Guess that tool ( northern version)

Soooooooooooooooo, what does the "southern version" look like?
there isnt one

see, you load one of them fiberglass driveway markers into this thing, turn it over and pound it in the ground (the marker, not the pipe)
so that when it snows you can tell where to stop plowing
Well, I put them along the driveway where the culverts are. Pulled the kids out of the ditch to many times

i love pulling people out of ditches with my charger
the looks on their faces is priceless
if i leave mine out during the summer in afraid my boy would karate chop them down
Thank goodness no snow down here. Plowing snow....what a non-profit job that is. It is 59 here today and I’m freezing my @$$ off.
I grew up in PA. Got married in Arkansas and transferred to Torrington Connecticut.

'bout October the fire department came around and put a long flag on the hydrant near our house.

Wife says "what's that?" I say wait a month, lol.

We got a ton of snow that year.
no kidding
i plow my own drive way, my church's parking lot (i should say God's Church, i simply attend there, but thats a whole nother topic) and a few local citizens i help out...old folks who need help, veterans and extremely hot women (ok, im kidding on that one)
all not for profit

i dont even want to know what i spend on running that plow, but if its teaching my kids to serve and help others, im sure its a good investment
I also plow folks out for free. I burn a lot of diesel but the old folks keep me in beer and home cooked meals.

Just driving around in the plow truck I'd get folks flagging me down. The orange poles are a must.

I put the P wag chains on in September and they dont come off until April. A buddy of mine from Alaska taught me a good trick. Pull the wheel off, pull the valve stem then crank those cam locks TIGHT, then air up the tire. I can do 60 MPH with chains on

Thank goodness no snow down here. Plowing snow....what a non-profit job that is. It is 59 here today and I’m freezing my @$$ off.
One thing those of us who live in the northern states can do that can't be done in the southern states is walk on water in the winter. My daughter-in-law, who is from Houston, has not been willing to try it.
One thing those of us who live in the northern states can do that can't be done in the southern states is walk on water in the winter. My daughter-in-law, who is from Houston, has not been willing to try it.
Some of us don’t have water to even fall into.
I know what it is. A yankee asshole file.
Thank goodness no snow down here. Plowing snow....what a non-profit job that is. It is 59 here today and I’m freezing my @$$ off.

NOT QUITE RIGHT ! I `ve got a friend that really cleans up w/ a bobcat in the worst winters around here . He even makes enough to warrant a set of very expensive tracks for it.
its a prod for cleaning the snowblower chute
No you use it up here in the north in the winter to pry your froze butt cheeks apart so you can take a dump.
Froze butt cheeks ? who's been licking your butt cheeks ? they're not a flag pole .
Reminds me of the time that girl in Alberta got her tongue stuck to the flag pole at 40 below , I walked funny for a month .
Heck you don't need anyone to lick your butt cheeks.
They just get so cold the muscles tense up and don't want to thaw til spring. That's why penguin walk like they do.