Help make this go viral please....



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
Yall help this go viral please. Our neighbor just brought us this kitten. It has tar and gravel imbedded all in it's tummy, paws and face. The only way this could have happened is from someone throwing it out of a moving vehicle. I gave it a bath and cleaned up best as I could. It does not appear injured any further than scrapes, but we cannot afford a vet right now so it will have to get by with what we Kitty and I can do. I cannot believe there are people in the world like this. This happened on MORRIS STEVENS ROAD in Jones County, Georgia. As if we need another mouth to feed with our limited income......but how can we turn this face away? Isn't he cute?

I just posted this in Facebook too. This sucks. People are assholes.


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Hey Rob, I'm not on FB anymore but I'll be honored to chip in for expenses. Thanks for saving him and giving him the safe and loving home he deserves.
I really hope this was not the case!!! My gal got half way to the store the other day and heard her cat in the durango and rolled the windows up as fast as she could ! She had no idea the cat was in the suv. Needless to say we now make a scan of our cars before leaving. I think our cat thinks she's one of the dogs and wants to go for a ride too.....View attachment 20150709_222523.jpg
That's seriously screwed up,for that kitten. Sweet pets cats are, & thanks for saving him ,Rob. If you need anything donation wise for vet bills,I can help a little bit.
Well he ain't saved yet. He's bleedin out of his little wewe so he may have some internal injuries. We are hopin getting him all cleaned up and fed and watered will help. He ate a ton of food and drank a lot of water and milk tonight. So that's good at least.
Hey Rob, I'm not on FB anymore but I'll be honored to chip in for expenses. Thanks for saving him and giving him the safe and loving home he deserves.

Have we just found Fabo II??? Good on you for saving him, Rob. Keep us updated!

That's seriously screwed up,for that kitten. Sweet pets cats are, & thanks for saving him ,Rob. If you need anything donation wise for vet bills,I can help a little bit.

All Ya'll are just a bunch of 'Ol softies...

Well... Include Me in the group !!!
Worthless waste of skin using up good oxygen dip s--t people who take out their frustrations on defenceless animals,

I am in with the rest of the Lads on this, pm if $ needed.
I have no sympathy for the people being cruel to animals. We should hang them by their toes and use them as pinatas....

I can put in a couple of bucks to the vet fund if needed.

Good thing that you found it and helped it out.

Hopefully you can get it all healed up and it can replace the one that you recently lost...
I have to make a conscious effort NOT to think of all the cats/dogs that get a raw deal like this.

Good on you Rob and Kitty.
Rob, I can throw $100 your way to get the cat looked at. Say the word.

I can meet you in Gray, today. Call me.
Thanks for helping that poor kitten out. I can kick in some for the vet too. People are Assholes. I would love to throw them out the window into gravel.
RustyRatRod, you are awesome I'm a huge cat fan to. Let me know if I can help out.

that looks like road rash for sure i hope things work out for him or her.
Kitty could have wondered into some hot tar, where the road was being patched, or on a roof or something. Could the damage to the tummy, face, and paws be burns from hot tar?
Just hoping that the wasn't tossed out of a moving car.
There is a chance that the cat perched up under a vehicle (pickup), like a lot of cats do. Being a kitten, it might have hung on in fear, and either jumped or lost grip going down the road. I wouldn't assume the worst, be judge and jury in your minds, and lynch a human without a trial. Sounds like 150 yrs. ago think'n. Indeed, it's unfortunate for the kitten.
Kitty could have wondered into some hot tar, where the road was being patched, or on a roof or something. Could the damage to the tummy, face, and paws be burns from hot tar?
Just hoping that the wasn't tossed out of a moving car.

I would buy that.....but there is no road construction near here. I hate to think the worst, but I think it's true in this case.

He is still kickin. He ate and drank real good last night.....and this morning so we will see what today brings.
Hey Rusty,
We're in on some $ help if needed.

True story:
Sister had an all gray female house cat some years ago named Screamer. Screamer was a very loud cat so the name fit well. At the time they resided in Alsip, IL. House had a single car garage under the main level next to the finished basement. On their arrival to one of their weekly trips to the horse stable at 95th and Kean, the niece and nephew heard the cat screaming as they exited the car. A few seconds later Screamer comes limping out from under the rear of the car.
It's about 8.5 miles Screamer traveled likely hanging on to the exhaust as her paw pads were a bit toasted. Luckily she survived that trip. I doubt if she had jumped off while in motion they would have ever seen her again.
Rob , Thank you for the care you and your wife is giving this Kitten/cat, I may not own a cat but I have a giant place in my hart for all animals and there needs in life ... Keep us updated and if the need arises let us know what we can do, I would be proud to help out .
Bless you all for what you do Rob.
There is a chance that the cat perched up under a vehicle (pickup), like a lot of cats do. Being a kitten, it might have hung on in fear, and either jumped or lost grip going down the road. I wouldn't assume the worst, be judge and jury in your minds, and lynch a human without a trial. Sounds like 150 yrs. ago think'n. Indeed, it's unfortunate for the kitten.

You are absolutely right. Let me tell you why though, we make that judgment call.

We live right off a major artery highway. Highway 49 in Jones County, Georgia. It connects Byron to Macon to Milledgeville and beyond. It is a heavily traveled road. Our driveway is about 1/4 mile up from that intersection.

Over the years, we have taken in several stray animals people just dump off out here. It's a known dumping spot. Even animal control cruises this area regularly. Three or our present cats are strays we took in that way.

So, forgive us if we made a snap judgment. Your theory is certainly possible and one I would like to think of as what happened. Part of the reason I posted it on Facebook asking people to share. I am hoping maybe a neighbor is missing a kitty and gets in touch to claim it.

Although I think that is the much less likely scenario.........sorry, it's just the human in me. Forgive me for being cynical.

One of our own cats just recently showed back up after being gone over three years. He has injuries too that we cannot attend to as of yet. One of his eyes is injured and both his ears have torn spots.

Plus there is another stray cat making regular appearances outside now. That puts our total up to ten. Four outside and six inside, including the new kitten.

I am trying to find your #. I had it in my old phone which is now Kitty's......but the dang phone is usual. Can you PM me your number?
I talked it over with Kitty and we are going to take the kitten in to the vet. We would be grateful if yall would like to help. Although I do have a part time job now, I only work 20 hours a week and of course this week is not payday.

[email protected]

Thank you.