Honestly, I owe it all to FABO...

When I texted you and told you I needed everything for ALL 4 shocks cause I had nothing that came with the 69 Dart I picked up all the way from Calif you said you would look around. Even though its a cheap sale and a big pain to go digging for all that mess you came through. With that kind of customer devotion I can pretty much tell you that you will be "big time" successful. Thanks Tony. Will stop in sometime in Feb for a tour, you gonna be busy just tour guiding.
Good luck to you Tony, you deserve it! I hope to stop down one of these days on my travels. I just bought an old Chrysler-Plymouth dealership building in Rockford, IL that I chanced into, it is rough to own a 35000 sq ft building with no business plan! I am moving all my junk in there now and trying to make it through the winter with the utility bills! I might open a shop like you, and have three building full of parts that I need to get rid of, so I may take up your parts selling slack here on FABO.
Good luck to you Tony, you deserve it! I hope to stop down one of these days on my travels. I just bought an old Chrysler-Plymouth dealership building in Rockford, IL that I chanced into, it is rough to own a 35000 sq ft building with no business plan! I am moving all my junk in there now and trying to make it through the winter with the utility bills! I might open a shop like you, and have three building full of parts that I need to get rid of, so I may take up your parts selling slack here on FABO.
That's a big chunk!
Honestly, I think a Mopar only shop up in that area would do fantastic. That's a lot of Square footage to fill, but I grossly underestimated the demand when I opened my place.
You'll do great!