Head rest release?? (pics)



Colorado Mopar
Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
Arvada, Colorado
I recently bought some head rests for my car. I was wondering if anyone knew if you can remove the existing ones without taking the seat back apart? They have three notches in the posts that go into the seat, two of the notches are pie or wedge shaped and the last or lowest notch is angled on both sides. I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to open the seat back to do this. Tricks, tips, or tried and true methods will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Not the greatest pictures but I'm sure that you all see what I mean.


Just yank the headrests up and they should pop out. There is a metal tang in the seat the hold them in place by the notches you see on the stems. It's like a sprig clip. Usually helps to push the headrest all the way down first then pull up real fast.
If I just jerk the head rest out will I be able to put the new ones in and will the clip still function and lock in place?
Don't you find the headrest bars through the back of the seat and apply inward pressure to move the notch in the last detent past the lock on both bars? I havn't tried it yet but i do have te get them out to redye soon.
The secret is you need to pop the bezels off, then run a small, thin piece of metal down the channel. The back side of the seat is where the clip is (as if you were standing behind the chair, the side closest to you).

Something like a hacksaw blade, but not an actual hacksaw blade! Try to run it down and allow it to push the metal tab away. It only grabs one side, the inners I think. You'll be able to tell when you yank up on the headrests which one is locked in and which one feels like it's free.

You can yank on them to your hearts content, but you may damage the metal tab, and I'm not sure there work right again. Since I'm reskinning my bench seat, I cut a long horizontal window through which I could see the tab and just bent it back with a screwdriver, but this idea should work just as well. Good luck.
I've used a thin feeler gauge to slide over the notches as I pull the headrest out. Pull the headrest up all the way. Then wrap a thin feeler gauge (well lubed) around the shaft and work the whole thing back down into the seat back. Hold the feeler gauges down and pull up on the headrest. The feeler guage shoud cover the detents and allow the headrest to come out.