i just feel like ranting......



Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
Reaction score
i know we are not supposed to put phone numbers in our ads here,so,this is more of a CL type spew.
why do these senseless morons post ads on craigslist,and alot don't even put in a way to e-mail them,much less a phone number.
then,when you do e-mail the idiot 2 or 3 times,and ask for contact info,they finally send you back a phone number. you call the number,and the douchebags never answer their phone!!!!! leave repeated messages,ask for them to call back.
maybe a day or 2 later,the stupid *** "might" return the call,telling "oh,i sold it 2 days ago,sorry".
sometimes i just don't understand stupid people..........
you are preaching to the choir buddy! Out of the half dozen or so times I've tried to get something on CL it's always a bust. Been waiting on the response of a 68 Dart GTS shell for 3 weeks....
I think of it like a swapmeet
you find a part with no price on it and no one is there to answer any questions so you wait around till you get fed up and go look at something else, then when you get back and there is someone there they invariably say "oh I think I sold that"
just with craigslist you dont have to pay $10 to get in
I don't buy a huge lot off of CL because its not used around here very much. But the last few time I did, I faced the same problem - phoning & no answer. However two other times that they called back I made some pretty good purchases. You're right though, most calls/emails go unanswered which is kind of discouraging, but on the bright side if they're that way, at least you know who you're daeling with and you can move on to someone that will appreciate doing business with you. Everything happens for a reason.
I have posted a lot of stuff on CL, vehicles, parts, motorcycles, bikes, etc. It depends on what I'm selling as to what contact information I include. When I traded my 72 D100 for an 83 Ram Charger via CL, I posted no phone number or e-mail address. I wanted 'serious' buyers. So they were forced to reach me useing the CL e-mail reply. However for a bicycle, I posted a phone number but every other number would be 'spelled' out, (cuts down on spammers).
I skim through CL daily looking for deals. I hate it when I call and they say they have sold the item days earlier. I usually get nasty with them then and get hung up on but at least I got the last word. As soon as I sell something and it leaves my house, I go automatically to the computer and delete the ad. In my ads I even put, "this ad will be deleted once sold".
I figure half the people on craigslist are pretty nice and they are responsive either thru the craigslist email address or some put more info on there. Here is what I do. I email the craigslist email address or call which ever they have. If they are friendly on the email reply or phone, I go ahead and inquire further, if they are being punks or rude, I just dissipate the conversation and dont re-contact them. I dont do business with people who dont now how to do business reasonably friendly and professionally.
On any post on Craigslist, above their post is the date it was posted and below the date this is typed in ' Reply here ' with a craigslist email address. Other than than you're correct as persons who post are mostly ignorant and even their phone manners are ridiculously stupid but you can get great deals if you know exactly what things you want is worth. I picked up lots of things I needed for my home including an 8 3/4 b body rear with a 489 case for $140.
when i post vehicles or parts,i always include multiple ways of contacting me. but honestly,when i include my phone number in an ad,and a person e-mails me to ask a question,or make an offer,i have never made a deal with those people.period. ever. it's the whole hiding behind their computer,not serious,no money,tire-kicking.
another bit of humor,i have 2 B-body 4-speeds listed on another "sister" site,and i have my phone number,and all pertinent contact info on there. and i have had 5 people,....post on the thread, asking if i still had the trans,or if i had sold it yet. funny,i have not had a single one of those losers call,or PM me even.
they are not seriously interested buyers,i guess they are all just worried i am leaving them outside in the snow and mud. they are just concerned that the 4-speeds are not being mistreated and weathering i suppose...............lololol
Speaking of Craigslist, that '65 Coronet 2 door post that was on here and FBBO and was marked SOLD about a month ago is still on Craigslist. In the last few weeks he's removed the photos for a while and put them back on again. Sounds like some kind of a scam.:confused::dontknow:
I sold my ranger pick up with a blown motor on cl last week. I had interested partys use the anonomys cl adress to leave a number for me to contact them.i had 57 numbers in 20 hours when i checked back. sorry,i didnt contact anybody after the first shopper bought it. i pulled the ad. if you look back and ads gone theres a sign.
If you want to buy or sell on CL you're gonna have to deal with the flakes and the tire kickers. It's just part of the deal.

I've been trying to buy some folding tables from a lady for 6 weeks!!! She would answer my emails promptly, but always had an excuse to why she couldn't show them to us. Never gave me a phone number to contact her either, although I included mine in EVERY email I sent her. She finally gave me her address and we went there yesterday and scored a deal! She felt so bad for screwing us around, she knocked another $50 off of her price.
I have to agree with some of you guys. I usually have about a dozen adds running on various Craigslists in the area for bumpers and Jeep parts. My email is messed up anyway - I can get them but can't send them (computer is junk). I have my phone number in the add and also state for them to leave a phone number if they email me. What do I get??? 90% of these clowns email me but don't leave a number (they'll never get anything that way). Either they can't read or think I'm magically going to email them back. I'd rather talk to someone on the phone - I can tell a flake pretty easy just talking to him for a few minutes. The thing that really gets me is the guys that I think aren't flakes. The ones that say they're coming over and want your address. I've given out my address about 5 times in the last 6 weeks to those kind of flakes - that say they're coming and then don't show up or even call back. I'm almost at the point I'm just going to tell them I'll be home all day, tell me when you'll be here, come on down to a street (only) address and give me a call describing what you see - then I'll let you know where I live on that street. ;-) My street is only 4 blocks long - that ought to be close enough for them. :dontknow:
Craigs has its pitfalls. But today, the guy actually answered my email AND answered the phone. Got 4 Vitamin C painted 5 on 4 5.5 inch wide steel rims for...25 bucks! And the guy even delivered them! These rims dont have a spot of rust on them, not even in the bead. Score!
Could be like old times where you either had to put your stuff in the yard with a sign on it or pay to put it in the paper.

Craigslist may have a lot of annoying people and tire kickers but I am glad for the free service they provide us.