I thought I was a racist.



Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
Ridley Park, Pa.
I was raised a racist and spent most of my life avoiding non-whites but I have found lately that most people are the same, nice, thoughtful, eager to help their fellow man, and it looks like I was wrong. The people I do hate are anyone, white or not, that thinks it's OK to lie, steal, and cheat their way thru life. Is there a name for what I am now?
Yep! a racists! C'mon dude, that's why it's called the human race!!! And no, we are not all the same. Different cultures, colors, diets, but it is OK that we are NOT all the same. That is what you need to realize, you see? And profiling is OK too!! For example: A group of extreme Islamist that want to blow you up, it's ok to profile them.
Is there a name for what I am now?

Boy, did you leave the door open on that one.... :D

I'm fighting every urge to comment, so I don't say something that I'll regret later... :banghead:

So I'm going to stick my face in these boobs and pretend that I didn't hear that... :downtown:

Lord, please forgive me and the pigmies in New Guinnea.... [-o<
What I do not understand is "why" it's not OK to be "white and racist" but if you are a "minority" then it's OK to be racist. I could name names, but I think you get the point.

I'm not sayin' it's OK to be racist, either.
What I do not understand is "why" it's not OK to be "white and racist" but if you are a "minority" then it's OK to be racist. I could name names, but I think you get the point.

I'm not sayin' it's OK to be racist, either.
Because they say only whites can be racist. I dont understand it myself.
I could say a somewhat racist comment, but I won't because I'm trying to supress my racism. It's more of a smart @ss comment, but may be taken as racist. so I'm gonna pass and just try to let the thought go...

Go thought, be free...

I realize that it's normal to have prejudice and racism against others that are different from you. Everybody has some racism in them, it's a normal fear of someone/something that is different than you, part of human nature. I try to recognize that people are different and judge them on their actions, not their appearance/nationality.

Many people try to use the race card to take advantage of people. It's a card that's been overplayed and is no longer a trump card.
I realize that it's normal to have prejudice and racism against others that are different from you. Everybody has some racism in them, it's a normal fear of someone/something that is different than you, part of human nature. I try to recognize that people are different and judge them on their actions, not their appearance/nationality.

I couldn't disagree more with that sentiment. We are not born racist, it's a learned behavior. If you were to say we were born curious, I would agree. A lot of kids will ask questions when they see someone different from them be it color, features etc.

It's what/how we explain to them that makes all of the difference.
I'm not racist, I hate everyone equally...

There are good people and garbage people in every race all over the world.

Racism isn't just for white folks either.
I would call you a Realist.

I hate it when people tell me I'm racist when I notice a group of people that together in a group act different toward others than they would alone.
It's not racist, it's realism to notice it.

In my own oppinion the white supremists are some of the worst lowlife scumbags in existance.

Many people try to use the race card to take advantage of people. It's a card that's been overplayed and is no longer a trump card.

I think the people that do that are promoting racism, and I don't like them much either.
(No matter what color or nationality they are)
EVERY human being on this planet should be equal no matter who wants to cry about it. :)
The media is the biggest racist promoter we have in America....
I grew up in a multiracial neighborhood. I always thought that people were like crayons, different colors but still crayons. A-holes & scumbags come in every race, religion & sex.
This guy hates everyone.................

Couldn't someone who races cars be called a "racist"???
We all have the right to be racists or whatever we want as long as it doesn't interfere with the rights of others. It's when others try to force their ideals onto those without the same that I don't like.
Pardon this, but think about it. My Grandmother told me, when I was a little kid, that she just couldn't stand "n#gg*+s". She also said, "being black doesn't make you one, and being white doesn't keep you from it". I know a whole lot more white ones.
I am white and proud of it ! if the rest of you racist have a problem, so be it.
don't tread on me and I won't tread on you.
my opinion and I live by it.