I wish i knew what happened



Joe- Long Island, Oakdale
Dec 3, 2008
Reaction score
Long Island
I just went out and uncovered my scamp. I was cleaning it for a little and putzing around when i go to start it the battery was dead. So i go into the garage for my charger/jump box thing charge it and when i go to put the key into the ignition it wont go in!!! I am afraid to jam it in there because i think i might break something. I find it a little weird how it was just fine and now theres a problem. I gotta wait till my old man gets home from work to look at it but you guys got any suggestions?
It probably has to do with the steering wheel lock. You might need to pull the wheel one way or another to relieve tension on the lock.
My best guess... the key is worn enough that it came out before the lock cylinder was all the way to release position. Shake the wheel and turn the lock cylinder by hand.
FIXED something was jamed up in there my neighbor tweaked it with a tiny tiny flathead and she started right up! thanks
I'll bet you had a pin stuck in the switch. Try spraying a little contact cleaner in the switch followed by a quick shot of WD-40 or graphite.
Not sure what year the buzzer contacts were put in the ignition but it is quite common for then to break off and drop in the keyway.the broken piece is usually a small flat round piece of brass.If you got a buzzer when the door was open and the key in the ignition then that is probably what it was.Now the buzzer won't sound anymore.8)
Well on my 69 Dart , the key wont go in straight up but a slight turn clockwise and it goes right in. You might want to try a slightly different angle. Hope that helps .