't a Ford. My next van will be a Ram.
What a change 2 months have been. I am happy to hear this good news.
Is that you in the avatar? You look happy Lol!
Thanks for the updates, I like seeing everyone succeed in what they do, as
with the hard work you have done.
Happy Happy Joy Joy.
Great News ! I can see that you'll be needing an extra hand for sure this summer. Best of luck with the new contract.
I have a buddy that is in the same field as you, he went and got is licence to install gas pool heaters, he's increased his numbers quite a bit after offering his services to pool stores .
You are an inspiration that hard work and not giving up pays off!
Keep us posted!
Outstanding! I'm so happy for you. All of your hard work and perserverance is now paying off.
The classic American success story - hard work and "I will make it" attitude wins out over the "entitled" mentality every time.
You have every right to be extremely proud of what you've accomplished. Keep it up and be an inspiration to others.
Way to go!
Congrats Tom I am happy to hear things are getting better by the day.
Not me in the avatar.
I was just kidding on the avatar (It makes me laugh every time I see
it). Can you imagine if everyone was like that.
Happy for you about you work that you have now.
Kudos to you for keeping your faith and not giving up when things were uncertain.

I hope you will be able to put something aside so you'll never go through such a stressful time again.
Congrats on the 2nd contract.Hoping you can hire on an unemployed FABO member to help make things easier.:cheers:
Glad to hear this Tom. As you say, it just goes to show what can be done in this country if you work at it. I hope this just opens the door to many more favorable contracts to come!