Help me deliver a message to Al Gore

How about these history channel story tellers with the show "Journey to 10,000 BC"? Right, humans back then were a bunch of well groomed, attractive, happy, family oriented, mammoth hunters. Nobody fighting, raping or anything like

College educated, corporate/government (same thing) sponsored embellishment...just like global warming. Follow the money.
How about these history channel story tellers with the show "Journey to 10,000 BC"? Right, humans back then were a bunch of well groomed, attractive, happy, family oriented, mammoth hunters. Nobody fighting, raping or anything like

College educated, corporate/government (same thing) sponsored embellishment...just like global warming. Follow the money.

And just think, they give people law degrees that sit throught this kinda crap all day long in their liberal schools.
Then they become politicians, look down their nose at us and demand respect while our 6 year old kid has more common sense than they will ever have.
"Since Al Gore left public office in 2000. The most recent worth figure predicted in 2007 by Fast Company was more than $100 million. Before the 2000 election they predicted the family's net worth was closer to $1 million.

Yeah, net worth increase of 100 fold in ten years and Tipper (another colossal A$$HOLE) gets half!

BTW, how's your 401k, home value, job security, etc. doing?
Sure! I'd be happy to kick Gore in the nuts, along with W, Clinton (both him and Bill), Dan Quayle, and just about every other politician in this country, well, except for Arnold, he'd probably hurt me...
Here, Al is seen cooling off after a hard day counting his Global Warming Scam Money.


oBOWma has been bowing to everyone else, here oBOWma is seen BOWING to Hisself.


And lets not forget about Biden, says he can't take being second fiddle anymore and gives us a piece of his mind.

Joe says BITE ME


My friend in Finland has studied global warming for aprox. 6 months now. Hes been seeking for all kinds of data, from all around the world and internet.
He found out a massive data "hiding". Most of the data of cooled places has been taken off of a mean temeprature calculations, and some of past warming is allso hidden.
The ones who shouts most loudly that there is global warming, are missing their data. You just cant get it to your hands. Why?

I tought that this "hockey stick" was enough, but no, they are still trying so hard.

You fellas know this IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change?
Do you know the guy whos in the lead in there? He is Rajendra Pachauri,
just a rail road engineer, not even close to a climatologist. :munky2:
He is rich now.
And btw, ipcc is working under YK. YKs agenda: More money from rich to poor developing countries.

So they want us to pay, for poor developing countries, so they can have the same polluting lifestyle we have. :-D
Sounds fair, but how does it save the planet? :toothy10:
I'm wondering if one of the fine ladies or gentleman that frequent FABO could do me a big favour the next time they happen to bump into Gore or one of his Klingons. kick him square in the nuts. .:angry7::angry7::angry7:

Muhahahaha... the rumor of aLgOre having errr...'male parts' is

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4 siblings from artificial insemination me thinks!!

"It" (aLgOre) is a 'ballchinian'. (offworld pimp daddy) :read2: :-D

Now for an in depth purely science read...

(warning, not for the feint of heart)

The Dog ate Global Warming.

& lastly...(on a visual lighter note) aLgOre in digital ...

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What's better?????

Spending lot's of money for no reason?

Dishonest assholes getting rich off the masses while patting themselves on the back?

Coal? Carbon Dioxide? Electric cars....that really suck! What? It's 2010 and we can't build a reasonably priced car with a small engine, generator, traction motors/regenerative brakes at all 4 corners, and make it look cool....and leave the focking "I AM BETTER THAN YOU" placards off the car. They can advertise the fact that they are better than everyone else because they are saving the planet on their tv commercials. I don't give a flying fock about your 5500 pound "hybrid" suv!!! Jackass driving around in a Prius with a smug look on his much of our resources went into making that pile of crap and what are ya gonna do when the batteries die? LOL
What's better?????

Spending lot's of money for no reason?

Dishonest assholes getting rich off the masses while patting themselves on the back?

Coal? Carbon Dioxide? Electric cars....that really suck! What? It's 2010 and we can't build a reasonably priced car with a small engine, generator, traction motors/regenerative brakes at all 4 corners, and make it look cool....and leave the focking "I AM BETTER THAN YOU" placards off the car. They can advertise the fact that they are better than everyone else because they are saving the planet on their tv commercials. I don't give a flying fock about your 5500 pound "hybrid" suv!!! Jackass driving around in a Prius with a smug look on his much of our resources went into making that pile of crap and what are ya gonna do when the batteries die? LOL

Yeah, I think I had a rant thread about the environmental impact on strip mining for the nickel for the batteries, shipping it to China to be processed, shipping that to Japan for assembly, then shipping the assembled vehicle over here for sale. Bigger "carbon footprint" in making the damned things than any other 4 cylinder output for an entire lifetime.

But the smug SOB don't want to admit to that, 'cause then they lose some of their smugness.

That's too funny. And some of those trying to defend him are even funnier. Rather he "chose" to have it flown in or no, someone with the "environmental" mindset put the friggin' car on an airplane and shipped it to him. But as long as he gets to feel good about himself, then he can do it, right? And that's what it's all about for idiots like this, right? Not actually educating yourself on the environmental impact of the hybrid, pre-production and pre-sale, (or post- when the batteries go belly up) but making yourself feel good?
I notice a lot of people in this thread think that colder winters proves global warming wrong.

However, in global warming, the hotter summer days would evaporate more water from the oceans, which would lead to more extreme winter weather. This would explain not only the amount of snow we are getting, but how it is falling in places where it normally doesn't.

Complaining about extreme winter weather further enforces the argument for Global Warming! Just letting you all know!
al gore is moron who plays upon peoples stupidity, and also profits from it, like most democrat/politicians.

he is also a sex offender.

great role model.
I notice a lot of people in this thread think that colder winters proves global warming wrong.

However, in global warming, the hotter summer days would evaporate more water from the oceans, which would lead to more extreme winter weather. This would explain not only the amount of snow we are getting, but how it is falling in places where it normally doesn't.

Complaining about extreme winter weather further enforces the argument for Global Warming! Just letting you all know!

Just letting you know that that is your opinion, whether it becomes a fact or a fallicy only time will tell. Also, it's not referred to as "global warming" anymore it's "climate change" which so happens to be a much easier concept to sell to the masses and make tons of money doing it.
I notice a lot of people in this thread think that colder winters proves global warming wrong.

However, in global warming, the hotter summer days would evaporate more water from the oceans, which would lead to more extreme winter weather. This would explain not only the amount of snow we are getting, but how it is falling in places where it normally doesn't.

Complaining about extreme winter weather further enforces the argument for Global Warming! Just letting you all know!

So lets get this straight. If it rains too much or too little, if it snows too much or too little, if there too many or too little hurricanes or tornadoes, or if there are too many or too little clouds it's global warming. Can someone please explain exactly what is just right.

Also please explain if we are indeed having global warming and Al Gore sets up this whole business charade to make billions in reducing global warming gases then why are companies allowed to just be able to buy credits so that they can pollute as much if not more? Isn't the whole idea to stop the global warming and stop the emission of green house gases? Why would companies be allowed to do this if the situation were actually real and a threat to the whole world?

And last, ask yourself that and ask Comrade Gore why he bought a house in Montecito that will be under water if Global Warming is true.
I notice a lot of people in this thread think that colder winters proves global warming wrong.

However, in global warming, the hotter summer days would evaporate more water from the oceans, which would lead to more extreme winter weather. This would explain not only the amount of snow we are getting, but how it is falling in places where it normally doesn't.

Complaining about extreme winter weather further enforces the argument for Global Warming! Just letting you all know!

By the way, in the case of "warming" that winter precipitation wouldn't be falling in the form of snow or ice, the atmosphere would be warm enough to keep it from freezing and crystallizing. It would be falling in the form of rain.
And last, ask yourself that and ask Comrade Gore why he bought a house in Montecito that will be under water if Global Warming is true.

Also ask yourself, if warming were happening, and the colder weather is a direct result of "warming" then why does Algore go it hiding every winter, if the colder temps and more snow actually prove his argument.
there was a report on the radio the other day that we have messed up the planet...again.

What has happened now is this; in order to combat 'global warming' we have made many changes to prevent pollution, destructive practices, etc.
Well, now that they've accepted the fact that 'global warming' never existed, they've realized that we've messed the planet up in the completely other direction. That's right, we've made the planet colder than it should be.

-'they' refers to the scientists-who-be. You know, in case you're one of those people who wonders who 'they' are:)
How come no other countries have to conform to this new global climate change bullshit? Does anyone here think Chine or Jordan gives a flying **** about climate change?? If only a few countries "conform", how is anything supposed to change at all?

I think (I know) they're all full a **** and always have been. You can believe in it if you want.
Try the Kool Aid, too.

Al Gore was going to write a new book "How to Eat All You Want, and Not Gain Weight"
but the publishers advised him not to, as the people might just just see through this one.