Ground shadow...wahoooo



Ace of Spades ♠️
Sep 19, 2018
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It's good news bring on spring!!!

i feel like its been spring here in michigan for a few weeks now...i even went ahead and pulled the plow of the truck
Idk..... We've had some of our biggest snows in the past in Feb and March down here in MD, regardless of what the rodent saw.
Either Winter was short and mild or Spring sprung early because the oranges and grapefruits on my trees were ripe enough to eat two weeks ago. Usually it’s mid February.
Seen a kid jogging without a shirt on today, of course, he was a highschooler and at that age they seem to be impervious to the cold
Some swollen rodent emerges from a fake tree and a group of dorks celebrate what the stinky thing supposedly sees.

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No matter what, Spring officially begins around March 21st EVERY year.
If you want to go along with this whole schmere, go ahead. I love stupid and silly things but this really seems like a huge production for a made-up event that results in no presents, no ham, no bar b que with fireworks either....

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Did she see her shadow?
I have no At the time, she lived in the ritziest neighborhood in Western NC, Biltmore Forest. I worked for the power company as a lineman and we were putting lines back up that had been torn down after the remnants of a hurricane had gone thru in the late summer of 2004. I had gone back to the truck to get something and she stopped to ask me how much longer the power would be off. I told her a few more hours, which made her happy, since it had been off for a few days. She was interested in how we knew where to look for the problem, how we fix it and was concerned that it was dangerous. Very nice lady, not snooty at all and was fun to talk to. She even asked if there was anything she could do to help me. I told her "Sure, drive around the block and come back and lets have this whole conversation over again." She looked at me and said "Ok? But why?" I told her "So I can tell my buddies that I helped you rehearse lines for Groundhog Day II" She busted out laughing and told me I was silly and appreciated me making her laugh and brightening her day. That was one of those unexpected moments in life I'll never forget. :)
S E Texas.. Many times our coldest weather is mid to late Feb!!! 3 years ago, power went off a few days and temps were lows of zero. about 250 froze to death.... yea really!
Yeah, it helps when a dumbass politician doesn’t drop Phil on his head and kills him