I was P.O'ed, she didn't like it, either



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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So I'm just about to hang a left from MY GREEN LIGHT when this little thing goes slipping right past my green light. SO I'm "sprayin' n' prayin'" with the Canon 7D, 17-55 2.8, not an easy thing to hang onto with my old fingers. Yup. Textin'

She ended up gettin' WAY WAY back. Just as well for her. I was thinkin about callin the boys in fer a little bit 'o the conversation






nice. which is worse, texting while driving or photography while driving ?
When I saw the topic I was thinking, bring on the hot chicks in bikinis!!! However the look on people's faces when they get caught f***ing up is always great/worth a laugh.
Well, 'least I had my eyes on the road. I was "shooting blind", hence the tilt, etc. I didn't even know what she did during that until I got home and looked over the photos.
Since I got my new phone I have been texting while driving. I hit the mike button, talk in the phone, and it converts my voice to text.
What needs to happen is the government has to make all new car manufactures put the technology to talk or text hand free while you drive and make it affordable. We have to in most cases now buy all kinds of gizmos on our cars that we don't need because of the way option packages are put together.As long as these devices are being used they will be used while driving. Some people can't seem to function without them attached to their hand.Probably the same people who if they were hands free wouldn't be able to drive and talk at the same time!
Can't tell you how many young girls I see pulling this crap.

They think they can do whatever the hell they want until they kill someone.

I passed a car wreck a couple weeks ago that had the highway shut down for a couple hours...turns out some stupid, pretty young girl was texting while driving, ran a mini van off the road and onto an on ramp where it got t boned by another vehicle and killed all the passengers in the mini van.

I just want to run the idiots off of the road myself when I see them textingor merging onto the highway, not looking, with their cell phone plastered to their left ear not even looking to see if the coast is clear with the attitude that Im just coming and everyone else better get the hell,out of the way because I'm more important than all of you.

In these cases I lay on the friggin air horns and give them a reality check.
My son was just hit on may 17 th by a lady that live on the next block he was stopped at the end of our driveway yes she was texting and going rather fast.
nice. which is worse, texting while driving or photography while driving ?
All you have to do is look at other drivers to see the problem is texting/talking on the phone.Doesn't seem to make a difference in what state you are in.
All you have to do is look at other drivers to see the problem is texting/talking on the phone.Doesn't seem to make a difference in what state you are in.

Right, but my question is how is picking up a camera and taking pictures of someone texting while driving different ? Your not paying attention to the road if your snapping pictures.
All too common. I see it daily. Easy to spot, the person swerving around, speeding or going stupidly slow and looking down the whole time.
Distracted driving just needs to carry a heavier price than the menial little fines which are in place now. It technically isn't the same as impaired driving but the results can be and quite often are the same. Shouldn't the penalty be similar?

Have you ever done a shoulder check just to turn back and have someone pulling in front of you? Were you distracted because you "momentarily" weren't looking ahead? If they had shoulder checked they wouldn't have cut you off. Are they guilty of dangerous driving?

We all know that when we drive we have to watch out for the other driver as well as ourselves. Right, wrong or indifferent.
I was driving home the other night, in the left lane slowly overtaking an SUV. I was 1/3 of the way along her left side and she just changed lanes with no warning. I had to swerve and hammer the brakes to avoid getting hit ... in my neon green Dart. I was furious. She finally changed back to the other lane and I came alongside yelling a lot of unprintable stuff. She never heard or saw me because she had her phone to her ear and was yapping away. I revved up and jumped the car along side her until she noticed me. She about jumped out of her skin. I yelled at her and she took the next exit. 15 miles later, at my exit a car pulled up beside me. It was the car behind the two of us. She rolled down her window and told me that the lady was all over the road and was a total idiot. I already knew that.
Make cars that slow stop running if 2 hands are not on the wheel . Problem solved .

Not solved. If my car did that, I would have to start it back up everytime i shift gears. although, if it doesnt run without 2 hands on the wheel how will it start at all... lol
What is so important that someone has to text or talk on the cell phone while driving unless there is some type of emergency. Most of them are just B.S.ing any way.

I've seen people get in their cars start it up then grab their phone dial a number then try to back out of a parking spot.