How many donate blood?

Nope I havnt.... but think its a good idea..... I have given lots of blood to the radiator and fan blade on my car...too bad that didnt go to good use.

It has been a few years for me. I don't like the needle at all. I don't know why but I can bang up my knuckles or bash my chin and get 6 stiches and be bleeding all over the place and be just fine. But they bring out that needle and I get all week in the knees. I can tough it out but man it sucks.
I tried a couple years ago,They contacted me and told me I had hepatitus c,must have gotten it when I was 17 and had a transfusion for car accident,spleen removed.I now know why I get tired and can only work twice as hard as most 30 year olds.Swear I thought I felt fine before they told me this,now I am tired all the time.Guzzi Mark
I used to donate regularly. But it's a year wait after a tattoo, or piercing. And I've gotten a few in the last years.
You betcha, I just gave blood last week. My wife is a nurse and she won't give blood because of the needles:wack::dontknow: She has no problems poking other people. Her latest excuse was the tatoo she got a while back.
I cant because I have ulcerative colitus, a colon bleeding disorder. Even when my died they would not take mine to give him. And both of us signed a wavier that we both understood the dangers. I could not understand that.
I tried once. I hate needles, but was going to give thinking it may help some one out. After two tries the woman couldn't get the vien, I told her to quit and got up out of the chair. She got very rude with me, and I told her I didn't volenteer to be her pin cushin.
5 gallons +. Can't anymore because of the meds I have to take to stay breathing. Bummer.
Been giving for a few decades now. They kind of like my A- so they hook me up and get a couple pints of platelettes. Love it when they pump that cool plasma back in. Lips get a little blue and catch a little bit of a chill.
I don't give blood,needles don't bother me but I had hepatitus when I was young and that is one of the first things they ask when you go.8)
I am O- and donate double reds (platelettes) every 16 weeks. It takes longer but I get twice the credit and only have to go every other time! They have it at church and it's on the way home. I hate needles like everyone else, so I just don't watch!