Happy Birthday to Ramcharger!!!

"Yes, I'll have a bottle of your finest whiskey, a gross of M-80s, a dozen bottle rockets and a half gallon of your hottest chili."

Hope you had a great birthday, Joe!
I don't know, that combo almost sounds lethal. You could set off your own fireworks if you eat enough of that 'hottest chili' (with beans)! Be careful now and stay facing the fireworks! LOL.
Joe you need get your name on the birthday list on here so I wont forget..... well never mind Leanna will keep us reminded. lol
:eek:ccasion: Happy Birthday Joe :eek:ccasion: Hope you're having a great day!!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWNjm_xXO2I"]YouTube - Eric Clapton - Crossroads[/ame]
Happy Birthday!:eek:ccasion:
Hope you have a good one.

Hope you don't share the chili with the dogs.
But I guess that way they can pay you back for shooting off the fireworks.:fart:
Maxie, your Dad is How OLD ? I've found that rum calms the human soul.

Happy Birthday Joe!

All My Best, Titan


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:cheers: Happy Birthday Joe.You and the hounds have a good time and stay away from that Canadian whiskey!! :-D
Thanks everyone. I'm truly overwhelmed by the response. You guys and gals truly kick ***!

Titan, I'm 45 BTW. I wish I were 25 but know what I know now, lol. I had to work a 15 hour day on my B-day so no drinks for me. Not even a shot and a beer or a rum and coke. Maybe Friday night.....

Oh, and don't worry, the dogs are well fed. :)
I will be 44 this year myself Ram. And your a great guy so this response isnt unexpected imho.

Happy b day once again!