I Hate Snow!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Aurora, IN
I am sure there has been numerous thread about the snow well here is one more. I have not had school in a week. Guess what no school again today because of the snow. John tries to take me to work but you couldn't see the road because of the snow so we turned around and came home. I have two young girls trying to make it into work but guess what I am the only one with a key. They are both scared to death to drive but they don't have any vacation time to take and will get an occurence. I feel bad because they had to drive and I am not there to let them in but it was to harazardous to drive. The bad thing is it we are expecting 6 to 9 inches of snow. I know that is not a lot to some of you guys but to me it is. I hope everyone makes it to work safe and can get home. Me I guess it is another day at home. I can't wait to call my supervisor and tell her I couldn't make it in and you got people at the other office who can't get it. Enough venting, you guys have a great day!!!
All it will take is an injury or worse when someone is driving in, then the big liability lawsuit, then the higher ups will do the right thing and close the place the same time the local school dist. closes.
There is no reason to risk peoples lives to come into a pre-school with no kids there!!
I could get you there but with 6-10 more falling by 6pm tonight, there was no garantee I could make it back to bring you back home!!!
Keep in mind, I'm CDL-A licensed driver.
Some higher up should have gotten their lazy A-- outa bed, took a quick drive for themselves like us, then nut up and make the call to close.
It's cheaper for them to close the center, no pay, no fowl = SAVINGS!
I was out twice in it this am and recomended not to go out again.
Once again, we are just meat on the hoof. Die in an accident on the way into work that has no good reason for being open, it's a pre-school for dang sakes!!!!
Oh by the way the west bound 50 day cab penske truck doing 50+ mph, with the 53' dry van, comming out of Aurora this am, you need to have your newly aquired CDL license taken away from you. You are a menence to others on the road.
And they have just the opposite problem in my area. The storm that was predicted for last week didn't even arrive until 6 PM and they had announced school closings the day before. They even had the plows out by noon making sparks dragging the blades on bare pavement.
It is crazy. Someone from the main office came down and gave them a key in case I couldn't make it in tomorrow. They should have an easy day of it since I am not there telling them what to do. Who knows what them girls will get into. I know they are all scared they aren't going to make it home. Oh well, another day of staying on the computer and maybe some homework.
I was going to start a thread about this Betty 8)
I took the dog's out for a run and do there duty and pored me a cup of coffee and looked outside and it is snowing again :tongue9:
When is this going to end :angry7: We are lucky if we get one snow day a year here :bootysha: This has been the wettest white winter I can remember
X2 Betty I do not like Snow
I guess that's why I moved here 35 years ago 8)
OK, I understand how you feel, BUT, I love snow! Wintertime is perfect to do some plowing and make what I call 'overtime' money that we can use to get the cuda running. If it is cold it might as well snow, if it doesn't snow, it might as well be 85 and sunny!
I woke up to a dry clear drive way No snow on the ground....
Here we go again :bootysha: I know it ain't much but it is really coming down know 8)

SUPER BOWL IVIV 2010 124.jpg
But, what....

Snow shovel handle broke! (I'm a snow movin machine urghhhh!)
Now I have to remove handle from another one with the blade broke and put it on the one needing the handle!
Does it ever end???
Pass the drill and the can of bolts!

A man just got to know his limitations! (Clint Eastwood)

This man is only limited by used equipment. (That didn't sound good) LMBO!!:cheers: (Cabin Fever)8)
Snow? Oh you mean that white stuff that comes for 5 months every year.A way of life here,don't give it a second thought.8)

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1234 003f.JPG
You should have been 30 miles north of Gulfport, Ms. Friday morning......



Amazingly, I saw only 3 cars in the ditch in 100 miles.

I love snow...it's the cold weather and idiot drivers that come with it that I hate.
OK, I understand how you feel, BUT, I love snow! Wintertime is perfect to do some plowing and make what I call 'overtime' money that we can use to get the cuda running. If it is cold it might as well snow, if it doesn't snow, it might as well be 85 and sunny!
Sorry, had to go cook breakfast for the sleepover teen girls. Bacon takes a while to cook perfectly you know. lol
Get ready for some more snow, it's forcasted and coming. Another few inchs! Yaa-Hooo!

I don't hate snow. Heck, lots of it makes me money and lots of it. Otherwise, I'd say keep it. I've had enuff.
Here is the wife just down the road from the house, road is drifting over she was on her way home for lunch... she got over a little too far. A guy in a Chevy pulled it out. My 91 4x4 1/2 ton was no match for the 03 3/4 ton. The chevy was pulling like heck and I was giving it all it had, after 20 feet or so it popped out of the ditch. i just hope no damage was done to the side of the truck. Ill have to wait till the weather clears to get the mud off to see.

Dodge stuck in snow covered ditch 015.jpg
No she avoided hitting the quad and went into avoidance mode further to miss the broke down chebbies!
Here in Winnipeg Winter is a long 5-6 month season that we have learned to grin and bare! A snowfall of 6-10 inches can be the norm at times. We do not shut schools down until snow is between 20-30 inches at a time which is rare.
wierd winter here. We have not had anything in the way of a large dumping. Can't remember the last time this happenned (maybe in the 80s?)

wierd winter here. We have not had anything in the way of a large dumping. Can't remember the last time this happenned (maybe in the 80s?)

We are still getting snow here and would already measure to your pick nic table seat in your pic above.
Global warming heck, the earth is now starting to tilt further to flip axis. Can you feel it?! LOL!8)
Over here in northern Finland we ar having aprox 30-35in snow and -25degre celcius. Me and my -65 cuda are still loving it.. :cheers:

Edit: sorry only -14celsius now
i laugh at people that freak out when snow flies. i know if you havent driven in it then its not fun but the key is go slow and you will get where you want. our last snow storm we got about 10-12 inches and that is not alot. last year i had piles of snow that where over 4 foot tall on each side of the driveway
Well I guess it is what you are use to. I am originally from Alabama and lived there for 30 years. So when I moved to Indiana this snow thing is a whole new experience. I have driven in it before but never like it is now. Better to be safe and sorry. The girls got in and they ended up closing work at noon. So everything worked off. The whole country is shut down today. On a level 3 snow emergency. Home again home again home again. :angry7::angry7::angry7:
The kids are going to be wild whenever we return back to school. I better get plenty of rest cause I am going to need it.
We've got piles that tall now! I got one out there taller than her 67!
I got to go to town in a bit and I'll get some pics!
When I was out earlier the rottie started gettin full o beans so I ran out into the yard and he was chest deep next to me. It took some coaxing to get the beagle to come out. when he did, he was leaping like a deer! When he finally got next to us the rottie leaped up in the air and landed jaws open on his neck and completely shoved him under!!
The only thing I could see was rottie!! Good Greif Vinnie get off Lex!!!!
When he got up, the beagle shot out from under the snow to run to a preexhisting trail next to shed and would not come back into the yard.
I'll get ABB to go out in a bit and snap some pics of the dogs too to get some scale. This is the worst it's been here sense the 70's!
Level 2 emergency now level 3 lifted. Going for milk & a paper.
Later I'll have to go ontop of the barn and get the snow off the roof before our next storm comming this weekend!!!!
Heaven Help Us!!!!8)

My arms and back feel like rubber!
600mg motrin, better now!:cheers: