If you are a hard core 170/198/225 guy with $$ to spend on home audio



Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
Reaction score
Apogee Slant 6 speakers


Apogee Slant 6 – info
Back in the day I had a chance to audition a fancy Infinity System that retailed around $15000, Boy that was a sweet system .
But in shop down the street, I found some Energy22s and a matching subwoofer that I thought sounded pretty good.
So I brought my own materials, and gave each a workout. A couple of hours worth. The Energy stuff was less than $1000
Of course both were better than the Bose901s I had.
I listened and I listened. Finally I figured out that at normal listening levels, the lil Energy22s were daymn fine. And it only took a lil equalization to bring the base up.
Of course the Big Infinity System would require a lil more power than my measly 400 watts @ .008 distortion Class whatever Technics Professional System could muster, ........ and the sub was self-powered so you can guess which way I went,lol. So with the money I saved that day, I bought a roll of Monster Cable,lol.
That was 1978 or so, and that system (my third) was still banging away nicely when I unplugged it about three or four years ago. Lessee that would make it about 43 years old.........
The point is this;
Spend the most you dare and then you won't have three sets of speakers kicking around for 43 years.
You need a couple of thousand watts to drive Apogee's.. they are a two ohm load,back in the day a Krell was the only amp that could drive them...
Apogee Grands needed 4 amps to power them...I heard someone had 4 VTL's,the huge 1200 watt mono amps to run them...