I need your prayers!



Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2007
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Hoover, Alabama
Hey FABO, I have a strong need for prayers about a situation that is coming up Monday. I will be appearing in criminal court as the defendant in a harassment case. Anyone who knows me at all, know this is unfounded. In a nutshell, here is the situation. I am a 20 year veteran teacher and while attending our middle school's baseball game, I was being my usual self and cutting up with the kids. One student whom I was not a teacher for, wants to characterize my good nature humor as harassment. He claims I slapped him, which I didn't. He was throwing a few crude comments my way, and as i do with a lot of kids, i snuck up beside him and reached up behind his face and when he turned he was surprised by my proximity. Instead of reacting like most kids do and laughing about my goofiness, he became agitated. His mother has pressed charges, and so I am appearing in court to defend my good name. Also, sometime in the near future, I will have to appear before an arbiter to negotiate my employment.

I am not a worrier, and I know that God has a plan for me, but I know He wants me to defend my reputation as well. I am very involved in my school, the community around the school, as well as my community and church ( I live 25 miles from where I work). Please pray for me to be confident, but not cocky, clear with my words, and that the jury will be fair. The truth is all I seek. That alone will clear my reputation, and i can go back to doing what I love...teaching tomorrow's leaders to be the best they can be.

Thank you in advance for your prayers and words of encouragement!


Update: the officer who took the report and who noted the boys face having a red mark was not at court due to his father suddenly passing away. The case will be continued March 8. Thanks for all the prayers and support.
David, just answer all the questions honestly to the best of your ability and your true sterling character will show itself. If you find the prosecutor is leading you away from the point you wish to make, ask the judge to let you speak freely and then tell your side of the story before you leave the witness stand. The lawyers can't "make speeches," but witnesses are usually allowed some leeway.

You have nothing to worry about! But I'll mention your name to The Big Guy in my prayers tonight. Let us know what happens.
Prayers and positive thoughts headed your way .If you can represent yourself the way you did in the last bit in your post you should be fine.Sounds like your hearts in the right place but someone has vastly misunderstood you. best of luck to you in getting beyond this.
Thanks, Galactic_eyes, Leanna, and Jomoper. I really appreciate you kind word of support.
Our thought's and prayers will be with you,The good lord know's different.
Truth will always prevail over unfounded accusations. Have faith in God and put it in his hands. He will make it right. Prayers sent from my family to you at this difficult time.
This is rediculous.I am willing to bet ,like you say,that you did nothing out of the ordinary.This is the way you are with your students.His Mother is overreacting.Geez ya can't even look at kids the wrong way now a days.When I came home after getting the strap I would get s#*t from my folks,they would never dream of calling the school.
Try to be involved and have a little fun with them and this is what you get.I hope you get to tell your whole side of the story.Good luck.

Tough being a teacher. My mom taught school and there always was someone who thought their precious Johnnie or Janie was hard done by no matter what the situation. She loved them all anyways. It's not the kid's fault, this one usually traces to the parents. Same thing kills volunteerism in a big way. You give your time to the community and some whacko thinks that makes you ripe for a lawsuit because their special case did not receive the preferential treatment they thought they deserved. I feel for ya, and good luck with the system.
Man, things sure have changed. I had a teacher bust his paddle over my butt in front of the whole 8th grade class, and nothing was ever said about it to anyone!! Good luck on Monday, thoughts and prayers will be with you.
Prayers sent. Sounds like you are a good and involved teacher. Hang in there.
Prayers for you buddy, that the truth of the situation should overcome the accusations.

We had a teacher here when I was in high school who had accusations such as this leveled against him. The charges were dropped when most of his students showed up at court asking the judge to be heard on his behalf. A lot of them witnessed what had happened and all of them came to speak for him.
It's sad to think in this day and age of the lawsuit that a good teacher who connects with his students on their level can become the victim of such misguided adults. When so many people out there have no connection with their own kids, it makes a teachers job that much harder, not only to teach the curriculum but also to make sure that the student is absorbing the lessons. Then comes the mentoring part!! There are so many kids out there today who have no parental support or supervision, and many times the only person they can turn to are the teachers that take the time to get to know them, interact with them on their level, and instill a sense that someone cares and listens to them and their problems. What is this mother teaching her son?? I shudder to think about it!!!

Please continue to do your best to help your students grow and mature into fine upstanding adults who can make a positive impact on their communities, and lead by example to help them in any way you can!! My prayers are not only for your day in court, but also for the mother and her son, it sounds like they need it more than you!!! Good luck with your day in court, and try to make this a positive lesson for all your students!!! Geof
Prayers sent :happy10:and like cosgig said David, And said it well :cheers:
Thank you Geof. make this a positive lesson for all your students8)
Prayers sent your way. Things sure have changed. I had a catechism teacher that used to throw a full size 60's swingline stapler at us in the classroom if we misbehaved.
I'll keep you in my thoughts and pray for the judge to have wisdom. It's a shame that you are even going thru this. I don't understand some kids anymore but I'm sure it has something to do with the values they were taught growing up. Be sure to bring some good witnesses and people to testify in your behalf and hopefully your attorney has done some digging on this brat.
Wow!! Thoughts & prayers to you-- I only wished my son's teachers had your thoughtfulness & drive. Stay strong, Lawrence
This outpouring of support is humbling and much appreciated. I am glad to be a part of such a family as FABO. I have confidence that your prayers on my behalf will be answered. I only hope that the truth becomes evident.

If I can ever help any one of you, all you need to do is ask!

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
Romans 2:8-10