I demand an explanation!!!



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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As to how the "formerly known as Bruce" damn Jenner got to be national damn news!!!!
I asked my waif the same question today, seems there is a bunch of other news out there that can be used to fill the world with......... I agree 100% also 67Dart273!!
because elections are only 300 odd days around the corner and someone at CNN has a political agenda

Because being gay, transgender, gender undecided or any of the above is "in and fashionable" nowadays.

I care just as much about those peoples' private lives than I do anyone else. Zero. I think it's the millennials that are fueling that fire. But that's always been the case. Everything caters to the young crowd. Their only real competition is from the baby boomer generation......and since a lot of them lived the 60s and became liberal bastions, they are right in line with the mellennials, so we're sunk.

I don't want to know about anyone's personal life, sexual preference or any of the above. It's not something that I use to measure a person's character, so it means nothing to me.
It is the only way less than 3% of the population can get attention and make the rest of the normal genetically correct population believe this is somehow ok.

The power of news and the internet is often used by the ... Better shut up now... You get where I am going though!
News is a freak show these days. Is there really any real worthy news reported anymore
Because being gay, transgender, gender undecided or any of the above is "in and fashionable" nowadays.

I care just as much about those peoples' private lives than I do anyone else. Zero. I think it's the millennials that are fueling that fire. But that's always been the case. Everything caters to the young crowd. Their only real competition is from the baby boomer generation......and since a lot of them lived the 60s and became liberal bastions, they are right in line with the mellennials, so we're sunk.

I don't want to know about anyone's personal life, sexual preference or any of the above. It's not something that I use to measure a person's character, so it means nothing to me.

Thank you for taking the time to type this out :glasses7: Same here Rusty :glasses7:
The Kardashian women have brain washed him into wanting to be a female like them so he won't miss all the gossip when they all go to the ladies room together
The Kardashian women have brain washed him into wanting to be a female like them so he won't miss all the gossip when they all go to the ladies room together

But to him/her the water is cold!!!!
Of course all those steriods may have a contributing factor.
I'm can't understand how someone who won the Gold Medal in the decathlon in1976 Olympics decides 39 years later he now wants to be a woman.
As the Father of a transgender child I have empathy for Jenner....but I agree with everyone else...I see nothing worth the media frenzy that's about to happen.Keep that crap private and quit trying to jam it down our throats.
As the Father of a transgender child I have empathy for Jenner....but I agree with everyone else...I see nothing worth the media frenzy that's about to happen.Keep that crap private and quit trying to jam it down our throats.

Because being gender undecided or any of the above is "in and fashionable" nowadays.

how is anyone "undecided" once someone commits a gay act, they are for gay for life. There is no such thing as experimenting......either you want to be disgusting or not.

I had a lesbian hit on me before and that was her "excuse" is that she was bi-sexual. I don't think so ......gay is gay.

I would rather not hear about it either. Colorado has already done enough to shove it in our faces and heaven forbid you say out loud that you don't like it because you might offend someone.

I am actually embarrassed to tell some people that I am from Colorado with the circus acts they have made legal.
Keeps people from bashing Hillary - or the Iran nuke 'deal' - or whatever else the pols want us distracted from...bread and circuses
who gives a **** that TransJenner wants a ****** ????

Jesus H. Chrysler STFU !! every FKN channel !
Because being gay, transgender, gender undecided or any of the above is "in and fashionable" nowadays.

I care just as much about those peoples' private lives than I do anyone else. Zero. I think it's the millennials that are fueling that fire. But that's always been the case. Everything caters to the young crowd. Their only real competition is from the baby boomer generation......and since a lot of them lived the 60s and became liberal bastions, they are right in line with the mellennials, so we're sunk.

I don't want to know about anyone's personal life, sexual preference or any of the above. It's not something that I use to measure a person's character, so it means nothing to me.

This.... I don't care about celebrity lives,got my own family to worry about.
who gives a **** that TransJenner wants a ****** ????

Jesus H. Chrysler STFU !! every FKN channel !

You should! And every other natural born person. These whackos are trying to present themselves as the new norm! BS and they want your tax money at gunpoint to support thier deranged outlook on life. You will be made to care if you decide to look the other way!
Because being gay, transgender, gender undecided or any of the above is "in and fashionable" nowadays.

I care just as much about those peoples' private lives than I do anyone else. Zero. I think it's the millennials that are fueling that fire. But that's always been the case. Everything caters to the young crowd. Their only real competition is from the baby boomer generation......and since a lot of them lived the 60s and became liberal bastions, they are right in line with the mellennials, so we're sunk.

I don't want to know about anyone's personal life, sexual preference or any of the above. It's not something that I use to measure a person's character, so it means nothing to me.

Well, said Rob. I could careless.
I know my opinion means diddley Squat but here is what I think. The "real" man is becoming a thing of the past. Have you looked at the kids today? Do you see many with ambition to work? And Why...WHY do we make these fruity movie stars our role models?