Hemi Road Runner takes 3 feet of salt water on Long Island

More arm chair comments that are easy to say but stupid.
There is a difference in knowing a storm is coming and one that doubles the last record high.
A weak comment?

That in itself just shows your stupidity. 4th grade education level comment that one was.

While I'd love to play with *** wipes over this, jotting down intelligent replies to the stunted brains would take to long to break down to the kinder level needed. I'm going back to work.

Oh, panties not in a bunch. Nor am I upset.
Jus amazed at the idiot responses.
Even more so since I assumed that each person here is somewhat educated.
I see that I am sorely mistaken.

Is this not an open forum where people are entilted to their own opinions as long as it doesn't break the rules on the site?
:argue::cussing::axe::violent1: Can't we all just get along?


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Their best bet right now is to try and flush out the car with de-ionized or soft water in order to get rid of any of the salt left from the storm water. It has already been two weeks but flushing/washing with soft water will help.

Yep, just a normal winter back in the old days when the city used to drop salt by the tons starting mid Nov to mid April, well yeah it didn't get inside but the car I feel is not "ruin" just needs a very good cleaning-the sooner the better. Salt washes away. I would remove the seats and carpet and wash it inside and out, flush the engine bay and trunk out as well. Towel dry it and take it from there.
If you know the woman?ask if they need a hand as I am unemployed and would help out cleaning it up as it would be a shame to not get that salt outta their car.
If its something they are interested in pm me and I will give you my phone # to give to them.
If you know the woman?ask if they need a hand as I am unemployed and would help out cleaning it up as it would be a shame to not get that salt outta their car.
If its something they are interested in pm me and I will give you my phone # to give to them.

Now that is one of the best comments here. To do that and have not job is a heck of an offer to someone. I would have to say you are a good man.

I really hope all those people in the effect area gets help and cleaned up soon its a shame. A lot of people lost a lot of things and are still with out power.

I hope this car is either sold to someone who will restore it and always keep the family posted on the car or that these people can get the car fixed up and back out on the road.

I bet the car as of right now is not their main concern and it is understandable.

Keep us posted.

Oh maybe a local MOPAR club members in or around the area could do something to help them with the car, kind of like a Chip Foose thing of restoring it (not modding it) and giving it back to them. It sounds like they have an attachment to it since its been in the family.
I feel is not "ruin" just needs a very good cleaning-the sooner the better. Salt washes away. I would remove the seats and carpet and wash it inside and out, flush the engine bay and trunk out as well. Towel dry it and take it from there.

It's salt water, not sulfuric acid. It's not like the car is going to dissolve all of a sudden lol.
After more thought, I wounder if the owner is HOPING the car is ruined so their insurance will pay it off. You got many cars were the owners have spent big money and feel their car is worth say $25,000 and in today's economy, they be luckly to sell it for $15,000 so they go parking it in a known flood area and go hitting their insurance for what the car was worth before the economy tank.

Back when Detroit used to have devils night and hundreds of fires on Oct 30th, some undercover officers seen a nice looking car being towed with a rope. They did nothing but watched from a distance what these guys were up to. They towed the car in to Detroit and lit it on fire..turns out the car had a blown engine and they got nailed for insurance fraud..and arson ..the police did nothing till after they filed the claim with their insurance company and the cops had a fuzzy video taped of them..they got in big time trouble, ended up in prison, lol
If you know the woman?ask if they need a hand as I am unemployed and would help out cleaning it up as it would be a shame to not get that salt outta their car.
If its something they are interested in pm me and I will give you my phone # to give to them.

:drinkers::drinkers: I can bring some beer over!!
It is easy for people to say it should have been moved but how far inland? Here in S.E. Michigan we has trees ripped out of the ground and surge at the lake from the storm. I cant see that they could have expected it to be severe a 12 hour drive inland. It was damaged and still can be saved. As Rob says it is easy to look back but that storm was charged from the start.
Long Island is only 12 miles wide and ITS AN ISLAND ! there is no inland. NJ and NYC filled with water. The CT shore flooded. I dont think a lot of people understand how devastating this storm was to the east coast.
Sure is easy to arm chair 1/4back afterwards.
Did not read the whole thread, got here and stopped, 'nuff said right here. I would have done this, done that, stood on my head and spun around 3 times while spitting. Some of you folks are probably the same ones that stand around work on Monday talking about what ever sporting event you watched over the weekend saying that you would have not ran that play etc.....Sidewalk commandos is a very fitting name.....
It is a shame to see that happen. But the car is far from ruined. Flush it out with fresh water, drain all fluids, change filters, and let it dry out till more funds are freed up. If the body drains aren't clogged rinsing it out should do the trick. Its not like a tree fell on it and crushed it flat.
Did not read the whole thread, got here and stopped, 'nuff said right here. I would have done this, done that, stood on my head and spun around 3 times while spitting. Some of you folks are probably the same ones that stand around work on Monday talking about what ever sporting event you watched over the weekend saying that you would have not ran that play etc.....Sidewalk commandos is a very fitting name.....

I was thinking about going commando...

I like the idea of some folks helping these people cleaning up the car. It's a Mopar community, correct?
They had taken the carpet out but the seats were still bolted in.

It sounds like the owners are doing something about it and are not going to just let it rust away. They know what they have or they wouldn't have kept it for so long. Not sure how they got the carpet out without taking the seats out though.

It's salt water, not sulfuric acid. It's not like the car is going to dissolve all of a sudden lol.

The car is made out of steel not sugar cubes!! It is a 68 RoadRunner for god's sake not the Wicked Witch of the West!! "I'm melting! Melting! Oh, what a world! What a world!"
I had a friend who got in his car with wet pants after swimming. We woke up the next day and the only thing left was the steering wheel.
is it a members car ? Can we help it in any way ? Can we hlp the lady ? think bout what some of yall are fighting over lmao come on
Well! Looks like its going to be a long winter here
is it a members car ? Can we help it in any way ? Can we hlp the lady ? think bout what some of yall are fighting over lmao come on

I know a guy that has some 68 parts cars if it needs anything.

I would like to see the car put back and who knows it may have belonged to a Dad, brother, husband or someone they are close to. She may even be the original owner.

My 70 Coronet R/T the owner never made it back from Vietnam from the history I was able to track down. He never got to know how rare of a car it was (1 of 1) and the family parked it in a garage doing what he asked them to do. Drive it some and keep it up to date until he got home.

The car was then sold years later and sat in a barn and sank to the ground filled the quarters with mud. It was moved after losing its storage space and I found it.

I argued with the guy for months on the price and the guy was a chevy guy. I held out and got the car. I miss it everyday.

Yeah if there is any Mopar or heck car clubs in the area we should get them help in getting it taken care of.

Its crazy to think how a lot of our fellow man wont help each other, but I will say I have seen more people on here help others and give to others with no questions asked. I have said to myself this place is more of a family place then any other site.

I've been on a lot of mopar boards and get tired of the guys with big dollar cars crushing the little man who can't afford to have a car done by someone else. The little guy enjoys the car everyday and that guy should be given an award.

So keep us posted on this as others are helping the people affected by the storm their homes and lives back, maybe we can help someone get their car back in working order.
I had a friend who got in his car with wet pants after swimming. We woke up the next day and the only thing left was the steering wheel.
Thanks for sharing,I had a friend once,also....LMAO
Are there not vehicles that drive through winters with roads that are salted ???? Does it not take a regular thorough car wash to prevent rust from accumulating ... so why could this not be thoroughly washed inside and out ????
The only concern i would have is that the harness would need replacing ... oils drained etc...
You can replace cars ... you cant replace lives ..