Horrific WWII Statistics

well, as horrible as those numbers are that's what it took to win that war and we went out and did it. When I go down range I get an Intel brief which, as you can imagine, is classified. There are some things going on right now that don't put Americans in the greatest of light within the international community. My response was...."I guess I shouldn't be wearing my ' America.....back to back World War Champions' T-shirt".

I was told it would be highly frowned upon and that the other members of the crew should take pictures and video of me to be used for future Intel briefs. FML
Dammit...............the more I think about it the more I get pissed off. If the American public cared enough about the war going on right now it would've been over years ago. Instead we would rather pacify those that hate us in order to be politically correct. We would rather try to make the American people understand "the plight of the down trodden" than go out and beat down those that want to beat down us. American policy is such that rather than accept people into our fold we let people come in and tell us how we should act.


sorry to hijack the thread.....

damn......shouldn't say "hijack", probably offends a terrorist.

The facts are AS BAD AS those numbers are, the U.S. lost not near as many as the Russians. And frankly, if it had not been for Hitler "being distracted" by attacking Stalin, "our end" of WWII would have been a REAL long deal.
For a true look into the 8th Air Force in WWII go to the web site for the 392 Bomb Group. Pictures of their base, lots of first person accounts, and info on each mission they flew.
It will be worth your time!!!