Happy Veterans Day......Thank You



FABO Member #3649
Nov 20, 2006
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Thank you to all who have served, past and present.....God Bless you!!!! :salute::salute::salute:
X2.... Father, stepbrother, personal here. To all who have done time in the service, Thanks & prayers sent ( especially overseas, now).
Also, veterans, don't forget to get your free meals at Denny's etc in honor of your service... Many restaurants offer free meals to vets on veterans day. Enjoy.
This is from the "Crankshaft" comic strip.
Appropriate on Veterans Day, and Memorial Day, as i don't remember when it was originally published.


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A BIG thanks to all that that served and gave their lives for this country.
In Canada it's called Remembrance Day.
My father was a WW2 vet that seen a lot of combat action in Europe.
He spoke highly about the Allied forces and the good people he met over there from the U.S., Britain, France, and of course, Canada that were involved in the fighting.
It's hard to perceive what these veterans had done for all of us and sacrificed themselves at such an early age. My father was 18 when he went over in 1943.
He was just a kid, like so many.
So, my hat is off to all Veterans who sacrificed themselves and some paid with their lives in all of the world conflicts.
Lest we forget.......
Thanks go out today to all that has served and is serving to keep us safe today.

And to all the Dogs that has served and serving.

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MpryyCgFjI"]Top 10 Dogs & Military Owners Reunions - YouTube[/ame]
Having a father that served and a son in law that is in the military now I understand the meaning of today. God bless all that have put their lives on the line to protect our freedom.
Happy Remembrance / Veterans Day. To all who have served, and their families. To give us all the freedoms and rights that we enjoy today.
Hope everyone has a good one! Special Thanks to all that have Served and to their Families, Friends and Folks on this Board for supporting them. It has been an Honor to serve the people of one of the Greatest Countries in the World!

Also want to Thank all the Veterans from all the other Countries that have Served their Country! I have had the Honor of working with some " Great Soldiers from other Nations"

Know for most of us go Have a Hot Toddy! For those in the warmer regions have a Rum and Coke!
Raise your glass Cheers!!! :drinkers:
As a Veteran my self I to want to wish all Veterans past and present a Happy Veterans Day.
Have a wonderful day. I think my wife and I will go to Applebee's today and get my free meal.