HELP! what do I do?



Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2010
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weeki wachee fl
My wonderful wife gave me a gift for Valentines day. Two tickets to the Daytona 500 plus pit passes. Most normal guys would think AWESOME! Not me, I don't know why she bought these since I HATE NASCAR. She's never heard me say one good thing about NASCAR ever, so I can't figure out why she bought them. The track is 3 1/2 hours each way, I'll be there all day and have another 3 1/2 hour ride home. Not counting I hate crowds. So what do I do? Keep my big mouth shut and do it, or tell her how I feel?
Maybe she's a closet NASCAR fan, and bought it so the two of you can have a day at the races together. Or not, it's just a thought. You basically have two choices here. You can honor the spirit of the gift and go regardless of your personal feelings or you can tell her how you really feel and risk upsetting her and hurting her feelings that her gift was rejected. Ultimately it is up to you, but you have to consider which of these is the lesser of the two evils. Just remember that you are going to have to live with your choice, whichever you make. Good luck.

EDIT: I just reread your post, and realized that all I did was restate your problem. I really can't answer this one for you, but personally I would go anyway simply because I love my wife and I don't like intentionally upsetting her. Of course, if she finds out later that I went even though I really don't like NASCAR I think she may still be upset because I didn't tell her the truth. However, that being said I think she would be less upset if I went anyway because I wanted to make her happy and accepted her gift even though I'm not into NASCAR. Does that make sense, or am I just rambling here?

Whatever you do, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE accept the tickets and then try to sell them behind her back. SHE WILL FIND OUT! And then WWIII will start!
is she going with you? Try it, you may like it since she bought them
I would go for will kick yourself in the a$$ if you do not go. I know I am like you, I am not that big a fan either BUT,,, this is the Daytona 500!! It's like the Superbowl! A buddy of mine went and he said the experience is just something that you cannot describe. Way different that on the t.v. It's the whole experience I guess, plus, Daytona beach is a real nice place to visit.
I agree! Go for the experience. I've been in the pits (not at Daytona) and it's fun and interesting. I stood ten feet from the King while he was being interviewed. Jeff Gordon and his entourage about ran me over while I was trying to take a picture. Make your wife happy and have a good time!
This is an easy one bud , insist she go with you , when she protests gently tell her you hate NASCAR too but at least if shes there with you it won't be so bad , maybe it might turn out to be fun . Refuse to go without her , this way you are a loving husband while forcing her to think about what she gets you in the future , plus if she is scheming something while you are away without her then thats a bust as well .
Take her with you and go with an adventurous spirit and an attitude of gratitude. At worst you can say you tried, but you may be surprised and have a great time!
GO to the race, being there is a hell of a lot different than watching it on TV.

Go,, the experience is well worth it,, I hate crowds,, but surprisingly the whole Nascar Vibe, the goodwill, smiles, it's like a big family hoot.. The whole thing is so upbeat, it's infectious..

On another note,, make it an experience you will enjoy more fully by getting the TRAX or alternate rental headphones,, to monitor the announcer, (which you can't hear over the P/A during the race, cuz it's loud!!),, and you can scan what individual teams are yakkin about.. You'll need one radio, 2 headsets..

Spend the weekend at a Nascar themed hotel.. goodtimes for sure..

We went once cuz we were near a race,, liked it so much,, we went a coupla more times.. Now we're into NHRA nationals... also loud.. lol... there's something spiritual as your body changes to jelly,, when the fuelers light up... try that next .!!

hope it helps..
Go to the race, take off your shirt, get drunk as hell, scream and yell, act like a total redneck idiot, get thrown in jail, and make her drive 7 hours round trip to bail you out! She will never buy you Nascar tickets again! :-D
Thanks for the replies. I guess I will be going. Already invited a buddy to go so she's getting out of it
Thanks for the replies. I guess I will be going. Already invited a buddy to go so she's getting out of it

You should have invited your girlfriend on the side. (Then mama won't buy you any more tickets if she knows that you brought another woman...)

Just like if you do a wash of delicates and put them in the dryer on high heat and shrink them, You won't have to do the laundry anymore....
You should have invited your girlfriend on the side. (Then mama won't buy you any more tickets if she knows that you brought another woman...)

Just like if you do a wash of delicates and put them in the dryer on high heat and shrink them, You won't have to do the laundry anymore....
She might cut you nuts off while you sleeping too! Have fun Daytona is a great race. :toothy1:
Damn ! Lucky ! I want to go ! Well take lots of pics for us would ya . that sounds like alot of fun . I bet your going to be a nascar fan after this . Even if you dont tell any one lmao . Like was said have some redneck fun !
I would go, I have done lots of things with my wife that I would have never done by choice. Once I got there, I really kind of enjoyed them. So go, it might be fun.
I agree that today's NASCAR is for morons, but attending the Daytona 500 should be a "bucket list" item for any car guy. That track has a soul and harkens back to a time when NASCAR drivers were real men, driving real man's cars. Guys with names like Lee, Tiny, Fireball and Richard, not a Kyle or Danica in the bunch. Just check out the vintage footage available of the races from 59 til the early 80's. You're a lucky man and your wife is making a real effort to give you a memorable experience. Go soak up the history of the place and enjoy it.
That is unless you'd rather have a mani-pedi and some "me time" at the spa.
I agree that today's NASCAR is for morons, but attending the Daytona 500 should be a "bucket list" item for any car guy. That track has a soul and harkens back to a time when NASCAR drivers were real men, driving real man's cars. Guys with names like Lee, Tiny, Fireball and Richard, not a Kyle or Danica in the bunch. Just check out the vintage footage available of the races from 59 til the early 80's. You're a lucky man and your wife is making a real effort to give you a memorable experience. Go soak up the history of the place and enjoy it.

Went there on a "guys" trip with my father, 2 brothers, and a friend back in 84' got there late in the evening the night before the race, walked around the infield til about 4AM then crashed in the car.

Race was awesome, we were seated at the beginning of turn 1 fairly up high in the stands, when them cars went flying by the wind they move can be felt even way up in the stands and looked like racing multicolored ants at the other end of that monsterous track.

If you sit closer to the track better take safety goggles, you'll need them for all the dust that gets blown around when the field passes, but overall it was an unforgettable experience.
This is one day we are talking about, you can do it. It's not like you have to down a full plate of Brussel sprouts.
It is the thought that counts. you asshole do you realize how many guys would kill to get that gift. If you are that anal sell the tickets to a friend and go spend the day at a strip bar go home and make love to a woman who was thinking of giving you a once in a livetime gift. You got to be joking with us.