How do you guys keep your polished aluminum...polished?



Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
MI 49203
I was just sitting here thinking about how much time I have invested into polishing my valve covers and air my carb is nice shiny aluminum aswell.

on hot days my engine block builds up alot of moisture on it sitting in my garage and I see more and more anywhere I have polished aluminum on the engine is starting to show signs of oxidization .

on my final pass of polishing when I polished my parts I used mothers aluminum polishing compound.....but its obviously not deterring the oxidizing any.

are there any special tricks you guys use to keep you polished aluminum parts free from oxidizing?..

maybe repolish them back to a nice shine and smear a light coat of wd40 on them? or?

any tips or tricks would be appreciated, thanks
Polish is an abrasive designed to cut....that's how you get a clean shiny part.

After you polish you should coat with a good wax to seal it. The shiny will last longer.

I've had really good luck with a product called Zoop Seal. Not cheap, but it works.
Thanks for the tips guys.

now that i think of it.....I am pretty sure I did a coat of turtle wax on everything after I polished it.

didnt seem to help I am looking into alternatives
Polished aluminum just has to be stayed on top of thats why I prefer chrome when ever possible. I use semi chrome its what the airplane guys use on their spinners. Just dont let things get out of hand.
if you can afford it have your aluminum parts powder coated and forget about polishing ever again. just wipe off the oil . you won't ever need to polish again.
I have used "Ever Bright" on lots of parts. It works Great.
I normally don't like using clear coat on engine components because overtime the heat yellows the clear.

as for powder coat.....I have a powder coating setup but I am actually currently selling I like the look of the polished aluminum more.

it hasnt got out of hand yet...but its starting to look kind of foggy, it polish's right back up easy enough and all....I was just seeing if there was a product or a trick or tip that would help deter the oxidizing to begin with.

ill look into some of the products mentioned. thanks again!
I have also had good luck in the past with eagle one never dull (cotton wads in the can) and they polish things up nice and leave a somewhat oily residue....I wonder if this would help any?
Look into clear anodizing, it dulls the finish just a bit but it's lasts indefinitely. We used it on some Alcoa dually wheels and they looked awesome.
by keeping it clean 1st...

but basically if you polish them once 'for inst' all you mostly have to do is hit them up with a 'clean soft white towel' once in a while.

and if this is a brand thing....eagle/mcguires/jewlery polish thats aluminum friendly.
yeah i am sure that would help.

I polished them up about 2 months ago and tossed them on the engine and closed the hood and havent wiped them down or anything (been preoccupied with body panel replacements and what not).

Ill give my never dull a try and see how that does and ill make a note to rub them down with a cloth every once and awhile.

here is what I started with and what I did.











now you can see just how much time and elbow grease I have wrapped up into stripping and polishing the get up.

which is why I want to find something good to protect the work.
I f'n hate polishing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,till I'm done and look:love10:


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polished alum does look great when it is freshly polished, in order to keep it looking that way you MUST get used to repeated polishing s!!! Buy stock in the polish cream that you use most and set time aside to polish polish polish....Steel rusts when oxidation occurs, Aluminum "oxidizes" which is a technical term for the exact same thing that happens to steel when it rusts, steel pits, aluminum pits steel looks orange, aluminum looks dull and faded and blotchy......EVEN Stainless Steel is NOT rust committing...the name itself imply s its is stain LESS not STAIN FREE!
unless you can invent a metal that is impervious to the elements on our planet
( especially the elements in Michigan) oxidation WILL occur and you must polish....
SO follow Mr. Miyagi's advice..... WAX ON......WAX OFF please DO Daniel San!!