If your the co-owner of a Car- step on in!



Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2016
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Richmond, VA.
I watched the meltdown of family over a race car when one of my friends passed 7 years ago. When all was done it broke up a family bond and friendships amongst a group of racers who were like family for 30 years.... I shook my head!

Fast forward to now and I have lost another friend in racing. Here we go again. It's like reading the same book twice. It's not worth the details of either story but what I write next it.

You guys who do this I am happy for you. It's an opportunity to have your own race team no matter how small. You become bonded in a way that nobody understands except the ones involved. And that includes investing into the program. But when one of you passes (and it will happen!) you had better have something in writing that holds water as to the wishes of all members involved!!!!!!

I watched someone yesterday melting down in front of me over this and it had nothing to do with the car but the hurt he feels from the loss of his brother and the feeling of emptiness in all this. There are way more details however had something been documented this would not even be a conversation. Just an FYI guys....

When I was a kid, my brother and I plus two other guys went in on a VW bug. We took off the fenders, then doors. Later on, the body came off and we welded a roll cage ( I was going to welding school at the time ). Every weekend we took it to a strip mine and drove it til something broke.
I think we got all our money back by selling the parts in the Penny Saver.
Dad had cancer and was dying. He signed the Bee over to me 6 weeks before he passed away. Mom had planned on selling the Bee. Dad and I restored the car and he had it 25 years. Alot of memories wrapped up in that car. I am grateful he signed it over. If Mom would of sold it I don't know if I could have ever looked at her again.So yes if you have a race car or a vintage car you need to make sure friends and family are not going to fight over it when you kick the bucket!!

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