Help Kicking the Pop/soda habit?



Scamp Tramp
Jan 13, 2009
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Fort Dodge Iowa
I'm a hard core soda/pop drinker. Usually anywhere between 6-8 12oz cans a day. Always Mountain Dew. I recently switched to Diet Mountain Dew. Hate the after taste and reading its actually worse for you. Any of you guys/gals have a soda problem that you kicked? What helped?
I bought a Brita water filter and started drinking more water,switched to decaffeinated tea with sweet n low.
Do a google search on "mountain dew mouth syndrome". If that doesn't get you to stop drinking it, nothing will.
I used to drink 12+ cans of Soda per day. I just quit cold turkey for a long time. The head ache's started at the bottom of my neck all the way around the top of my head to my forehead for about a week. They finally went away. Now I drink mostly water, every now and then I will have a Coke, probably about 1 time per month, but I hardly ever finish one can.
.......Good luck 2 ya.......Well, i will tell u it is hard to stop., u need will need alot of will fact i checked my sugar levels today..........i need to slow it down to a crawl............i've did that a few times, but this time of the year is really hard with all the baking and goodies.....i love
I kicked soda pretty much altogether. All I did was switch to tea to ween myself off of caffeine slowly. Tea, besides providing many health benefits, contains the equivalent caffeine of about 1/2 a cup of coffee, depending on the tea.
Also, I found seltzer water (flavored or unflavored) helped whenever I wanted a soda.

I dropped a noticeable amount of weight by just not drinking soda and I rely alot less on caffeine.

Good luck
See for me there is nothing esle I drink the soda. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Replacing that is going to be tough. I know I do need more water in my diet. I need to lose some weight im too heavy and its starting to take a toll. I figured switching to Diet would help but after reading its just as scary as regular soda. Im not a tea drinker either or coffee.
See for me there is nothing esle I drink the soda. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Replacing that is going to be tough. I know I do need more water in my diet. I need to lose some weight im too heavy and its starting to take a toll. I figured switching to Diet would help but after reading its just as scary as regular soda. Im not a tea drinker either or coffee.

Slowly work in a glass of Ice Tea and water in until you can stop drinking soda. Drink milk,juice also.
Does this help?

The last thing you want to do is start on diet soda. The caffiene is addictive and so is the Aspartame (or whatever they call the chemical crap they put in there).

The high fructose corn syrup in "sugared" sodas is terrible for you. IN addition to the obvious weight gain that it causes, it also suppresses the "full" chemical triggers, meaning you keep eating after you're full. Further, it has been shown to cause sugar cravings (as has the Aspartame in diet soda).

As far as quitting, good luck to you.

Myself, I haven't been able to kick the Diet Pepsi habit yet....

It is so costly to buy anymore that just the thought of paying so much for what is essentially water becomes unthinkable. Many years back I was headed to a convenient store for smokes when I heard on the radio that Illinois was going to raise the tax on cigs by a dollar so they could collect more money. It made me mad enough that when I got to the store I tossed what few smokes I had and never smoked again. Same with soda except that on rare occasions I will go for one. Beer? Same thing. Way too much money.
woooo easy on the cigarettes 1 thing at a time. Cigarettes, soda, and beer all at once? I think Id crawl in a hole in die. But Cigarettes are high on my list as well.
But you guys are right it is all about will power. I consider my self a strong person. You know when I drink soda its not even as if im thirsty really. Its the habit of always having one next to me when I want it.
I drank too many sodas because I would eat too much, started drinking a large glass of water, tea, coffee, whatever before eating, sodas dropped to maybe one a day (diet), now I make my own (Wal-Mart soda making kit) and I control what is in them, still drink about 1 a day.
Well don't feel to bad about the soda I am going to kick the habit again. I noticed since I went back to drinking them my sugar levels are higher, time to stop again. The cigarettes were easy for me I stopped cold turkey when the Dr. said I tested positive for cancer. Now I need to find a natural sweetener that is healthy and doesn't raise my sugar levels.
Do you go to "convenience" stores for soda, smokes and snacks? Stop that habit and it will be easier to quit the Mt.Dew and smoking. Sit down and add up how much your habits cost and figure you could buy more car parts for what you save if you quit.

Grab a bottle of B vitamins, and some multivitamins. Take the Multis twice a day, morning, last thing at night, take the B's every 6 hours or so... not a big deal, but it will help with the energy and caffeine problems.

Caffeine is a biotch.. but 3 - 6 days you can kick that.
Sugar will give you all sorts of health probs.
Oxalic acid in may soft drinks can give you kidney stones( I used to drink a lot of Pepsi... )
The artificial sweeteners and phenylalanine can actually make you crave food...against the idea of "diet soda" in the first place...

So jump on the tea wagon, less caffeine.
Drink it without sugar...yeah boring.

Brew your own beer.
I stopped drinking beer once, lost 20 lbs in in 2 month with no other change in my lifestyle. Wife got me on Diet coke, (never was a soda drinker anyway) and now I get so dehydrated after a salty lunch and a Super big gulp of Diet coke that the soles of my feet start to dry out and crack! Seriously, its very strange, the correlation between the 2. I used to be on a urine study where I had to measure my output daily to my input of fluids, and a Diet Coke was a net LOSS of fluids by about 20%, I would put out 500ml for every 400ml of Soda intake. Water is the best for you period. Put it in cold cans if it helps. Dont know how bad black coffee is...maybe 1 creamer and 1 sugar in a Vente...That yuck mouth looks like a dipper. Copenhagen is BAD stuff!
Recently spoke to my doc about this. He told me to just start trying to substitute water for soda & coffee, I drink way to much of both them. I know in the past it worked, I also lost a weight. Was told that if you drink enough water your stomach will tell your brain you are fill so you will not eat as much.
Sorry @ the pic....."scared straight" I now keep a 32 oz Gatorade bottle full of water with me at work all day. I at least drink that much, sometimes more. I've found it's a bit harder to drink that much during the winter months, so I have to consciously try. I do feel a lot better when I do.

I was a hard core pepsi drinker. My doctor AND denist told me to stop before permanently damaging myself. I replaced the habit by drinking bottled Nestlie carbonated water but that got pretty expensive so I found a home water carbonator and although it was also relatively expensive, it's not quite as expensive as prebottled.

It's called a Sodastream. I use it a couple times a day but has easilly paid for itself.
What has worked for me was to stop all processed sugar cold turkey for a minimum of a week. I discovered that when I stopped the Coke I would make up the sugar with cookies, donuts, candy, etc.

I drink at least 1 liter of water a day (about 40 oz).

For a "soft drink" I usually have a glass of decaffeinated sun tea I make from tea bags. Sometimes I add a lemon wedge to the glass or a mint leaf or two.

I eat fruit when I get the urge for sugar. You will be pleasantly surprised how a piece of fruit can satisfy your sugar craving once you have stopped the refined sugar/fructose corn syrup intake.

I also exercise regularly to help get the energy level up. Walking is great and doesn't require a nap afterwards like when I play basketball or ride the bike. Weight lifting is also excellent. I don't try to power lift, I just try to keep muscle tone.

One benefit that I have found is that I produce better bowel movements whenever I get off of the sugar train. Anyone with hemorrhoids knows the benefit of that along with fiber.
I consider myself a strong person also but I am a Dr. Pepperholic . One day I thought I am going to quit drinking coffee and I did about 10 years ago. A couple years ago I thought I don't need this salt added to everything so that day I quit. I can quit about anything without a problem execpt Dr. Pepper. I can quit it and not drink it for a couple weeks. Then it hits me and I must have a Dr. Pepper but I have slowed way down but just quiting for good hasn't worked. I am down to about 20 ounces a day and the rest of the time I drink ice water.
I'm a hard core soda/pop drinker. ................... 6-8 12oz cans a day. Always Mountain Dew.

See for me there is nothing esle I drink the soda. Breakfast, lunch and dinner...................... I need to lose some weight im too heavy and its starting to take a toll. ......................

woooo easy on the cigarettes 1 thing at a time. Cigarettes, soda, and beer all at once?........................................... I think Id crawl in a hole in die. .

............................ it is all about will power.........................when I drink soda its not even as if im thirsty really. ............................Its the habit of always having one next to me when I want it........................

You know, you put all your statements here next to each other, and the sum total sounds BAD

Dew, 8 times a day, smoking, beer, and overweight?

Hey if you DO NOT quit most of this you CAN crawl in a hole and die

I wish you luck you will need it. If you value your family, and your LIFE you have got to get onto this.

I admit I like Coke. I can drink NO MORE than 1 can a day, and many days, not that much. I cannot even take most arthritis meds because of my gastric troubles. A few years ago I spent a couple of days in the hospital with a bleeding stomach, caused my meds interactions, and the rest of that winter I was weak and anemic. THAT ISSUE cost me dearly in time and health. I STILL fight gastric issues because of it, and it has DRASTICALLY affected the diet I can tolerate, including soda.