I thought I was a racist.

I don't know how to break this to you but you're probably a conservative. Ohh no the "C" word.
I was raised a racist and spent most of my life avoiding non-whites but I have found lately that most people are the same, nice, thoughtful, eager to help their fellow man, and it looks like I was wrong. The people I do hate are anyone, white or not, that thinks it's OK to lie, steal, and cheat their way thru life. Is there a name for what I am now?

I suspect you were never a racist. You probably were a bigot
Unless you really viewed one race as better than another.
Racist is overused and has lost all real meaning. Like crying wolf.
In fact, many statements are racial, not racist.
In other words simply pertaining to race as a description of something or someone.
Example : "The fellow is black".
But given our culture even neutral statements containing race as a description are many times viewed as racist.
I always ask, do you mean race as a biological fact or as a mental and social construct?
We could deny the first and admit the second.
Usually throws the race baiter off their game.