I,m not sure what to do



Asa style
Jun 19, 2010
Reaction score
Don't matter
Ok ive had some of u ask whats going on i aint been on here in a few days as much as i was ... Well craps rolling down hill fast i took my gf to the docs last week and they said she mint have cancer ... im goingto hte docs agin tomarrow .... to see whats it really is we hope im scared to death ... and the trucks just going down hill just as fast ... but i did find a good chevy from my gpaw for 2000 .... but with not relible ride to get a job idk how to pay for it ..... Im praying some thing will happen soon and that she dont have cancer ... man im telling u its funny one day all is good then the next life hits u right up side the head .... so thats where ive been yall we are still around ......... Im trying to get the title for the barracuda but thats hell i talked to him today he said maybe a month .. see yall later i will update tomarrow if she has cancer or not
Hey buddy, been wondering where you've been. Sorry to hear about your gf, I hope she is ok and doesn't have cancer. If you need to talk, you have my number.
I hope all is ok,i'm going through something similar with my wife of 27 years she has something like motor neurone disease with all the symptoms of it and parkinsons all in one.Thinking of you and your girlfriend.AL.
Thanks i will be praying for u to man , its hard to think of this my gf is only 22 been with her 5 years
Sorry to hear about all of this. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know its not easy man to not to think about it but you both dont know for sure. Try and take a deep breath and go to a happy place.Unfortunately with my job i see this to much.I hope all works out for your GF, Theres lots of signs and sympoms out there that can scare the crap out of you. If you need any clarification on anything the Doc might say,,,,Please PM me. I would be more than happy to help..........Edd...
Sorry to hear about your gf, my thoughts and prayer are with you. Keep strong, and things will be alright.
Sorry to hear about all of this. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know its not easy man to not to think about it but you both dont know for sure. Try and take a deep breath and go to a happy place.Unfortunately with my job i see this to much.I hope all works out for your GF, Theres lots of signs and sympoms out there that can scare the crap out of you. If you need any clarification on anything the Doc might say,,,,Please PM me. I would be more than happy to help..........Edd...
If i have any ?s i willl hit u up thank u man the hard thing is when she asked me if i would still love her if her hair all fell out ... i almost lost it , im going to get her though this no matter what it is wrong with her ... if i have to take her to the docs piggy back by god i will
Hoping she doesn't have cancer and everything turns out OK!

Friend of mine works at Lowes and I haven't seen him in there as much. Saw him Friday while I was there and he looked bad. We talked and he has been going through the chemo but they have got the cancer. It was small and was on the inside of his mouth towards the back. So apparently the chemo can save ones lives.
If i have any ?s i willl hit u up thank u man the hard thing is when she asked me if i would still love her if her hair all fell out ... i almost lost it , im going to get her though this no matter what it is wrong with her ... if i have to take her to the docs piggy back by god i will
Not a problem Doc. Im here for you and her if need be.Its not all about Mopar here. I have made alot of good friends. Im not smart with cars but i can help in other ways. Im only a PM away and im on pretty much daily. You take care.........Edd
Stay strong and keep the faith Doc, our prayers will be herd and answered
KK I cant call u remember i dont have that on my phone man ... and thanks bud

Ok, then I'll call you.

If she does have cancer, all you can do is stick by her and make sure that you get her to the doctor for treatments. Some of the treatments will drain her energy. When this happens, take her home and let her get some rest. Make sure that she gets all the rest that she needs. Make sure that she eats. Some days she may not have much of an appetite, but try to get her to at least eat a little bit. That is all that you can do to help her. The rest is up to her. All you can do is to encourage her to stay strong and keep fighting. Stick with her like you did with Cliff. This will be the best comfort to her, knowing that you are there for her through thick and thin.
Sorry to hear this. Medicine today can do miracles. My dad has beaten cancer twice.Be strong and keep paddling. You can make it across sh*t river.My wife always tells me that the Lord tests us and will only give us what we can handle.
Asa I am praying for you and Kristina. But you need to call me,and let me know what is going on.
I'm hoping and praying for the best for Kristina, I know it scares the crap out of a person to hear you may have cancer.
keep your head up bro, sometimes **** can get bad ,but it always gets better.my prayers are with you guys and you are a stand up guy and im sure you guys can beat this.