I love this place !!


famous bob

mopar misfit
Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
I spend a lot of time here, enjoy the rederick, great past time when nothing to do. A lot of good guys and wisdom on here , MOPAR TO YA !----Bob
Me too! I love reading the post, even if the info has nothing to do with what I am working on!
Everyone have a good day, and stay safe.
Great place, great people, I have learned a lot here. Made lots of friends its hard to believe a guy from the sticks of my could get advice from people all over the us ,and help a few along the way,just a shout out to all of you ,thanks and stay mopar
I thought this was a drinking forum! But I ran into some other drinkers, so I stuck around.. (and bought 3 mopars)
Couldn’t agree more. This website is an invaluable resource and so many willing to help. Thank heavens for this!
I like cold. Beer, every evening I wind down by drinking a few helps me rest
I`ve had the remainder of a 12 pack in my garage icebox for a couple of months, drank one last week . I do enjoy one every once in a while in private (garage) when it`s hot outside, especially after mowing the lawn. Not much of a drinker anymore !!
I spend a lot of time here, enjoy the rederick, great past time when nothing to do. A lot of good guys and wisdom on here , MOPAR TO YA !----Bob
I spend way to much time here....

Come on spring!:BangHead:
Heyyyy, did t his avatar have black hair when he first put it up?!?!?!
I`ve had the remainder of a 12 pack in my garage icebox for a couple of months, drank one last week . I do enjoy one every once in a while in private (garage) when it`s hot outside, especially after mowing the lawn. Not much of a drinker anymore !!
I drank beer everyday for some time, now tendonitis in my hands has me re thinking the yeast content...
This IS my "facebook" i could never get into the real facebook. Much better hanging out with car guys here.
Facebook sucks.
I closed mine 7 yrs ago.
They take your life story and use it to sell you stuff, like fake news stories to alter your views , info sold/shared to Google and others. Mark Suckerturd is a rich out of touch hypocrite "like most of the those types" who entertains himself with prodding the commoners and buying up entire islands to isolate himself from you the users....the very ones he made his fortune off of. lOl
One big information collector...think about it next time you wanna broadcast your life....then there are the stalkers who use it, the attention whores who live feed shootings and murders.

I'm shocked anyone still uses Facebook, how sad.