I don't like this gas pump credit card thing at all.



Blazing Apostle
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
Where the red fern grows
Last night I stopped to fill up at my usual gas place.
It has been insert and remove Visa card quickly for the bar stripe read.
I didn't notice, but apparently they have changed to a "chip reader" or something.
The card wouldn't come out.
The damned thing would not let go of my card till it was "authorized".
"Do not remove card" it said.
Now this may all be well and good in normal practice.
But what happens if it malfunctions and won't let go of my card?
Or if it is stolen, does it eat the card?

Last night I stopped to fill up at my usual gas place.
It has been insert and remove Visa card quickly for the bar stripe read.
I didn't notice, but apparently they have changed to a "chip reader" or something.
The card wouldn't come out.
The damned thing would not let go of my card till it was "authorized".
"Do not remove card" it said.
Now this may all be well and good in normal practice.
But what happens if it malfunctions and won't let go of my card?
Or if it is stolen, does it eat the card?

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Get used to it, more and more pumps are going this way---------------
the car wash i go to changed and failed to tell anyone.

Lost a bunch of customers over the fist few days.
Sounds like BS to me. Here locally some local outfit got a "hacked" card reader installed. I still don't understand how that can be without cooperation of the help/ management
the car wash i go to changed and failed to tell anyone.

Lost a bunch of customers over the fist few days.
This is a change to reduce credit card fraud. The expense of credit card fraud ultimately is paid for by all of the honest credit card users. So if you are an honest credit card user, the change to chipped card readers ultimately helps you. The credit cards with chips in them are much more secure than the magnetic strip.
Unfortunately it does take a moment for the credit card electronics to sense and read the chip in the card.
Another benefit is the chip in the card is much more robust against damage, compared to credit cards that have the magnetic tape.

And it does not take the consent or awareness of ‘management’ for a trick card reader to be installed.
All it takes is some thief affixing a credit card magnetic tape reader / forewarder to the actual magnetic tape reader. The use of chip cards prevents that type of theft.
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I had an ATM machine at a bank, eat my card one time.
I went in to notify the bank, they said that they did not own the machine, and to report the card damaged.
there are at least 4 gas stations (all larger chains, one of which a BP) that do no accept my credit card (for whatever reason)
the funny thing is, they used to, until they "upgraded" their card readers about half a year ago
as a result, I haven't been back there since
Sounds like BS to me. Here locally some local outfit got a "hacked" card reader installed. I still don't understand how that can be without cooperation of the help/ management
"Help" comes in the form of apathy of the employees.
It happened around here a few times. Mostly at stations near the highway.
But the video that the news showed, had these guys breaking into the pump and putting a skimmer in in less than 3 mins.
"Help" comes in the form of apathy of the employees.
It happened around here a few times. Mostly at stations near the highway.
But the video that the news showed, had these guys breaking into the pump and putting a skimmer in in less than 3 mins.

That's why you pay inside so you don't have to worry about skimmers...
I stopped at a store to use the ATM a couple months ago. I slid my card in and it locked it in. I went through all the questions and entered in my amount to withdraw. Turns out, the store had some internet problems and the ATM couldn't connect to "approve my transaction". It took several minutes while it tried to connect before the machine finally released my card.
I've got no problems with the chip thing.
Stores that I shop at have been using them.
I can put it in and take it out at will though.
(Yes. I said that.)
Why does this thing at the pump have to grab my card and not let go?
That's just wrong.
I'm being violated.
With chip cards up here , when you setup your card, you can "tap". I had a similar problem, but I noticed the chip area on mine isnt level(edge is lifted) So my card was stuck. Had to use a folded up piece of paper to wedge in to get it out.
Had a atm at the bank eat my card....on a friday. Make sure flat n straight.
My card stopped working in stripe readers some time about two weeks ago.

Last week I tried a third gas station, and they had very recently installed chip readers.

My card worked there. It still does not work at stations that only have stripe readers.
...and the question du jour is "how long before hackers figure out how to make/hack chip readers?"
...and all the physical tech in the world wont stop stolen numbers and internet sales.
With chip cards up here , when you setup your card, you can "tap". I had a similar problem, but I noticed the chip area on mine isnt level(edge is lifted) So my card was stuck. Had to use a folded up piece of paper to wedge in to get it out.
Had a atm at the bank eat my card....on a friday. Make sure flat n straight.
Tap is only good to $100. I find it handy. In this backwoods town there is no gas pumps that take a card yet.
I quit using credit cards for gas, and motels/hotels. I'm doing "CASH" only.
I'm going back to the "old " rule of thumb for credit cards.
"If you won't have the item purchased, when the bill comes in, don't use the card."

However there are some things that work. I bought a late model car, on two cash back credit cards. One in my name, one in my wifes name. When the statement came in, I did a balance transfer to two other cards, that had a 3% transaction fee, and zero interest for 18 months. I have the cash available, but didn't want to deplete my cash available for emergencies. I will either pay off the balance in time, or do another balance transfer. (You must pay more then the required min payment)
I did the same thing, when I found a deal on some rental property, and didn't have cash available.
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I refuse to pay at the pump, chip card or not. Not worth the hassle if I get hacked. I'll take a few steps inside.
Kind of a pain to pay cash if you're trying to figure MPG.

That's two trips inside and a guess as to how much $$ to leave at the counter.
I haven’t run into a card reader that I can’t remove the card myself - I wouldn’t trust them either.

Many ATMs and credit card readers are serviced by an outside company.
A thief can go and swap out a card reader for a fake one in about three minutes.
I know I have removed the card to quick already. Never had it hold on that type of reader. I did have a couple cards sucked into ATMs years ago. One was a brand new debit card at my own bank. :wtf: I don't think these chip readers are actually able to draw the card completely in. So, I would think at some point it will end the transaction and let go of it.
I had an ATM machine at a bank, eat my card one time.
I went in to notify the bank, they said that they did not own the machine, and to report the card damaged.
I tried to do a withdraw from an ATM on a credit line while on vacation once and bills were wrinkled to the point it couldn't handle that many and started to jam. Shorted me a $20. Bank said not there machine. Never got a good response from the machine owner and card company said sorry but they paid it out, not their problem. :BangHead: