harmonic damper wobble



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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I was installing an electric choke on a new Holley 2280 today and noticed that my harmonic damper has a fair amount of wobble in it. This car has been running for a few years since a rebuild of the engine about 5 years ago and the car has not been driven much. Is there a way to check the damper? I know it is not normal to have this wobble AND it does not seem like it is consistent in where it deviates in the rotation-almost as if it is loose? If it was loose I would think it would not run well at all.
Any suggestions?
Hampstead, NC
I dont think you should have any wobble in a damper at all. is the large bolt holding it on tight or does it look like the rubber ring in the middle look like its trying to push out b/w the two pieces?
The damper can seperate. Most times they hit the pavement and roll off without you. Other times they screw up the fan, shroud, even the hood. Replace it.

80 model Chevette was probably the worst ever. those would take off across intersections and cause accidents.
Mine doesn't wobble and it's been there for 44 years now. Sounds like it's time for a new one, especially if the front of your engine is a greasy, gunky, mess like most of them are. Do not be surprised when you discover that there is no bolt holding your damper on the crank. Most slants didn't have one, they were used to install the damper and then removed at the factory.
Yup-I need a new one for sure. I didn't have a chance to look at the block info. I don't know if I have a 1977 or 1978 block. When I find out I will look for one. I looked on a popular auction site for a seller suggested by a friend but there were no slant dampers for sale there. I NEED A NEW DAMPER and I only have one more tooth for under the pillow. Any ideas?
Thanks all-Howard
You need a puller. They are cheap and available at any parts store. To properly install them you should use an installation tool but you can just torque it on (apply a little grease to the underside of the bolt head and washer) if you have a partner or if you wedge a piece of wood at the flywheel to keep the engine from turning.
Thanks all-I bought one of these about a week ago. Great deal!