How many times is...



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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...... going to take? My loving wife, Ernestina, has this really annoying habit...more like 2. We are heading to wherever...I am driving. She will have the newspaper/smartphone in her hands. Will find something she finds interesting and insist on me seeing that moment. I will do the same thing I do everytime....point to the speedometer and the road...her response..."Oh yeah, sorry".
Annoying habit #2...I am on the treadmill...she will have her Internet device on her lap. A commercial for a show/movie will come on with an actor that she has seen in a,movie show which I hear "'s whatsherface/whatshisface....she/he was just in that movie/show...what's their name"? To which I will say, as I am huffing and puffing...kinda busy right now but if you get me my phone I will look it up for you...This happens at least 6 of the 7 nights I am on the treadmill...:wtf: :BangHead::wtf:
Women don't ever realize that reality exists beyond the confines of their head. I've been married 30 years and I have perfected my dumb look when my wife does stupid stuff like that.

I keep telling her that she lives her life like she is singing while wearing headphones asking everyone else to sing along...but she is the only one that can hear the music. going to take? My loving wife, Ernestina, has this really annoying habit...more like 2. We are heading to wherever...I am driving. She will have the newspaper/smartphone in her hands. Will find something she finds interesting and insist on me seeing that moment. I will do the same thing I do everytime....point to the speedometer and the road...her response..."Oh yeah, sorry".
Annoying habit #2...I am on the treadmill...she will have her Internet device on her lap. A commercial for a show/movie will come on with an actor that she has seen in a,movie show which I hear "'s whatsherface/whatshisface....she/he was just in that movie/show...what's their name"? To which I will say, as I am huffing and puffing...kinda busy right now but if you get me my phone I will look it up for you...This happens at least 6 of the 7 nights I am on the treadmill...:wtf: :BangHead::wtf:
Stay off the treadmill, its bad for you.
Women don't ever realize that reality exists beyond the confines of their head. I've been married 30 years and I have perfected my dumb look when my wife does stupid stuff like that.

I keep telling her that she lives her life like she is singing while wearing headphones asking everyone else to sing along...but she is the only one that can hear the music.
Need to work on my dumb look....Thanks for the advice....I
Stay off the treadmill, its bad for you.
What about driving? She is a good driver but with all the health troubles she is normally falling asleep by 3 in the afternoon.....the trip home might be bad for me lol...
The worst one my Wife has is that she can be in the same room as me and never say a word but as soon as we are in separate rooms she wants to carry on a conversation. I'm pretty sure I do things that bug the crap out of her also.
My wife does the same thing. Usually while I'm driving.
She's good for "What's that car we just passed?" me: "What car?" her: "the one sitting in the driveway back there!"
No matter how many times I tell her to stop, my wife will constantly give me information I already have.
The worst one my Wife has is that she can be in the same room as me and never say a word but as soon as we are in separate rooms she wants to carry on a conversation. I'm pretty sure I do things that bug the crap out of her also.
Yeah...this too...:realcrazy:....we can be shopping...she will open a cooler door to get something and then say something to me while she is facing the cooler....
Ernestina has a sewing buddy, Linda. Linda knows all there is to know about everything. I call her Lindapedia....I now have a note on the treadmill....
My wife can look at me working on something with hands full, you drop something and you look at her and she looks back at me and says "What ?" Where a guy would pic it up and hand it back to you without needing to say anything. irritates the hell out of me every time.
Be glad you have a wife to annoy you.

So many do not have a better half so they have annoy's not the same
Be glad you have a wife to annoy you.

So many do not have a better half so they have annoy's not the same
This is true....
you know why the wife is called the better half, dont you?
Do tell...

Sadly Ernestina is not feeling well at all. She has had some sort of neck/shoulder problem for years. Her neck has been extremely still for the past 6 or so weeks...Doc has told her that it is a pinched nerve...last night she had several dizzy spells...