How did you get hooked on A-bodies?

My first car was my 73 Dart Sport that I got in 86 from my Grandmother. It only had 24,000 orig miles AFTER being driven ~1,000 miles from NW Illinois to NE Maryland. It was the fastest car in my high school (and the coolest looking too IMHO!). It would fly and I WAS HOOKED! From then on I've always been a Mopar fan and never looked back!
dont realy know, i have always liked mopars and then when i bought my first car i found the duster i still have and the picture in the magazine just made me hooked on a duster, then when i saw it whit some wide rear tires and a real low frontend and with a nice rumbling V8 i just had to buy it, now i just cant stop i´m hooked
back when i was 13 or so i wasnt into muscle cars at all it was all about jacked up trucks and jeeps but one day i saw a duster pull up by us on the road at a red light he was bouncing the frontend it was awesome and it sounded sweet anyways im 16 now and im lookin hard so i can get one that i can fix up and call my own
Was cruising wide open with my dad in his Fiero on a stretch of farm road in Ohio.

Up ahead I saw what I thought was a road runner, as we got closer my dad said "That's a Barracuda coupe!"

It was hemi orange with an upper black side stripe and a blacked out hood, and was parked in front of a single wide trailer home.

I was 16 y/o at the time and had never even seen a notchback until that day let alone a fastback barracuda.

Ever since that day I thought that was the coolest looking car I had ever seen, and always wanted one.

Plus the fact that It was one of the rare occasions I actually got a chance to see my dad.

I finally got one, so I used that car as the inspiration of my project, but with a few twists added.

cuda 23.JPG
I have owned Mopars only until about 3 years ago when I bought hybrid for my 86 mile commute to work. Own 2 66' valiants and a 99' Jeep. My first car at 15 was the 66 valiant.