Have you voted



Jun 13, 2008
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My wife and I voted today! Sure hope you have or are planning to do so.

Hit Reply or Awesome if you voted in this year’s election_.jpg
Mailed mine in,2 weeks ago.... We definitely need some changes,to say the least.
Voted already. I haven't seen anything in the last six months that was going to change my mind.
Can't believe the polls change as much as they do from week to week. There must be a lot of wishy washie people out there that they are polling.
Wife and I voted today. Only waiting about 40 minutes in line. See our "I'm a Georgia Voter" sticker!!

If you don't vote that's ok, there are people who will vote in 2 states that will cover for you. BTW the rules are if you don't vote you don't get to complain!!!
Voted already. I haven't seen anything in the last six months that was going to change my mind.
Can't believe the polls change as much as they do from week to week. There must be a lot of wishy washie people out there that they are polling.

Same here. I was ready to vote a year and half ago!

I think the media has a lot to do with the ever changing poll numbers. I think its ludicrous.
Nope but I will. 7 states out of 50 don't allow absentee voting without a excuse.
The media definitely puts their own spin on the numbers for certain. I wish we had reporters who spoke the truth and didn't try to convince you who they think we should vote for. When I was young they reported the truth. I miss those days.
Tuesday. Personal preference to vote on election day. Though I would vote early if I had a reason to.
I know we arn't sup posed to talk politics but my Great Grampa left a country full of crap and that's what we are turning into
The media definitely puts their own spin on the numbers for certain. I wish we had reporters who spoke the truth and didn't try to convince you who they think we should vote for. When I was young they reported the truth. I miss those days.
My ballot is filled out & signed. Will drop it off in person at the polls....:usflag:
The media definitely puts their own spin on the numbers for certain. I wish we had reporters who spoke the truth and didn't try to convince you who they think we should vote for. When I was young they reported the truth. I miss those days.

If there was a fully-transparent, honest, ad non-opinionated media company it would fail to be successful as a business. The overwhelming majority of Americans demand opinions, drama, and confirmation bias above all else and the media gives them exactly what they want. It is hugely successful.