I Just Got A Promotion!!!!!!!

Awsome news. Congrats!

Thanks scamp360! :cheers:

I watched the video and started laughing the same time you did :toothy10:
She is a tuff ol girl and the boss to it sounded like

Yep It's time for a pup again. Thank you for sharing a great day in the back yard :cheers:

Yep Mike, you know she's the boss, lol! It was just that last "I mean business growl" that cracked me up.

I saw a stray today in the alley with a rope hanging from his neck. He was skinny and his ribs were showing. He was a black shepherd/lab mix I think, medium sized. I called him and he wanted to come but was a little unsure. I can't have three dogs by law here and wondered what the heck I was doing. :-D

See'in your pups in action always make me smile. Thank you

No, thank you dusted for all that you do. :) You put your life at risk so we can sleep at night. You are a true American hero! 8)

This is for you my friend!
That's a funny video Joe, but for a second there I thought the puppies were making those growling sounds when in fact it was the guy holding the camera.:toothy10::toothy10:

That's a funny video Joe, but for a second there I thought the puppies were making those growling sounds when in fact it was the guy holding the camera.:toothy10::toothy10:


How do you think I got the managers job? :-D

ScreenHunter_03 Jul. 11 23.17.jpg
Glad to hear Joe!Well deserved and a day off with pay!?Where do you work?The government?LOL.J/K.Great way to finish the first decade of 2000.Cheers!:cheers:

P.S Oh yeah..INDY heads???
Ok I haven't had a drink since Halloween, not that I am against drinking it's just that I have been on call since then so I wasn't allowed to have any. Well tonite is my first nite "off" since then so I listened to that song and drank my first one. If only all Americans treated me as I am treated here. Joe it is people like you that give me hope that there is a reason for me to go and potentially lay my life down for this country, people like you that deserve protecting, people like you that are grateful to have what they got. Thank you for giving me a reason, Thank you for being a friend.

Here is what I am up against. Don't click if you have a week stomach!!!


That video is harsh, and for that I am thankful for our military or that would be on a street corner here in the US.

Congrats on the new job and the promotion. Keep up the good work and Thank the Lord for your blessings!
Oh Joe !!!

I am so damn happy for you!!!! :cheers::cheers::cheers:
Glad to see her highness got a new blankie, too.
You did it man, you stuck it out.
All those Ramen noodle nights finally paid , lol

I told you, GOD answer prayers.


ps hold the 'mater juice...:snakeman:

Budwieser sell it allready mixed in the can, tomato juice ,dont remeber what its called but ive had one , anyway congrats on the job!
Glad to hear Joe!Well deserved and a day off with pay!?Where do you work?The government?LOL.J/K.Great way to finish the first decade of 2000.Cheers!:cheers:

P.S Oh yeah..INDY heads???

Thank you Pettyblue! If this one guy still has that 400 this Duster's 'gonna haul ***. :snakeman: :cheers:

Ok I haven't had a drink since Halloween, not that I am against drinking it's just that I have been on call since then so I wasn't allowed to have any. Well tonite is my first nite "off" since then so I listened to that song and drank my first one. If only all Americans treated me as I am treated here. Joe it is people like you that give me hope that there is a reason for me to go and potentially lay my life down for this country, people like you that deserve protecting, people like you that are grateful to have what they got. Thank you for giving me a reason, Thank you for being a friend.

Here is what I am up against. Don't click if you have a week stomach!!!



God Bless him and his family is right! Yeah, it's harsh but we need to know what you all do for us. God bless you and your family too. 8)

That video is harsh, and for that I am thankful for our military or that would be on a street corner here in the US.

Congrats on the new job and the promotion. Keep up the good work and Thank the Lord for your blessings!

Thanks Bama! You bet I'll be saying my prayers tonight. :)

Oh Joe !!!

I am so damn happy for you!!!! :cheers::cheers::cheers:
Glad to see her highness got a new blankie, too.
You did it man, you stuck it out.
All those Ramen noodle nights finally paid , lol

I told you, GOD answer prayers.


ps hold the 'mater juice...:snakeman:

Thanks Mary and thank you for all of your support! Be sure to tell David to get well soon. We need our Grumpus back!

Congrats my friend!!! This is great news!

Thanks Zach! :cheers:

Budwieser sell it allready mixed in the can, tomato juice ,dont remeber what its called but ive had one , anyway congrats on the job!

Thanks Freelowder! :cheers:

Must be a brown noser.

Kidding Joe, great to hear the news!

Hehehehe! I haven't been there long enough to stain my nose, lol! :cheers:

He Big man behind the bar!!
Now that you are a big boss I know you'll be all right now... let me drop a quarter in the jukebox in your honor...


Great song Mary! It's "Goona be All Right Now!" :)

Congrats Ramcharger!

Thanks Charger70! :cheers:
Congratulations Joe!! :cheers:

Couldn't happen to a more deserving person. 8)
Congratulations Joe!! :cheers:

Couldn't happen to a more deserving person. 8)

Thanks 340 Dart! Tell Tammy I say "Hey" and that all telecom people are half insane. :) Quit changing your dang avatar will ya? :-D

Very happy for you, way to go!!! :cheers:

Thanks 66340! Please, never, ever change your avatar. Everytime I see it I crack up. :cheers:
Congatulations Joe ! This is great news to hear , I feel happy for you. As I'm sure the whole entire fabo comunity does ! WooHoo!:toothy10::eek:ccasion:\\:D/:blob::thumbup:=D>:smilebox::drinkers:Cheeers buddy!
Man that's fantastic Joe!! I didn't even know you went back to work. If you posted something I must have missed it.

Started on 11/4. :) Thanks fishy and I'm looking forward to a B build soon for the duster. :cheers:

Congatulations Joe ! This is great news to hear , I feel happy for you. As I'm sure the whole entire fabo comunity does ! WooHoo!:toothy10::eek:ccasion:\\:D/:blob::thumbup:=D>:smilebox::drinkers:Cheeers buddy!

Thanks jomoper! I'm so freakin' thrilled that I forgot what the heck I came out in the garage for 4 hours ago, lol. Oh yeah, I got 4.0L HO Jeep build that I was supposed to put the bottom end together on, lol. That was a few beers ago so I think I'll wait until morning......:read2:
Well hell Joe,that's just fantastic!:cheers:Sorry I missed this thread i was busy packing a box to mail to a friend took me most of the night.It's a good thing when the ones who deserve it,get it.Looks like it's gonna be a special Christmas.8)

Life is a fast train lately....
