How Old Will You.....


Small Block

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2005
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West Plains, Mo. to be, in your opinion? To let you get a feel for what we're talking about here let me start. I'm 58 since last Friday. My girlfriends think i'm only 40. Very active individual that as doctors recommend, drink at least 1 beer a day, at least 1, and dont smoke. Wiegh in about 185. I have no health issues that seems obvious but there are histories in the family that might be an issue, but for now i feel good. Life is fun for me and i have never met a stranger. Just some friends i've never met before. Cant think of anything that will be the cause of my death unless i get crazy with the right foot, and i do but not that bad so with all of this taken into consideration i guess i'll live to be about, give or take a couple of years.........92 of so. Worst part about it is all the taxes i'll have paid over that length of time and the misery that this alone will give me supporting a bunch of dead beats. How about you. How old?
Small Block
That is a tough one. My father died 20 years ago at 70 from cancer my mother at 92 is still going strong. Don't smoke hardly drink and only chase my wife around so go for as long as possible. Like I tell friends a terrible thing this 18year old guy trapped in a 50 somthing body.:toothy10::toothy10:
I'm only 28 but I'm gonna try to make it to atleast 60. I do a lot of dumb things that should have already got me. Still haven't bungee jumped but it's on the list. I don't wanna get old and wish I done a lot. I would rather do it and have fun now.
I feel pretty good and dont take any perscribed meds, I drink more beer then I should. Father lived to be in his 80's I heard(he bolted when I twas a lad). He was also an alcoholic and a drifter. I think I can make 80's. I'm 42, 43 in Dec.
Mothers side was up there 92-88-78, my mom is 66 and not in the best of shape. Starting with my grandmother, the woman either got lazy or had bad eating habits.

I try to make fresh juice everyday with my Juiceman Juicer.
slice of cantiloupe
1 apple
2 carrots
celery stalk.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I eat plenty of sunflower seeds which are good for the prostate, and have a book with juice recipies, one is a body cleanser, which has red beets, cucumbers and apple. It deffinitally cleanses.

So I think 80's maybe 90's.:clock:

Or it could be never know.8)
Dunno. Whatever it is, it's too damned young. I'm not gonna worry about it since I will live until the Good Lord is through with me on this earth. :thumbrig:
I expect to gone by 60. 52 now. Doesn't bother me though. I've seen nothing about being old that I could look forward to. you asked
I expect to gone by 60. 52 now. Doesn't bother me though. I've seen nothing about being old that I could look forward to. you asked
So true. The wife actually reminds me of that daily. I say I could go another 40 and she says "Why?".
The only thing I can think of is more time to drive my car when its done.....if I can afford the gas. :toothy10:
Just imagine the people who are bringing babies into the would today. :angry7:
What do they have to look forward to? :angry7::angry7:
So true. The wife actually reminds me of that daily. I say I could go another 40 and she says "Why?".
The only thing I can think of is more time to drive my car when its done.....if I can afford the gas. :toothy10:
Just imagine the people who are bringing babies into the would today. :angry7:
What do they have to look forward to? :angry7::angry7:

Youth ofcourse. Health, carefree swinging in the playground. Then love, children, grand children. But beyond those joys of this life... I give up.
Not sure, I am 48 , I used to think WTF but now I have a 2 yr old so I want to stick around as long as possible.
Youth ofcourse. Health, carefree swinging in the playground. Then love, children, grand children. But beyond those joys of this life... I give up.

Yes the wonder years. We want to be legal so bad and then when we are, the clock goes fast forward on us. :clock:
First- God knows and he ain't tellin'. Second- don't mind being dead (I know where I'm goin', do you?), just no taste for the pain of dying. But my unfounded guess is 87- with a nod to Murphys Law, I figure I'll never get a chance to drive around in an Olds 88 at 88!:clock:
I have lived a very interesting life to say the least Bill, I have helped feed the world and started that job at 7 years young and have seen and learned more then most people will ever see in there life time
I stay happy and keep my chin up and do what I can to continue enjoying the time the good lord will let me.
I'm not sure how long I will be wandering around. I've been here for just about 53 years so far. I have had 3 real chances at dieing so far and cheated the reaper so far. I am full of arthritis but my innerds are still in pretty good shape. Who knows how long I can take the poison I have to take everyday to keep from going blind. Anyway, I finally had it sink in about 6 years ago that you better live everyday to it's fullest because it might be your last.

I plan to live to be old enough to enjoy my grandchildren (when I have them) but not too old to become a burden to anyone. I'm not going to predict what age that might be.
Reminds me of a quote from the great Katherine Hepburn: "growing old ain't for sissy's". I'm 46 but I feel no different than ten years ago. When wrenching out in the garage these days, I can't throw the body around like in my teens and 20's but it's ok and those concrete floor foam pads are a great invention, Lol.

A poor diet and along with other excessive vices can hurt but stress can take years off your life, not to mention all sorts of physical nightmares. I interact with people my age or younger in business and quite a few of them are a mental mess, constantly seeking the holy grail and keeping up with the jones, not to mention affecting other people in a negative way on a daily basis. The only wisdom I've gained with age is to slow down a tad, keep an eye on your goals in life, and maintain a relative balance of laughter and common sense.
Oh, and it's never to early to see your doctor and get the "man" exam.....:thumbup:
Well this is a hard one. I will turn 18 in a few days, but I am fairly healthy! I dont smoke, nor drink. i have lived on a farm my whole life so I have been in that fresh country air most my life, growing up on a farm you eat lots of vegetables and learn not to be picky, I have never ate Mcdonalds in my life and I make it a goal not to. I don't eat fast food really ATALL! and I try to portion my food. I quit drinking soda about a year ago and I have never smoked pot! hard to believe huh? Well, to tell you the truth I saw what it did to my parents, ha ha just kidding! All in all I am pretty healthy I dont take any medication and rarely take advil for a headache. I take a vitamin C tablet everyday and I love milk! My sister was the same way as I am, that's how we were raised, not to take things for granted and to be happy with what you have and where you are. Her and I were very closley the same and yet 2 years ago she was diagnosed with a melignant brain tumor. They were unable to do surgery on it so she went through several radiation treatments and chemo. She has passed recently (August 29, 2009) at the age of 23. TODAY is HER BIRTHDAY and it has touched me that I saw this thread on here today. I wonder still today that if her and I were the same health wise, how close we are and there not being any genetic matter as to how she got this tumor, why it was her and not me...why isn't she the one who is counting on living to 90....and now im asking and telling myself that I'm healthy and figure I will live to a good 80+ now why isn't that her? I feel that the good Lord took her because she had won. She lost the battle with cancer but one the race to the Lord against everyone else on this earth. Now I ask everyone who posts on this thread to please...hope, please wish and please don't take anything for granted and REMEMBER your loved ones!


I will be 56 in December, dont look a day over 45, people think my wife (36 in december) is my daughter and my 9 year old son is my grandson. I retired last year and WAS in decent health then, 3 months after I retired I ended up at the doctors office...congestive heart failure brought on by what I think was a sudden lack of exercise, I went from walking 10-12 miles per day at work down to zero..bammm not a good idea. I smoke dont drink and have heard from more than one doctor that one beer per day can be a good thing, but I had to have one beer every 15 minutes so I chose between NO beer and prison time (2 DWIs, 3rd is prison time). Im a 56 year old kid still collecting all the toys he never got while growing up, burning the candle at both ends on a daily basis and feel that I wont live a day past 75 if Im lucky. The way things are going in the world now there really isnt much to look forward to anyway, I just cant have that attitude showing around my 9 year old.
sorry to hear about your sister. you sound like a very wise young lady who was raised in a loving enviroment
Well this is a hard one. I will turn 18 in a few days, but I am fairly healthy! I dont smoke, nor drink. i have lived on a farm my whole life so I have been in that fresh country air most my life, growing up on a farm you eat lots of vegetables and learn not to be picky, I have never ate Mcdonalds in my life and I make it a goal not to. I don't eat fast food really ATALL! and I try to portion my food. I quit drinking soda about a year ago and I have never smoked pot! hard to believe huh? Well, to tell you the truth I saw what it did to my parents, ha ha just kidding! All in all I am pretty healthy I dont take any medication and rarely take advil for a headache. I take a vitamin C tablet everyday and I love milk! My sister was the same way as I am, that's how we were raised, not to take things for granted and to be happy with what you have and where you are. Her and I were very closley the same and yet 2 years ago she was diagnosed with a melignant brain tumor. They were unable to do surgery on it so she went through several radiation treatments and chemo. She has passed recently (August 29, 2009) at the age of 23. TODAY is HER BIRTHDAY and it has touched me that I saw this thread on here today. I wonder still today that if her and I were the same health wise, how close we are and there not being any genetic matter as to how she got this tumor, why it was her and not me...why isn't she the one who is counting on living to 90....and now im asking and telling myself that I'm healthy and figure I will live to a good 80+ now why isn't that her? I feel that the good Lord took her because she had won. She lost the battle with cancer but one the race to the Lord against everyone else on this earth. Now I ask everyone who posts on this thread to please...hope, please wish and please don't take anything for granted and REMEMBER your loved ones!
Well this is a hard one. I will turn 18 in a few days, but I am fairly healthy! I dont smoke, nor drink. i have lived on a farm my whole life so I have been in that fresh country air most my life, growing up on a farm you eat lots of vegetables and learn not to be picky, I have never ate Mcdonalds in my life and I make it a goal not to. I don't eat fast food really ATALL! and I try to portion my food. I quit drinking soda about a year ago and I have never smoked pot! hard to believe huh? Well, to tell you the truth I saw what it did to my parents, ha ha just kidding! All in all I am pretty healthy I dont take any medication and rarely take advil for a headache. I take a vitamin C tablet everyday and I love milk! My sister was the same way as I am, that's how we were raised, not to take things for granted and to be happy with what you have and where you are. Her and I were very closley the same and yet 2 years ago she was diagnosed with a melignant brain tumor. They were unable to do surgery on it so she went through several radiation treatments and chemo. She has passed recently (August 29, 2009) at the age of 23. TODAY is HER BIRTHDAY and it has touched me that I saw this thread on here today. I wonder still today that if her and I were the same health wise, how close we are and there not being any genetic matter as to how she got this tumor, why it was her and not me...why isn't she the one who is counting on living to 90....and now im asking and telling myself that I'm healthy and figure I will live to a good 80+ now why isn't that her? I feel that the good Lord took her because she had won. She lost the battle with cancer but one the race to the Lord against everyone else on this earth. Now I ask everyone who posts on this thread to please...hope, please wish and please don't take anything for granted and REMEMBER your loved ones!


WOW!!! Yeah, she won the race. I want to wish her a happy birthday

Happy 24th Birthday!
Ashley Johnston!!


I will live till the Good Lord calls me home. :thumblef:
WOW!!! Yeah, she won the race. I want to wish her a happy birthday

Happy 24th Birthday!
Ashley Johnston!!


I will live till the Good Lord calls me home. :thumblef:

WOW, I thank you so much! This means alot! :love5:

She was into cars also and her and I would always get into MOPAR Vs. CHEVY lol....she has a '67 camero
im just happy everyday i wake up and dont see dirt.i just hope i live long enough to finish my car. So my wife will have some good bait. i,d hate to see her lonely.