'69 Dart
Ive tried to find a good way to prime the oil pump but have had no luck. What did you guys do?
I did this with my car before I installed the relocation kit on it. There are 2 pipe plugs that are on the top of the oil filter adapter in the block. One on top, one on the bottom. You have to check but I think the top one comes directly from the oil pump to the oil filter. I removed the plug, Installed a fitting, attached a lenght of hose and a funnel to it. Remove a spark plug from each cylinder. Hold the funnel up, put fresh oil in the funnel, and turn the engine BACKWARDS (CCW from the front) with a socket on the damper retaining bolt. You should be able to watch the oil go down in the funnel. When the funnel is empty, remove the hose and the fitting and re install the pipe plug and the spark plugs. Crank the starter, your oil pump will now be primed and you will get almost instant oil pressure. Fire her up!!!:burnout:
> Moroso/etc. remote oil resevoir, around $50. Holds about 1.5 qts. Fill it with 1 qt,mount upright and add air pressure,(tire inflation valve) in top of tank. This will force oil into the galleys. Designed to reduce "minor" cavitation of the pump,(corner burning/etc). Good Luck, ateam.:burnout:Spiffy. Thanks!
> Moroso/etc. remote oil resevoir, around $50. Holds about 1.5 qts. Fill it with 1 qt,mount upright and add air pressure,(tire inflation valve) in top of tank. This will force oil into the galleys. Designed to reduce "minor" cavitation of the pump,(corner burning/etc). Good Luck, ateam.:burnout:
"Moroso" pn. 23930, listed on their webbsite. Adding a solenoid valve, at the base would make it "smarter", ie., pre-lube the motor every time on a cold start-up,(this is highest wear period). 2 bottles, even better. Good Luck, ateam.:burnout:Do you have a link to this?
Does it have a siphon type tube in it to ensure the oil comes through instead of just blowing air through the system?
$50 sounds alot better than $200 for stuff I've seen, or spending $40 and hours trying to rig something up.
That's good news, this thread just came up pretty much the day after I buttoned up the front end on my engine, lol. Priming the engine had crossed my mind, but I figured I'd just crank it over with no spark or gas and hope for the best. Was thinking about trying to funnel some oil backward though the holes when I saw this thread come up and glad to hear that's a possibility.
Also, just checked my ports and it looks like the bottom one goes to the outer ring of the filter which would be straight from the oil pump I believe. Shined a flashlight up through it and could see the light easy from the port on the side.
Has anyone confirmed if it is the bottom plug?
Often times the pump is dry on a motor that has set awhile and the pump won't suck oil since it is turning to slowly. I remember as a kid we sometimes had to prime our outside pump to get water. Just a suggestion. Rather than pulling parts off the motor, maybe you could construct a rig to put oil into the sending unit hole so that all you have to do is pull the sending unit itself. I once did this by pulling the sending unit on a Desoto hemi and inserting a pipe thread fitting for a 3/8" hose. Then I put a container of oil hanging from the ceiling of the garage with a gallon of oil in it and just let it bleed in through head pressure. This oil will find it's way down to the pump and create the prime you need. Once the container was dry. ( which took awhile ), I drained the oil and then refilled the motor with fresh oil. The engine rattled for a few seconds but It worked just fine after that. BillIve tried to find a good way to prime the oil pump but have had no luck. What did you guys do?