Helpful Mopar wife/GF or not...


j par

Well-hung Member
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
Portland Oregon
And right out of the gate to stay politically correct and my excuse is because it was too much for the title that if there's a female this can go the other way. Or as Steinfeld would say not that there's anything wrong with that. End of disclaimer.
For my wife it's hard to find a starting place and the help never seems to end along with the support. While others out here have a lot of the same experience, while there's others that prefer their wife not to even be in the garage. I wonder how that relates to our cars and how we enjoy them, or don't?
Example: (me) "I just can't see spending the $ on this!" (Wife) "just get it".
Pick up duster years ago (2 hour drive each way) I say look it's an automatic, she says "it needs a four on the floor!"
A few months later when I found one(4-speed) three and a half hours each way and had to work she drove past Seattle to get it off of Craigslist for me/us.
Make sure my glass of Squirt is always full in the garage while I'm working and periodically brings out stuff like homemade chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven while I'm working. I mean those kind of a interruptions are always welcome!
Well that kinda stuff ? Or not? Or something in the middle?
Have to hide new parts? (and actually I think this will be the funniest)
I was in the middle of my 1965 Comet build when I found my Barracuda. I told my wife about the Barracuda with a certain amount of enthusiasm.
About a week later at morning coffee she says, "don't you think you should call that guy about the Barracuda"
She is supportive and never bitches about the money I spend on my hobby-she also helps me in the shop if I ask her and brings my poochie out to
the shop for occasional visits. Makes sure the garage fridge is full of beer and Gatorade, I have it pretty good.
my wife is great on everything
she keeps my spending in check, but at the same time doesnt let me throw good money after bad (as in, just buy it new, buy it once)

she isnt much for turning wrenches but will lend a hand when i need her too
My wife loves old cars, and loves to drive them. She doesn't care about performance, just torque to move through the hills. For a while, her car was a '66 Fairlane. Then a '68 Fury. She has no rime or reason, it's if she likes it or not. She "claimed" the Ramcharger as hers. I bought it to flip, but she loves it. Why? It's how she does it. Yes, if I need help bleeding brakes, she'll pump the pedal. She'll help "guide" a motor in if no other hands are around.
  • years ago, when we were dating, I raced my '72 Demon 340 against my brothers motorcycle. My brother just stopped on a flat road and she said "what's he doing?" I knew, I just pulled in the passing lane and told her to say "go". She did, and we did. She thought she was going to die. She thought I'd lost the brakes, but I was eas'n the drums so they didn't overheat. She doesn't care about being a part of a race. She did make a pass by herself in my brothers junk '77 New Yorker 440, because he was a tenth away from tying my run for the day (91 Dynasty), and thought her being lighter would do the trick. Nope!
My wife used to help me a lot in the shop, when I needed it. And she never complains about the money I spend on cars. I have 6 cars now. But times have changed. I was very fortunate to support my family very well, with my businesses, over the years. 17 yrs ago, when I was 44, I sold my Parts stores to Carquest. I did that for a few reasons. One of them was because my wife became Ill with Brain tumors, around 99. She has had three brain tumor operations since 99. She will never be the same as she was pre 99. Now she sleeps a lot and has no real drive to do anything. Also, now she begins to lose her memory. Soooo... she does not come out to the shop much at all anymore, But she still supports my hobby. Yes I am Blessed.
Some people find that "right" person right off the bat. Others it takes a lifetime to find, still others never find.
I was 20 when we met, she a little younger. 9 months later we were married... and she's owned over a 100 cars since thanks to me.... :D
My wife is pretty awesome and supportive in all aspects of life - not just the car stuff. It's important to reciprocate.
Some people find that "right" person right off the bat. Others it takes a lifetime to find, still others never find.
Third time was a charm. Second wife "thoroughly" convinced me that marriage was NOT a good idea!!
And I was "thoroughly" convinced it was NEVER going to happen again!
Wweeeeeell..... never say never.....
And right out of the gate to stay politically correct and my excuse is because it was too much for the title that if there's a female this can go the other way. Or as Steinfeld would say not that there's anything wrong with that. End of disclaimer.
For my wife it's hard to find a starting place and the help never seems to end along with the support. While others out here have a lot of the same experience, while there's others that prefer their wife not to even be in the garage. I wonder how that relates to our cars and how we enjoy them, or don't?
Example: (me) "I just can't see spending the $ on this!" (Wife) "just get it".
Pick up duster years ago (2 hour drive each way) I say look it's an automatic, she says "it needs a four on the floor!"
A few months later when I found one(4-speed) three and a half hours each way and had to work she drove past Seattle to get it off of Craigslist for me/us.
Make sure my glass of Squirt is always full in the garage while I'm working and periodically brings out stuff like homemade chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven while I'm working. I mean those kind of a interruptions are always welcome!
Well that kinda stuff ? Or not? Or something in the middle?
Have to hide new parts? (and actually I think this will be the funniest)
Some Very Lucky Guy will Marry Rani, from Colorado.... @rainydayauto :thumbsup::thumbsup:
My wife of 35 years is a trooper too. She has picked up parts from my US mailbox too many times to count - including leaf springs and tires, will push on the brake pedal as long as it takes, holds wrenches on nuts I cant reach etc. Never gives me an ounce of grief about the parts $$, but grooves on the Airmiles that come with it.
The only thing - I gave up on buckets because she likes the bench. When the 408 gets fired up, I'll have to take her to the Drive In then hehehe.
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My wife will help out anytime, hold wrench, or hand tools, in any way she can.

She showed me old CJ-5 one time and said it looks pretty, we went and looked at it.
Her birthday was a week later and I had the guy deliver it, for a present.
She loves that old Jeep, its her toy.

The last few I bought were not to pretty looking, she keeps saying if you buy any more its divorce time....
Been with the wife since she was 15, 36 years, she is carefree and helpful in every thing I do. But, grease and grime isn't her thing. I spend our money as I choose and so does she. She knows and excepts the car hobby as it was my mistress 3years prior to meeting her. It's nice the car taught the wife how to drive and now she gladly rides in the passenger seat, the two get along great, no jealousy. lol
And right out of the gate to stay politically correct and my excuse is because it was too much for the title that if there's a female this can go the other way. Or as Steinfeld would say not that there's anything wrong with that. End of disclaimer.
For my wife it's hard to find a starting place and the help never seems to end along with the support. While others out here have a lot of the same experience, while there's others that prefer their wife not to even be in the garage. I wonder how that relates to our cars and how we enjoy them, or don't?
Example: (me) "I just can't see spending the $ on this!" (Wife) "just get it".
Pick up duster years ago (2 hour drive each way) I say look it's an automatic, she says "it needs a four on the floor!"
A few months later when I found one(4-speed) three and a half hours each way and had to work she drove past Seattle to get it off of Craigslist for me/us.
Make sure my glass of Squirt is always full in the garage while I'm working and periodically brings out stuff like homemade chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven while I'm working. I mean those kind of a interruptions are always welcome!
Well that kinda stuff ? Or not? Or something in the middle?
Have to hide new parts? (and actually I think this will be the funniest)

I shouldn't probably comment on this, as I've said it before but dammit, it needs to be said.

jpar, you married WAAAAAAAAAAAAY up. Your wife is too good to you and for you.

We all can see that. I hope she doesn't figure it out.

BTW, my wife helps and let's me do what I want, it just takes a little more verbal wrestling.
I first met my wife 40 years ago. When I first met her she was driving a 67 442. Before we married I helped her pick out a nicely optioned 79 Formula Firebird which we still have. We have been married 35 years.

She likes to joke that I taught her how to pack wheel bearings on our first date but it was actually more like the sixth date. She is not afraid of getting dirty or trying to help me with anything that I'm doing, like pulling engines, stripping junk cars, helping to load up and then attend swap meets. You name it, she helps. For her 50th birthday we ordered a 98 Wrangler for her, which we still have. She loves it and intends to drive it forever, says it fits her personality. She has no problem with spending money on car parts.

I am a very lucky guy to have such a wonderful woman in my life and love her dearly.
BTW, my wife helps and let's me do what I want, it just takes a little more verbal wrestling.
forget the verbal wrestling, get physical once, making her say uncle, uncle ben, uncle ben's rice! then slightly ease before going full force again. Trust me, next time you need help, there will be no more verbal wrestling :D
I have a good one as well! She is very supportive of the habit and encourages me to spend the money once and not have to do it over again. Not huge on turning wrenches but will definitely lend a hand if needed. She was my pit crew at Drag Week 2017 and will be again in 2018. I am soooo lucky. I knew you had to find the right one to marry so we dated for 4 years before saying "I do". And I dated what seems like a million girls looking for this right one.
Karli is actually mad at me for thinking about putting my Sport Satellite up for sale. Same with the Barracuda.

She loves the old Moparw and we want to build one eventually for her.

And I know where she'll be: right in the shop getting her hands dirty beside me.

Anytime that i might say “hey, look at this cool car for sale”, she says “buy it!”. I love this lady! She’s my 2nd try at love and she is the keeper! Now I have 4 Mopars and she still is looking for me to buy more. She is afraid to ride in a few of them already. Speed scares the crap out of her. What more can be said about a 6’-2” blond? She’s my cutie!
Sore subject... And she has no idea how much money I spend on them.. Thinks Im having an affair with the UPS guy... Lol