How to clean window regulator grease?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Have my side windows out and want to clean and re-lube the manual window regulator mechanisms. I began by scraping that 44 year old dried grease with a razor blade. However, there are many nooks and crannies that I can't reach. I don't want to spend a week washing and rinsing over and over again) with soap and water (the factory grease is probably a water resistant) What detergent/degreaser/gasoline will cut this old grease out of there in one quick swoop? (small portions where the grease is thickest are still moist-not dried up yet) Thank you.
Find a tub that's big enough to immerse the entire unit.

Mix #2 diesel fuel 50-50 with the cheapest ATF you can find.

Soak the regulator in the mixture making sure the entire unit is covered....a day or two should be enough.

You'll be amazed at how well this works. I learned this method when I was a kid working in a farm repair shop. You can imagine what kind of caked-on greasy stuff people would bring us to repair from machinery and trucks and stuff....