I need a hand Ya'll

hope your dog gets better. don't blame the pit. all dogs can be aggressive, mostly the owners fault. poodles can and are the most unpredictable of all.
That sucks.

Animals don't always get along with each other. That's just nature, but more often than not, especially with certain breeds, it's the human's fault.
Get well Dodger. Next time, bite his doo dads!!! LOL
I hope Dodger gets better and starts eating soon, seeing a pet not well, to me, is just as heart wrenching as seeing one of my kids sick. When I got my Weimeraner, Lana, she had the dog version of pnuemonia. Got her from a pet store, they didn't care and the vet associated with the store said it was a cold. Took her to my vet, he gave her a 30% chance of survival. I had to give her an IV drip every day, even slept on the floor with her. She pulled through, and is the best dog I have ever owned.
I'm sure you are doing everything you can, and alot more than most. Keep it up, he knows how much you care.
Curtis, I'm very sorry to read this. I wish you and Dodger the best. Prayers sent.
Dodger got grabbed by a pit bull and hes hurt, I had him to the vet already and they said to expect his behavior but him not eating and barely drinking water is scaring me. I been force feeding him peanut butter cause that is the only thing he cant spit out, I f Ya'll could just say a prayer for Dodger to eat would be helpful Thank ya'll............Wagg's

Prayers sent for Dodger this morning Wagg's, I hope he snaps out of this and get's back to his norm.. I know how you must feel bud, I have a 15 year old small maltees, if a dog was to grabbed by a dog of any size it would hurt Boogy becouse she is so small and fragile


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Prayers sent form our pack to yours!
Larry & Kerry and our kids, Dodger, Maybelle & Henry!


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Poor little guy..Too much like you Curtis. Cant back away no matter how big the challenge.Prayers sent for your little buddy.
Prayers sent to Dodger from me and Lucy (my rescued lab mix). Anyone who's been loved by a dog knows what pain you feel when your little ones are sick or injured. Hang in there and feed him chicken. What dog can spit out chicken???
prayers sent for your dodger Waggin. hope he starts eating good and get better soon
Curtis, Kitty says to get some Ken L Ration canned food and see if he will eat that. That's what she used to feed out mini pins when they were sick when we used to raise them years ago. I knew it was some kinda wet food, but I couldn't remember. Somethin about the canned food they cannot resist even when they're sick or hurt. ......and if you can get him to eat, he'll probably drink too.
Prayers sent waggs.

I see Ink and C already beat me on the chicken broth suggestion. That's what we did with my sister's dog when he just decided he didn't wanna eat. He always ate after that, eventually he got spoiled though and he always wanted the chicken broth or he'd sit and cry at his food bowl
He ate some of the cat food!!!!!!!!!!! I'll keep tryin different stuff he didn't want nothing to do with the chicken or beef broth????