How do you....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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.....this may seem like a really stupid question....but how do you change the way you sleep? I have always slept on my left side. In talking with the nurse & doctor that did my spinal injection the other day...

they suggested that I attempt to sleep on my back. We bought a new bed last year, a Temper-Purdic. We bought the frame that allows you to elevate your both your head and feet. I elevated the head section last night and managed to spend a few hours on my back....until the wifes leaking CPAP and snoring woke me up....long story. Next time I woke up I was in my normal position, on my left I need to go get some ratchet straps out of the garage and have Ernie strap me into the bed so I don't move??

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...
My back is totally screwed and I used to sleep only left side too, This might sound totally stupid but since I got my Cat a few years ago she likes to sleep with me (no wise *** remarks!!!) and she gets between my legs witch keeps me on my back and man I feel a lot better in the morning, I know From some of your posts you like the critters, so get a Cat!!!

I have only heard of ways to get you from sleeping on your back, and one of them was to place/sew a tennis ball on the back of a shirt or pajamas. Maybe that could be done on the sides too?
I had the chance to get some very good info on this from a customer a while back. He had Kaiser and I didn't so I couldn't go with him but he took notes for me.

This poor man had cancer since he was 16 and at that time he was 44. In his late 30's they discovered he also was suffering from RA.

His biggest issues were fatigue and sleep patterns. Essentially, what they said was when you are having pain issues which compound sleep issues is to sleep wherever, whenever and however you can.

As examples, people would sleep in bean bag chairs, recliners or the floor. One gal slept on here beanbag chair on her bed. She would manipulate the bean bag chair on the bed to make it so sometimes she had her head elevated or sometimes down.

One guy said he slept on his inversion table with his head slightly down hill.

The upshot was is that whatever you can do to make sleep better do it. Even if you sleep better in the bath tube. There is no wrong way to do it.
Maybe wedge a pillow on your left so you can't roll over in your sleep.
Get a flat pillow and sleep on your belly. I always fall this (fragile back) but always wake up on my side? I put my left arm up like im saluting and stuff it under my.pillow under my right ear, as I'm looking left. I can't sleep with it any other way on my belly. I started sleeping lIle this when my carpal tunnel.syndrome dictated a bowling brace on my right wrist and I has to sleep with it stright down my right side. The left arm up sort of took some pressure off my neck. My back was jacked up (maybe a slipped disc?) That I couldn't sleep on a mattress as it was too soft so I now sleep on a 3" pad on the hardwood floor to keep everything straight. Dog ends up crashed by my feet every morning....wife is ok with it as I was constantly tossing and turning and the 2 year old sleeps up there anyway and he is all over the place. When I was doing long range patrols in the Phillipine jungles, I slept on my back with my head nestled between my canteens, on my first aid kit as a pillow. I'd fall asleep with my rifle under my right side and I'd wake up for my watch x hours later in he same exact position, weird. Hot, damp, rain...didn't matter. Sweet dreams!
I have no advice. Two falls "did in" my shoulders they hurt all the time. I sleep fitfully all night, wake up probably at least 4 times, and have to go to the toilet at least once. I flip flop from left to right and my back, none of it really comfortable. Recently "my old reliable" neck pains have been reappearing.