How'd ya run against this???

Now, if it wins, and it is able to beat both of the brand X cars, GREAT. if not, who really gives a **** anyway? ITS A MOPAR!!!!!!!

We give a ****, because Mopar used to be the top dog back in the day and there is no reason that they couldn't be there again...

The Hemi 'Cudas and Challengers were the most feared cars by the GM & Ford owners in those days. They could out run their best. They need to take the top spot back or go away....
that might be true about meeting with the bean counters, but what the hell do they do the rest of their days? Talk on how they gonna spend the $200,00 they just stuffed in their pockets?????You can only get paid for doing that for so long! BEFORE the money doesn't come in any more then work begins to catch it back up again!

I hate to tell you this, all those big Execs don't care about us. All they care about is the millions in bonuses that they get each year. :wack:

The rest of their days they go to the plants and become "seagull managers". :pain10:

Come in and make alot of noise and then go back to the "glass palace" in Auburn Hills. :-x

It was the people 3-5 levels below them that actually do any work and make anything happen. All they do is go to meetings all day. We wouldn't want them to get their hands dirty or god forbid a spot on their suit or tie.... :eek:ops:

I used to have to give presentations to them and the Plant Managers every other week about warranty and what we were doing to reduce it. No matter what we did, they never told us that we did a good job, even when the data showed it. They would just bring up another issue to bash us on. :violent1: If I wanted to listen to someone *****, I would have gone home to my wife.... :laughing:

All they care about is the stock price and the shareholders. At the end of the day, they have to answer to the stock holders why the stock is not at a higher value. They make alot of bad decisions because they only look forward with blinders on, not to the long term. Not to mention that they want the stock prices up so their bonuses which includes money (Literally millions per year) and stock options. :D

The only exec that was worth a ****, they let go. They should have promoted Bob Lutz to CEO when Lee Iococca retired. No they go get Bob Eaton the piece of **** from GM Europe to come in and then sell out the company within a year and a half. He took around 9 million bonus for selling them out (in addition to the 4-5 million annual bonus he got along with a hefty yearly salary) and disappeared. Then the Germans strip the company of its assets and sell it off later. :finga:

Bob Lutz was the exec responsible for getting the Viper into production. He was a car guy and understood the car guy mentality. The others.... Not So Much....
Krazykuda, I am not saying you don't have some legitimate points, however, ranting about all what you don't like about your Dodge headquarters is completely off subject of what this thread is about. I suggest you and AbodyJoe (lol) start a rant thread about everything you hate about the new Dodges, the way its operated, and how the Mustang is the best car ever built, etc, etc, etc, instead of jumping on every thread that is linked to the new Challenger and hi-jacking the topic to turn it into a rant fest about your inner tumults that you wake up to everyday.?.? A lot of us would like to discuss the topic on the title, but every thread I read like this is hi-jacked by whiners. I will say it: If you like Fords the best, then become a Ford-fanatic!!!! Nobody cares. There must be a Ford forum that you can jump on??? It must be miserable to have to HATE the cars you claim to love, so you love to hate 'em? Or hate to love 'em?
Krazykuda, I am not saying you don't have some legitimate points, however, ranting about all what you don't like about your Dodge headquarters is completely off subject of what this thread is about. I suggest you and AbodyJoe (lol) start a rant thread about everything you hate about the new Dodges, the way its operated, and how the Mustang is the best car ever built, etc, etc, etc, instead of jumping on every thread that is linked to the new Challenger and hi-jacking the topic to turn it into a rant fest about your inner tumults that you wake up to everyday.?.? A lot of us would like to discuss the topic on the title, but every thread I read like this is hi-jacked by whiners. I will say it: If you like Fords the best, then become a Ford-fanatic!!!! Nobody cares. There must be a Ford forum that you can jump on??? It must be miserable to have to HATE the cars you claim to love, so you love to hate 'em? Or hate to love 'em?

No, I wasn't trying to hijack your thread, I was just answering some of YOUR comments.
No, I wasn't trying to hijack your thread, I was just answering some of YOUR comments.
R/T vs SS. You post a supercharged mustang: off topic. Rant about the corporation: off topic. Rant about your dealership experience: off topic Rant about your junk '85 Laser: off topic. Never mind.....
2004 Mustang Mach 1 - Purchased new and still completely stock. It ran 13.89 @ 101.


When we purchased this car Mopar still had not put a Hemi in a 2 door car :(
2004 Mustang Mach 1 - Purchased new and still completely stock. It ran 13.89 @ 101.

When we purchased this car Mopar still had not put a Hemi in a 2 door car :(
nice run in the stang. That be hauling for a 4.6! That puts the Camaro back by your door... lol impressive considering ones a 2012 SS...
R/T vs SS. You post a supercharged mustang: off topic. Rant about the corporation: off topic. Rant about your dealership experience: off topic Rant about your junk '85 Laser: off topic. Never mind.....

Your title says, "How'd you run against this???"

So I posted what I would run...

If you just wanted to compare the two cars that you mention, then make it a "Match Race" thread.

It's not like you couldn't have looked up Car & Driver or Road & Track road test articles to get the info you were looking for. Their tests should have more consistent drivers to eliminate some of the driver error from affecting the test. Some people are better getting the launch than others. I would think that you wouldn't want that to skew the test.

You don't even specify if you want data from an auto or manual trans car, or what trans the SS had. If you want a comparison, you must do a fair comparison and make it apples-to-apples.

Here's a video to help you feel a little better... It just took a quick Google search to find:


Good Day....

View attachment Grumpy Baby A05.jpg
Your title says, "How'd you run against this???"

So I posted what I would run...

If you just wanted to compare the two cars that you mention, then make it a "Match Race" thread.

It's not like you couldn't have looked up Car & Driver or Road & Track road test articles to get the info you were looking for. Their tests should have more consistent drivers to eliminate some of the driver error from affecting the test. Some people are better getting the launch than others. I would think that you wouldn't want that to skew the test.

You don't even specify if you want data from an auto or manual trans car, or what trans the SS had. If you want a comparison, you must do a fair comparison and make it apples-to-apples.

Here's a video to help you feel a little better... It just took a quick Google search to find:

Good Day....

View attachment 1714724303
Like it!!!! Hey, Krazykuda! PLease read op. I stated right off the ss was an auto. join me in some fun on my new thread "why I hate". I'd love to get ya on there! I started it all in fun, man! I had some fun with AbodyJoe on another thread. I hope he post on my new thread. Unfortunetly, a moderator is hawk eyeing it in a bad way.... :(
Like it!!!! Hey, Krazykuda! PLease read op. I stated right off the ss was an auto. join me in some fun on my new thread "why I hate". I'd love to get ya on there! I started it all in fun, man! I had some fun with AbodyJoe on another thread. I hope he post on my new thread. Unfortunetly, a moderator is hawk eyeing it in a bad way.... :(

Ok, I'll see if I can find it.

That's ok about "Hawkeye", we'll try to stick to the rules so there won't be any drama... (Except for us bickering - LOL!)

I'm not sure if I have any more aggression in me right now, as I just got most of it out in this thread and on the phone a little earlier bitching at my time share company. I let them have it! :finga:

Kinda like back in the old days, our neighbor Mr. Casey, bought a set of tires for his car. After a couple of weeks, found something wrong with them. So he goes to the Firestone dealer and rips this guy up one side and down the other about his tires. After he's done with his rant, they go outside to look at the tires.... The salesman looks at the tires and says, "Those are Goodyear, they are down the street a mile or so. I sell Firestones..." :pain10:

Mr. Casey was very embarrassed and then went to the Goodyear dealer. When he got there just asks the salesman, "Can you look at my tires, I think there's something wrong with them?" He didn't have any more aggression left after getting it all out on the Firestone guy... :-(

At least we got you an answer for your question on page 3... LOL!
Funny about the tires..... and embarrassing him!
Here is what your up against. 2012 SS Camaro V8 automatic. It ran 14.00 at 100 mph. 2 years ago I was there to watch the results of a brand new purchase, right from the show room floor. No wheel spin, track was in great condition. It was here in Illinois where there is plenty of air. A lot of "under achievement" post and threads when it comes to the new chally. I know there must be a lot of you out there that have the new generation chally's, and have your E.T slip of what it ran! BONE STOCK IS A MUST, as this Camaro was show floor stock. Lets see some true E.T. numbers that proves if the new chally's are competitors or pretenders.....

fresh off the showroom floor? does the camaro computer hold it back for so many miles at first like the challenger? could be why it only ran a 14.

challenger times will be all over the place. i know two guys with stupid little things done like CAI and cat back exhaust that are running low 13's with their 5.7 challenger automatic. but those guys can also drive. have also seen/heard of plenty of 5.7 challengers that can't get out of the 14's. the stick cars also tend to be slower because of launch issues. wheel hop, driver not able to drive it properly etc..

hell there is a guy on moparts with a v-6 mustang that drops pretty well in to the 13's all stock but maybe a CAI. thats crazy there...

I suggest you and AbodyJoe (lol) start a rant thread about everything you hate about the new Dodges, the way its operated

there isn't enough bandwidth to list everything wrong with what used to be chrysler. :)

All you piss and moaners, go do it somewhere else. That car is a MOPAR isn't that what this site is about, those cars and the people who love 'em? This is why we are ALL part of the same board forum right? Or Did I miss something?

what car is a mopar? the fiat challenger? last i checked the name of the board is forAbodiesonly. so the board is really about abodies and most members are here because of abodies..:)
Challengers were never all about 1/4 mile times. It was designed as a retro 1970, unlike the others. 2 out of three sold aren't Muscle cars, and they have a higher resale value than either Mustang or Camaro @ three years, averaging 60%. A few years ago at a show in Phoenix, I ran into a few Challenger owners showing their cars, and their wives Mustangs were nearby. I was interested in what they liked about both. The guy said if he was seriously drag racing, He drove the Mustang. if he wanted to go fast and travel any real distance, he drove the Challenger. They all agreed the mustang would require a trip to the chiropractor after any extended trip.Plus, his wife would have to bring a crow bar to pry him out of it, because of the cramped space. They were friendly, and loved both cars for what they were designed to do. I have driven the new Mustang, and there is no way I could get comfortable in it, let alone take a trip in the car. Chrysler knows who buys their cars, and they focus on them primarily. As far as being part of Fiat, Ford and GM shouldn't throw stones. GM's Design headquarters , and most of their profit comes from China. There are more than 24 recalls out right now for the Duramax truck line,and ford takes most of their profit to build plants in South America. Not to mention that sucky excuse for A Diesel truck (Ford)that you have to remove the cab from the frame just to service the engine! Neither are exactly the pillars of Patriotic America. They all Suck in their own way.:happy1:
That car is a MOPAR isn't that what this site is about

Actually, no it isn't.

If you look at the title it says "A" bodies.. Just because I like A and B bodies doesn't mean I have to like the crud that is being built by a Italian company with the name of Chrysler....

Beside, this is one topic that is impossible to answer...who makes the fastest psudo muscle car today...the last check it was the Mustang that pumps our 1200 hp..find an off the shelf Chally that will keep up to that..

However, I have enjoyed the various directions this thread has gone...but the orginal question, with the infinite variables will never be answered....
I had a friend that used to drag his '67 Mini and '59 MGA. I think the
quarter mile was measured in minutes vs seconds..
fresh off the showroom floor? does the camaro computer hold it back for so many miles at first like the challenger? could be why it only ran a 14.

The computer holds them back.

Before my brother bought his Grand Cherokee SRT8, he was at the Viper Owner's meet in Las Vegas. They had all of the SRT packages available for the Viper owners to test drive.

The engineers admitted to my brother that they have to limit the power outlet of the SRT Hemis in the cars because the drivetrain cannot handle it. Only the Jeep axles were strong enough to handle the full output, so that's why he went with the Jeep....

Hopefully, by now they have fixed that....
Challengers were never all about 1/4 mile times. It was designed as a retro 1970, unlike the others. 2 out of three sold aren't Muscle cars, and they have a higher resale value than either Mustang or Camaro @ three years, averaging 60%. A few years ago at a show in Phoenix, I ran into a few Challenger owners showing their cars, and their wives Mustangs were nearby. I was interested in what they liked about both. The guy said if he was seriously drag racing, He drove the Mustang. if he wanted to go fast and travel any real distance, he drove the Challenger. They all agreed the mustang would require a trip to the chiropractor after any extended trip.Plus, his wife would have to bring a crow bar to pry him out of it, because of the cramped space. They were friendly, and loved both cars for what they were designed to do. I have driven the new Mustang, and there is no way I could get comfortable in it, let alone take a trip in the car. Chrysler knows who buys their cars, and they focus on them primarily. As far as being part of Fiat, Ford and GM shouldn't throw stones. GM's Design headquarters , and most of their profit comes from China. There are more than 24 recalls out right now for the Duramax truck line,and ford takes most of their profit to build plants in South America. Not to mention that sucky excuse for A Diesel truck (Ford)that you have to remove the cab from the frame just to service the engine! Neither are exactly the pillars of Patriotic America. They all Suck in their own way.:happy1:

I don't know. I have no problem fitting in a mustang. 5'11 and 175 pounds. Guess if you let yourself go and put a bunch of pounds on (much like what happened with the I can see a point there. I'd have no problem driving a mustang on long drives.

Now the challenger is a nice road car. I've stated that many times in the past. But if I was gonna buy a new fiat with a Chrysler decal on it for traveling I'd get a charger or a 300. Basically the same car and a lot more functional for trips in my opinion.
Krazykuda, I am not saying you don't have some legitimate points, however, ranting about all what you don't like about your Dodge headquarters is completely off subject of what this thread is about. I suggest you and AbodyJoe (lol) start a rant thread about everything you hate about the new Dodges, the way its operated, and how the Mustang is the best car ever built, etc, etc, etc, instead of jumping on every thread that is linked to the new Challenger and hi-jacking the topic to turn it into a rant fest about your inner tumults that you wake up to everyday.?.? A lot of us would like to discuss the topic on the title, but every thread I read like this is hi-jacked by whiners. I will say it: If you like Fords the best, then become a Ford-fanatic!!!! Nobody cares. There must be a Ford forum that you can jump on??? It must be miserable to have to HATE the cars you claim to love, so you love to hate 'em? Or hate to love 'em?

GREAT POINT! This is what I was saying. we're all here for the same thing. MOPAR cars!