Highest Gas Prices in North America



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2011
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Black Creek B.C. Canada
Our Morning News announced Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,,..and 4 surrounding Ciries have the highest prices in North America

$1.44 a litre.., approx $5.80 a U.S. gallon, REGULAR... sheesh
I paid $4.30/gal for 93 in CT this morning and that's down almost 12 cents. Of course the $.25/gal tax doesn't help here...
Thats really cheap compared to the gasprice over here.
We pay 14,5-15 SEK/litre. Thats 2,2-2,3 US$/litre, that makes it 8,3US$/gallon. Thats for regular (regular over here is 95) If you want premium (98 ) add another 0,80sek/litre. And diesel is about the same price as regular.
We just dropped to 1.36 per liter..remember, a Canadian gallon is 4.6 liters and an American gallon is 3.8 liters..
Our Morning News announced Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,,..and 4 surrounding Ciries have the highest prices in North America

$1.44 a litre.., approx $5.80 a U.S. gallon, REGULAR... sheesh

wow, i'd hunting on CL for a little honda trail 70 to get around town if that happened here.
Thats really cheap compared to the gasprice over here.
We pay 14,5-15 SEK/litre. Thats 2,2-2,3 US$/litre, that makes it 8,3US$/gallon. Thats for regular (regular over here is 95) If you want premium (98 ) add another 0,80sek/litre. And diesel is about the same price as regular.

yup seeing the same everytime at the gasstation:banghead:
I paid $4.30/gal for 93 in CT this morning and that's down almost 12 cents. Of course the $.25/gal tax doesn't help here...

I think with the recent .06 cents gas tax hike here in Mass were paying over .40 in total tax per a gallon. It's on average $3.64 a gallon regular but I also live near the supply tanks so it keeps the price about .20 a gallon cheaper than some of the rural areas.

$45 for 24 Beer, $9 for a pack of cigarettes, (don't smoke anymore) Majority of Both Tax, plus 13% taxes on everything ..... "Free Medical" we are paying for it in other ways.

I have a buddy who's originally from Nova Scotia and he told me that government medical is a joke. The extra taxes and duties are not worth the **** medical care you get from government insurance.
$4.20 for 93 here the last time I got fuel then you have the MMO that i add to the gas. Dont drive it much because of the price of fuel. Cruise in and a regular cruise from time to time.. Muscle cars love fuel and we love them so its a trade off..Bill
I have a buddy who's originally from Nova Scotia and he told me that government medical is a joke. The extra taxes and duties are not worth the **** medical care you get from government insurance.

As an unfortunate heavy user of our medical system and a sick daughter I can say, with all honesty, that that is a very misinformed opinion. And he sounds like an idiot. We (my family) would be bankrupt if it wasn't for this "joke" of a system.

We have one of the best children's hospitals in the world... not sure if the staff considered their work a "joke".

We raced MX for 5 years...we sent money to organizations in the USA like RiderDown because one accident can bankrupt a family. Not one Canadian MX family that I knew of was ever charged money when they went to emerg.

I have watched on this board the number of folks that have to sell their stuff due to illness or an operation. That does not happen with our "joke" medical system.

The funny thing is, the Canadian folks that **** on out medical system really want it bad when they become sick.... as well as bleat about an "extra" charge like copying documents ..

A bunch of years ago, my dad was taken into emerg in Florida. The staff would not let him in until he passed over his gold card. I have seen documentaries where American hospitals dump patients because their money ran out. I can go on but I won't.

The system is not perfect but it isn't a joke....
As an unfortunate heavy user of our medical system and a sick daughter I can say, with all honesty, that that is a very misinformed opinion. And he sounds like an idiot. We (my family) would be bankrupt if it wasn't for this "joke" of a system.

We have one of the best children's hospitals in the world... not sure if the staff considered their work a "joke".

We raced MX for 5 years...we sent money to organizations in the USA like RiderDown because one accident can bankrupt a family. Not one Canadian MX family that I knew of was ever charged money when they went to emerg.

I have watched on this board the number of folks that have to sell their stuff due to illness or an operation. That does not happen with our "joke" medical system.

The funny thing is, the Canadian folks that **** on out medical system really want it bad when they become sick.... as well as bleat about an "extra" charge like copying documents ..

A bunch of years ago, my dad was taken into emerg in Florida. The staff would not let him in until he passed over his gold card. I have seen documentaries where American hospitals dump patients because their money ran out. I can go on but I won't.

The system is not perfect but it isn't a joke....

I wasn't dogging on the system. I was just merely stating what a former Canadian had told me.

Not to say your lying but i'm almost positive that no hospital in the US can refuse treatment to a patient in emergency regardless if they have insurance or not.
$3.20 here for 87 if you use cash :D $3.23 otherwise. Highest in town is $3.41. It's HIGH here when it reaches $4 a gallon! I love Kentucky!! :blob:
Yep no surprise...raped over gas prices and a great deal of it is taxes. Saw a guy on a mountain bike a few weeks back,was doing about 40 mph. It was powered by a small air cooled 2 stroke. I bet he gets better than 100mpg,but I wouldn't want to get a bug in the face..
from what I understand, the gas prices in Canada are what fund the health care system....

3.43 by me....dont u guys get free medical up there

If you work for the gov't or some larger employer, with a union,, the medical fees get split about 50/50 between employer/employee..

My son who is an apprentice carpenter,, pays a full $66.50 a month for medical.

My wife and I are retired, and pay $58 each a month for medical.. and have paid all our working lives..


that AND high taxes.. It's a trade off..

If I blow out a knee, have a heart attack, appendix, - no charge