I thought I was a racist.

i think this. its NOT my job to say what you are, OR anyone else to say what you are. when you stand in front of God HE will say what you are. NOT MY JOB!
And why is that?

Loved in Puna on the Big Island for 12 yrs, And they Are!!! Wished my last name was Lee so I could have gotten a real job and work! No growing weed was not an option before any one asks. Did pick bananas for a few years, Best job I ever had brainless and free beer at work!
This thread is funny and George Carlin is too. No personal comments about people that aren't Caucasian. I live in a multicultural city. (like many are now days). A new family moved in down the street. I said to the wife "the neighborhood is going downhill...a Black family moved in down the street". The dad was Jamaican, his wife is Caucasian and the kids are the nicest on the block. Brian owns a couple restaurant/ coffee shops and roasts and grinds his own coffee. My next door neighbor and I have our own private label coffee that we sell. He's a great guy and a nice family.......I was pretty ashamed that I judged him by the color of his skin. Shame on me! LOL tmm
Just an add to my post, I am more disgusted at the system than the people. Not fun to stand in line at the grocery checkout with a package of hamburger and some buns while the person in front of me unloads steaks and fancy foods and pays with a welfare card. Follow them out to the parking lot and they get into their Escalade and drive off. Now that chap's my cheeks!
This thread is funny and George Carlin is too. No personal comments about people that aren't Caucasian. I live in a multicultural city. (like many are now days). A new family moved in down the street. I said to the wife "the neighborhood is going downhill...a Black family moved in down the street". The dad was Jamaican, his wife is Caucasian and the kids are the nicest on the block. Brian owns a couple restaurant/ coffee shops and roasts and grinds his own coffee. My next door neighbor and I have our own private label coffee that we sell. He's a great guy and a nice family.......I was pretty ashamed that I judged him by the color of his skin. Shame on me! LOL tmm

But I bet he's the type guy you could actually SAY that to and yall would have a big laugh about it. I have a friend like that. Saved my LIFE by literally kickin my *** when I was on drugs bad about 30 years ago. He was an MP in Thailand. BIG dude. Roosevelt. 6-6 and 275. Daddy was in an extended hospital stay at the time and Roosevelt stepped up cause I guess he saw something worth savin. He and I can talk about anything.
Just an add to my post, I am more disgusted at the system than the people. Not fun to stand in line at the grocery checkout with a package of hamburger and some buns while the person in front of me unloads steaks and fancy foods and pays with a welfare card. Follow them out to the parking lot and they get into their Escalade and drive off. Now that chap's my cheeks!

Yup.....and it ain't all one race by a LONG shot, either. You know what I see the most of? Single mothers. No matter the race. The system is rewarding people for NOT having families. Ain't that kinda backwards?
The high school I went to school in south Louisiana was about half black with asian, hispanic and some others mixed in. Later I lived in section 8 housing with mostly black neighbors. I was raised in a white christian household by milk toast white bread midwest parents who were NOT racist. The blacks (and others) taught me to mistrust and prejudge them. They proved time and time again how they viewed me and other whites. Anybody who has a problem with my attitude needs to walk a mile in my shoes before making any comment. Without at least five years being the minority (as a white) you are not qualified. I could write page upon page of examples of crimes committed against me and my property. And yes, there were some blacks that were good friends, they hated niggers and would tell you in a second.
Just an add to my post, I am more disgusted at the system than the people. Not fun to stand in line at the grocery checkout with a package of hamburger and some buns while the person in front of me unloads steaks and fancy foods and pays with a welfare card. Follow them out to the parking lot and they get into their Escalade and drive off. Now that chap's my cheeks!

If you think it's bad to stand in line at the grocery store, and see that, try working in one, and watching it all day. Yes, our system sucks!!!
The high school I went to school in south Louisiana was about half black with asian, hispanic and some others mixed in. Later I lived in section 8 housing with mostly black neighbors. I was raised in a white christian household by milk toast white bread midwest parents who were NOT racist. The blacks (and others) taught me to mistrust and prejudge them. They proved time and time again how they viewed me and other whites. Anybody who has a problem with my attitude needs to walk a mile in my shoes before making any comment. Without at least five years being the minority (as a white) you are not qualified. I could write page upon page of examples of crimes committed against me and my property. And yes, there were some blacks that were good friends, they hated niggers and would tell you in a second.

I've had a very similar experience here too......I know exactly, where ya comin from.
I was raised a racist

the problem is that a lot of people take their upbringing as gospel when in fact parents are human and can be wrong too.

I was also raised racist by my birth parents till i was around 15.

my birth parents used to lecture me to not trust white people and they had a particular dis-like for british and muslim people. They used to threaten me that if i talk to white men that it would not go very good and i could get beat up for for getting too close to white men.......This was the main reason i resisted being moved to the USA when i was 15....i didnt want to come because i was afraid of white people, especially white men because of what my birth parents told me.

Well i am sure glad i didnt listen to their ignorant crap lectures.....After i moved to Colorado i was surrounded by white people ....they are everywhere. Well i started making friends and most of these people accepted me and now some of my most dear and most trusted friends are white people and i would do anything in the world for them because they are friends from the heart.

I discovered for myself that there is good in bad in all races and in every country despite what my upbringing said.

If i ever have kids.....i wont be telling them the same crap that my birth parents told me....i will tell them to respect everyone and dont make ignorant assuptions about people because its hurtful and not nice.

The car hobby brought new light to my life because i met and interact with people i would have never otherwise.......To me, if you speak Mopar then you speak my langauge and are the same as me regargless of your skin color or gender. :D
Just an add to my post, I am more disgusted at the system than the people. Not fun to stand in line at the grocery checkout with a package of hamburger and some buns while the person in front of me unloads steaks and fancy foods and pays with a welfare card. Follow them out to the parking lot and they get into their Escalade and drive off. Now that chap's my cheeks!

I hear stories of this all the time, lets not forget the big lobsters!!! A friend of mine works at a grocery and tells about this often.

Had a colored nanny sometimes growing up, she lived in the slums, this woman would give you the shirt off her back or anything she had. Sometimes when taking her home, there would be a gang of colored kids hanging around, she would say to them get outa here nigg _ _! She was a tough old bird.
As mentioned here in previou postings, there are bad in all races!
This seems appropriate for this thread...

I actually have Clevon Little's autograph.......a signed photo from the movie Flecth Lives.
I was raised racist. Heck even in my hometown one time we had a noose made up and hanging out throwing it around one night. One of the local police officers stopped and asked if we planned on hanging a nigger!
The town was a small town of about 6000. Pana, IL is the town. Some say it was an acronym for People Against Niggers of America.
Part of its history is the Pana coal mine wars. When the coal miners went on strike, blacks and others were brought in by rail car. Many were shot as they stepped off the train.

When I got saved, that part of me disappeared. When I moved here to Colorado Springs, 3 of my roommates were black. 2 from New York but originally from Jamaica (still had the accent and dreads) and the other from Guiana, South America.
Troy, from Jamaica is one of the strongest Christians I know and has an associates degree in electronics and a bachelors in Pastoral Ministries. Abishai, from Guiana, was one of the hardest working waiters at Red Lobster making it to a trainer position and graduated with a bachelors in Pastoral Ministries from the same bible college last year. He and his "white" wife and 2 "mixed" children just moved back to New York to start a church.
The 3rd, I won't mention his name, lived very well up to the stereotype I grew up with. Actually he was mixed black and white but had most black physical features. He couldn't hold a job, quit the Air force after 2yrs but was taking GI bill funds and living off of them and lying to the govt about going to school on top of not paying rent. He and I about got into a fist fight one particular day due to some things adding up. I worked hard to supply myself groceries and what not but in his mind he felt entitled to that food. I didn't mind at first because I felt I was helping him out. But, the more I got to know him, I saw right through his mooching ways. He was playing everyone in the house so he wouldn't have to work or provide anything.
Then he has the nerve to tell me that he talked to his "mentor/pastor" about it and that I was in the wrong!!!!
That sent me over the top right there. How dare he! I worked hard for what I had and he felt entitled to that which I worked for.....for free!
Even his girlfriend sided with me, lol.

Regardless, every race is full of people like that. I didn't let it stain what Christ has changed in my life.
I was raised a racist and spent most of my life avoiding non-whites but I have found lately that most people are the same, nice, thoughtful, eager to help their fellow man, and it looks like I was wrong. The people I do hate are anyone, white or not, that thinks it's OK to lie, steal, and cheat their way thru life. Is there a name for what I am now?

An older thread, but I meant to comment earlier and forgot. Anyway, good post 69MOPE. There are great people, and good-for-nothings in all races. And, people can and do change, for better or worse. I hope nobody judges me based on who I was 30 years ago.